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The Abstract episode 40 “The Nazis and the CIA”

28-7-2024 < Activist Post 27 3195 words

By Peter A. Kirby

Following WWII the Central Intelligence Agency secreted over 1,600 former Nazis and their families into the United States. Many of these former Nazis were scientists who went on to work in areas applicable to today’s chemtrail spraying operations. Being that the Nazi regime of World War II had little regard for human life, lots of cutting edge-technology, and an authoritarian power structure, one can see how their scientists would fit neatly into what is referred to here as today’s New Manhattan Project. In this article we drill down and look at the specific individuals and organizations involved. For the whole story please refer to my book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.

Like the devil himself, the group responsible for secretly bringing former Nazis into America was known by many names. This group was known as the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during the war. After the end of the war in 1945 this group covered their tracks by rapidly changing names a few times before deciding to call themselves the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which was officially created by an act of Congress in 1947. Allen W. Dulles (1893-1969) and his more famous brother, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) were central to these developments throughout.

The CIA filled its early ranks with men from the former Nazi intelligence services. During the war, these men were often involved in hunting down and exterminating Communists and Jews, while being sure to secure their victims’ wealth. Most other portions of the CIA’s ranks were filled with Americans: mostly Ivy League and Wall Street types; many from Yale University in particular, the home of the notorious Skull and Bones secret society.

This operation to bring in the former Nazis is commonly known as Operation Paperclip. Operation Paperclip was originally supported by an investigation into Nazi science and scientists called Operation Alsos. Operation Alsos was an offshoot of the original Manhattan Project.

The former Nazi scientists brought in by the CIA went to work for our military, the CIA itself, large American corporations, prestigious universities, and more. German Paperclip scientists were inserted into many organizations associated with the development and production of the New Manhattan Project including (but not limited to): Radio Corporation of America, CBS Laboratories, the Naval Ordnance Testing Station at China Lake, the Desert Research Institute, Pennsylvania State University, The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and General Electric.

A great number of Operation Paperclip Nazis were guilty of horrific war crimes. American intelligence officials regularly covered-up these facts by illegally expunging evidence from the records of hundreds of Operation Paperclip Nazis. Because of this, we don’t know all of what the Operation Paperclip Nazis did over the course of the war. The worst stuff was probably expunged. But what we do know is not good. Take for example the case of Otto Ambros.

Otto Ambros (1901-1990) was a director of I.G. Farben who took part in the decision to use Zyklon B gas to murder millions of people. Journalist Linda Hunt, in her revelatory book Secret Agenda explains that he, “personally selected Auschwitz as the site of an I.G. Farben factory, which he later managed, because Auschwitz concentration camp prisoners could be used as slaves in the factory.” At this factory the slave laborers were worked to death and often murdered. Hunt tells us that, “Ambros was found guilty of slavery and mass murder at Nuremberg, but he was sentenced to a mere eight years’ imprisonment.” Even during his time in jail, the U.S. government kept Ambros listed as available for employment. At the order of the High Commissioner of Germany, John McCloy (1895-1989), Ambros was released from prison in 1951. He immediately went to work as a consultant to W.R. Grace, Dow Chemical and other American companies as well as the U.S. Army Chemical Corps operating out of Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland. At the Edgewood Arsenal, Ambros conducted poison gas experiments upon over 7,000 American soldiers. Now do you think that the people running this show would hesitate to spray us with coal fly ash?

More pertinently, some of the benefactors of Operation Paperclip’s amnesty are also known to have gone on to do work in the atmospheric sciences and other areas directly relevant to the New Manhattan Project. These men include: Wernher von Braun, Walter Dornberger, Martin Schilling, Kurt Debus, Arthur Rudolph, Ernst Czerlinsky, Hans Joachim Naake, Albert Pfeiffer, and Hans Dolezalek. We will now take a look at each.

Wernher von Braun (1912-1977) was an SS officer who developed rockets with his mentor and fellow Operation Paperclip benefactor Nazi General Walter Dornberger at the hellish Peenemünde slave labor camp. Von Braun applied to join the Nazi SS in 1933, was a Nazi party member since 1937, and later joined the SS at the personal behest of SS chief Himmler in 1940. Von Braun was the de facto political leader of the Operation Paperclip Nazis. In fact, von Braun hand-picked about 120 researchers for the Operation. Many former Nazis worked under and around him. Von Braun’s story is the story of many of his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists.

Von Braun’s early work in America involved the further development of missiles based on the German V-2 rocket which the Nazis had used to terrorize London and Antwerp late in the war. This work was conducted at the U.S. Army’s Fort Bliss in Texas, at the White Sands Proving Ground in New Mexico, and at the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. Von Braun and many of his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists later worked for NASA.

Modified versions of von Braun’s V-2 rocket were used for atmospheric sounding and satellite delivery: two scientific areas directly applicable to the New Manhattan Project. Most relevant to our discussion, many upper-atmospheric experiments were conducted at White Sands. These experiments pertained to cosmic radiation, wind patterns and temperature as well as biological experiments. The Army had an Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory at White Sands where they performed research involving the use of early lasers to probe the atmosphere. The Nike Hercules, a missile used in the SAGE program, was developed at White Sands.

The successful 1957 launch of the Russian Sputnik satellite prompted the U.S. government to, among many other things, create the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA was created in order to enable American scientists to bridge the apparent technology gap between the U.S. and Russia. Von Braun had quite a bit to do with the formation of NASA and NASA had a lot to do with the New Manhattan Project.

In a matter of hours after the launch of Sputnik, Speaker of the House of Representatives Sam Rayburn (1882-1961) named a ‘blue ribbon committee’ that came to be known as the House Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration. Wernher von Braun spent hours testifying before this committee and headed its space research team. It was initially decided by this committee that the space program was to be placed under the Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama – headquarters of von Braun’s Peenemünde rocket group.

When President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act in 1958, creating NASA, the House Select Committee on Astronautics and Space Exploration went out of existence. A permanent, standing House committee by the name of the Committee on Science and Astronautics, chaired by Representative Overton Brooks (1897-1961), was then established. The House Committee on Science and Astronautics lives on today as the House Committee on Science and Technology. The House Committee on Science and Technology has held numerous hearings on geoengineering.

Von Braun and approximately 120 of his fellow Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists were officially transferred to NASA on July 1, 1960. As the first director of NASA’s sprawling Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, von Braun worked with his fellow former Nazis producing the rockets that would launch America’s first satellite and, separately, the gigantic Saturn rockets designed to take Americans to the moon. But more important to this discussion are his contributions to the field of atmospheric science.

At NASA von Braun helped to further develop modified versions of the German V-2 rocket for use in atmospheric soundings. As part of his work in the atmospheric sciences, von Braun also participated in operations Argus and Hardtack which involved detonating nuclear bombs in the high atmosphere (lower-ionosphere). These operations allowed our scientists to better map the auroral electrojet – a major aspect of our planet’s space weather, which has a direct effect on the weather we experience daily down here in the troposphere. It is interesting to note that operations Argus, Hardtack, Starfish and other similar operations were funded and coordinated by the newly formed Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). ARPA was founded in 1958 with the help of von Braun’s boss at the Redstone Arsenal, Major General John Bruce Medaris (1902-1990).

Because weather satellites play an important role in the NMP, it is also very interesting to understand that von Braun apparently had something to do with the production of the first line of dedicated American weather satellites. Dr. Neufeld writes in his book Von Braun: Dreamer of Space, Engineer of War, “When the Defense Department made it clear in early 1958 that space reconnaissance was an air force mission, a typically inventive von Braun told an RCA engineer: ‘Let’s look at clouds!’ The army/RCA proposal evolved into a weather satellite project that later went to NASA as Tiros.” Tiros was the first line of American satellites dedicated to weather observation.

We will now take a look at some other Operation Paperclip scientists. Von Braun’s mentor Walter Dornberger (1895-1980) was the head of V-2 rocket development at the Peenemünde slave labor camp. Later in the war, Dornberger also convinced Hitler to build the Nordhausen rocket factory where at least 20,000 prisoners from the nearby Dora concentration camp were worked to death. After the war, he was initially interned in British POW camps, but in 1947, immediately after his release, he went to work on a classified rocketry program at the then Wright Field near Dayton, Ohio. Today this installation is known as Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and it is the most probable location used to develop the proprietary aircraft of today’s chemtrail fleet. Please see my book. Dornberger went on to become a senior Vice President of the Bell Aerosystems Division of the Textron Corporation. He was never officially questioned about his role at the Peenemünde death camp.

Martin Schilling (1911-2002) was as well a developer of the German V-2 rocket during WWII. In 1958 he went to work for Raytheon where he went on to attain the rank of vice president for research and engineering. Evidence suggests that Raytheon manages much if not all of the directed electromagnetic energy portions of today’s New Manhattan Project.

Kurt Debus (1908-1983) was a member of the SS, the SA Brownshirts, and two other Nazi groups. He was also the V-2 flight test director at the Peenemünde slave labor camp. Debus went on to become the first director of NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. As we have seen, NASA has produced many technologies pertinent to the New Manhattan Project. Over the course of his work in America, Dr. Debus launched more than 150 missiles and space vehicles including the USA’s first earth satellite Explorer I. Debus was part of a group of German Paperclip scientists working on rockets under von Braun known as the Army’s Guided Missile Development Division.

Arthur Rudolph (1906-1996) was the director of NASA’s Saturn V rocket program designed to send Americans to the moon and the former head of production at the Mittelwerk slave labor death camp.

Ernst Czerlinsky, a former member of the Nazi SS, went to work at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center. The Air Force Cambridge Research Center did work on technologies later used in the New Manhattan Project such as advanced air traffic control systems and ionospheric heaters.

Hans Joachim Naake was a radar specialist. Radar, and specifically over-the-horizon radar, plays an important role in the development of the New Manhattan Project as these things are the predecessors of the ionospheric heaters which modify the weather as part of today’s New Manhattan Project. Being that Naake was a radar specialist, he was probably working on over-the-horizon radar because that was (along with longitudinal radar) the most cutting edge radar technology of his time.

At the U.S. Army’s Edgewood Arsenal, Albert Pfeiffer, a high-ranking Nazi scientist during the war, worked on new ways to disseminate airborne chemical warfare agents. Does that sound familiar?

Lastly, Hans Dolezalek (1912-2015) was a distinguished German meteorologist who worked for the Wehrmacht Weather Service during WWII. He was also an early member of the Nazi SA Brownshirts. Dolezalek visited America in 1958 in order to attend a major meteorological conference and subsequently accepted a job with AVCO (Aviation Corporation) in Wilmington, Massachusetts. In 1985, AVCO was acquired by the aforementioned Textron for $2.9B. With this acquisition, Textron nearly doubled in size. Initially the acquired AVCO became a division of Textron known as Textron Defense Systems. Textron Defense Systems evolved into today’s Textron Systems Weapons & Sensor Systems – a leader in intelligence-gathering capabilities and ‘advanced protection systems.’ Dolezalek has worked extensively in the vein of the New Manhattan Project (NMP). He has done lots of work in the area of atmospheric electricity and artificial ionization. He has also done work for the Office of Naval Research – an organization with strong implications for the development of the NMP. Dolezalek continued his work in atmospheric electricity until at least 1999 when he was a member of the international commission to NASA’s 11th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity.

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Operation Paperclip had the official support of the United States and its military. This means that many high-ranking U.S. military officers were fully aware of the situation and what was going on. Although most military officers aware of this program were undoubtedly not happy about it, at least one was enthusiastic. Enjoying secretly bringing in the former Nazis was Army Air Corps Colonel Donald L. Putt (1905-1988).

The aforementioned Wright Field was where all the information gathered by the aforementioned Operation Alsos and other similar operations was organized and archived. By the Fall of 1946, there were 140 former Nazi scientists working under Colonel Putt at Wright Field. They included: Theodor Zobel, Adolf Busemann, General Herhudt von Rohden, and Rudolf Hermann. Although many of Putt’s Nazis were known to have committed heinous acts of violence during the war, Putt coddled, protected, and covered for his subordinates every step of the way.

Putt went on to be promoted to the rank of lieutenant general and to become the military director, as well as the director of research and development of the USAF Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). At the SAB, Putt worked closely with people heavily implicated in the development of the NMP such as Theodore von Kármán (1881-1963) and T.F. Walkowicz (1920-1983). Putt also served on Vannevar Bush’s National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) – the precursor to NASA. To top it off, Putt was deeply involved in the creation of the MITRE Corporation.

A top-ranking CIA man named Frank Wisner (1909-1965) handled the CIA investigations of all Operation Paperclip Germans and helped obtain visas for Paperclip scientists. Wisner was the CIA officer who formally accepted the surrender of Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen (1902-1979). Later, as director of the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination, Wisner was also instrumental in the founding and later purchase of Civil Air Transport (CAT). As detailed in a previous article and video, CAT is one of the logical predecessors of today’s dedicated chemtrail fleet. Wisner may be most famous for being the CIA man who ended up going crazy and blowing his brains out with his son’s shotgun.

Frank Wisner’s son Frank Wisner, Jr. went on to serve as a U.S. ambassador to: Zambia, Egypt, the Philippines, and India. He has also served as the U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and the Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs. Most curiously though, Jr. was serving as the acting Secretary of State in 1996 when the large-scale domestic spraying operations began.

The CIA, working with the help of a former Nazi, is on record as having sponsored domestic aerial spraying of biological agents. With the help of former Nazi Kurt Blome (1894-1969), a researcher by the name of Frank Olson (1910-1953) and another by the name of Norman Cournoyer conducted CIA sponsored research out of Camp Detrick, Maryland. David Talbot in his masterpiece The Devils Chessboard writes:

“After the war, they [Olson and Cournoyer] had traveled around the United States, supervising the spraying of biological agents from aircraft and crop dusters. Some of the tests, which were conducted in cities like San Francisco as well as rural areas in the Midwest, involved harmless chemicals, but others featured more dangerous toxins. In Alaska – where the two men sought to stage their experiments in an environment that resembled wintertime Russia – ‘We used a spore which is very similar [to] anthrax,’ Cournoyer recalled. ‘So to that extent we did something that was not kosher.’ One of their research colleagues, a bacteriologist named Dr. Harold Batchelor, learned aerial spray techniques from the infamous Dr. Kurt Blome, director of the Nazis’ biological warfare program.”

Frank Olson was the guy who, one week after being covertly dosed with Central Intelligence Agency LSD, died when he leapt (or was pushed) from a tenth floor window of the Statler Hotel in midtown Manhattan.

Nazi biological warfare research, led by Dr. Kurt Blome, included experimentations on prisoners in concentration camps. Blome was later hired by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to conduct new biological weapons research.

In 1962, the organization that oversaw Operation Paperclip was disbanded. What remained of the Paperclip program was taken over by the Pentagon’s Research and Engineering Department: an Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) division. Today this department is known as the Department of Defense Research and Engineering Enterprise; a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) department. Operation Paperclip was folded into DARPA. The evidence suggests that DARPA has been overseeing the New Manhattan Project from the beginning and on through to today.

Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website

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