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The Trust in Government is Collapsing – Is Anything Real Anymore?

28-7-2024 < SGT Report 24 501 words

by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

As we head into the end of this cycle in 2032, this process concerns the collapse of Republican forms of government. We are rapidly approaching the collapse of Republican forms of government on a global scale, and I believe that this has become far more obvious since the COVID-19 scam. Even in Germany, friends think that something has seriously changed. We are dealing with the collapse of complete confidence and belief in the government itself, regardless of where it is on a global scale. This video is interesting, and it calls into question the tactics used by the government. The West always claims Putin has a double. Is the pot calling the kettle black?


Let us see what unfolds in the weeks ahead. The rumor is Biden will grant all illegals citizenship so they can change the politics of the country by creating a Democrat Progressive Dictatorship with one-party rule. Then, Biden will resign by September and let Harris become president to show the world she can do the job. In reality, she is just replacing a hand puppet and letting the Neocons continue to run our lives unimpeded as Blinkin and Garland, along with Nuland, use their Jewish heritage to fend off any criticism of their manipulations of society and thirst for war as just antisemitism.

Trump Putin Puppet

They want NATO to create a false flag before the election to start a war against Russia. NATO will be beyond any congressional investigation – the perfect cover to start World War III. Haliburton moved to Dubai to escape scrutiny over the Gulf War. They will take Trump’s anti-war stance once again and call him Putin’s Puppet. Let’s see if they pull off this agenda. Our computer warns NOBODY WILL ACCEPT THIS ELECTION regardless of who wins.

Paine Common Sense

End of Paine

We will have to go through this until the majority of people simply reach the conclusion that there is no trust left in those who wish to preside over us. The last collapse in government worldwide was all about monarchy. Nobody put it better than Thomas Paine (1737-1809) in his publication Common Sense. That was the inspiration that stirred the people to action. This is just part of the progress we see cyclically throughout human history. It is the political version of Schupeter’s Wave of Creative Destruction.  The British even issued political tokens picturing the hanging of Paine.

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