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Video: The Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump – Consequences and Perspectives

28-7-2024 < Global Research 28 2615 words

Let me begin with a quote from Charles Kovess, our moderator’s introduction:

“We come with an attitude and perspective of LOVE not FEAR. FEAR is the opposite of LOVE. Fear squashes you, suppresses you, depresses you, and steals your freedom. LOVE, on the other hand, expands you, energizes you, enhances you and inspires you to fight for freedom.”

This says it all.

It is a challenge, and I try to embrace that challenge whenever I feel threatened to deviate from the precept of LOVE over Fear.



Full transcript is below.

So, today the idea is to analyze dissect and reconstruct the multiple dimensions of the assassination attempt of the Republican nominated presidential candidate, Donald Trump

The topic I would like to address is Donald Trump, the assassination attempt, in as many dimensions and ramifications as possible. Because there is much more behind it than a 20-year-old kid who can hardly hold a rifle.

And who has been shot dead so he can no longer speak – probably speak the truth or speak to the truth.

Now that Biden has quit the race for his second-term Presidency – and nominated Kamala Harris  whose nomination still needs to be confirmed by the National Democratic Convention (DNC, Chicago, 19 August 2024) – it seems obvious that the Democrats once more plan to rig the elections and put their candidate into the Presidency, like they did in 2020, with Joe Biden.

Most true analysts are now unanimous – in that Trump won the 2020 elections by a landslide. Remember Trump was ahead on every front until about midnight of election day, November 3, 2020.

Then there was a sudden about 3-hour break in election reporting – never really explained – and in the early morning hours, suddenly Biden was leading. The official explanation was that the mail-in votes made the difference.

What a joke! Still, at first most people believed it.

Should an election fraud happen again this November, it would not be far-fetched to foresee a civil war breaking out.

In fact, what is called “predictive planning” has already been put in place: the non-Hollywood movie, “Civil War” that was released in April 2024 around the world.

It predicts a scenario where the United States is politically divided, by region, and people fight each other, mercilessly.

As you may know, the world is currently pretended to be run by a Cult for many decades. Cult tradition has it that for their often-evil plans to realize, they must warn people in whatever convoluted ways they may choose – movies is one way. 

Image: Leave the World Behind film poster (Licensed under Fair Use)


Remember the also recent film “Leave this World Behind” made by the Obamas, Barack and Michelle Obama — it predicts a monster cyberattack in an unidentified place. Was the recent Microsoft cyber “event” that screwed up flying, brought computers, internet to a halt worldwide just a trial for something much larger to come? 

But back to Presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Speculations about who was behind the assassination attempt and why – and why they failed — abound. By the dozens. So, let us not dwell too much on these details, of which right or wrong we may never know – unless a full insider, brave whistleblower comes to the fore and tells the world the truth… possibly risking his or her life. We will see. 

That the Deep State, or whatever you want to call this diabolical globalist “class” intent in taking over the world, is behind this assassination attack is fairly certain.

Evidence emerges that on this crucial day, Saturday, July 13, at a Trump campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, there were at least three shooters. This according to acoustic analysis presented by Mike Adams and Chris Martenson – the link can be displayed on screen, see this.

And here is another – blurred – video, trying to prove another shooting theory.

… And so on – and so on.

Some say, Trump, an actor, instigated this event himself, to propel his popularity – and the blood was just Hollywood blood…

What about the killed Trump supporter and the badly injured two rally participants?

Would Trump allow somebody to be killed to help boost his popularity?

I believe, I can say with certainty – NEVER.

In addition of his high ethics and love for his country – have you heard his speech at the RNC in Milwaukee? He does not need a popularity boost.

Against what most mainstream has to say, Donald Trump’s popularity is higher than ever. He does not need to boost it with a “fake” event.

At least five shots, probably more, were fired in rapid succession. It is well possible that some of them were blanks, to make believe.

Did the alleged killer, Thomas Matthew Crooks, even fire a shot? There is no proof, and there may never be. The young man, almost a boy, is dead. Silenced, by the sharpshooters, who apparently have known about him, observed him for minutes before, but didn’t do a thing about him.

The usual question is cui bono?

The simple answer is: MANY, but mostly the so-called Deep State, or the diabolical Dark Cult. They are identical and are acting not just in the US, but all over the world, especially for now, the western world.

Trump, of course, does not need the additional publicity.

If elections were held today, mind you, honest elections, he would win by a landslide. 

First the Dems in the US, and so-called socialists throughout the Western world, have sold their soul to the Globalist Agenda.  We are talking about the fake “leaders”, not necessarily the people. There is probably lots of lots of money involved, and – yes, threats, including life threats – as we know from the covid years… when the norm was, “better behave, or else…. 

For the nefarious Globalist clan, there is much at stake with a Trump election, an anti-globalist, nationalist, fighting for a sovereign United States, fighting for MAGA – Make America Great Again. 

Did you know, or do you remember, in his last speech as President of the United States at the 2020 UN General Assembly – he said among many things, something very important that the mainstream tried to ignore:

He pointed to the national leaders in the UN GA Aula, calling upon all of them, to Make Their Country Great Again.  

That, of course did not please the globalists. And the perspective of this principle prevailing in in a new Trump Administration, is for sure not appreciated by those who are aspiring a One World Order, with a One World Government, and with a One World Digital Currency.

All of which the vast majority of people of this world do NOT want. And Trump presents much more the people’s will – worldwide, not just in the US of A – than any other candidate the US could muster.  


  • Trump would be a Peace President. His record of the past indicates as much. He is the only US President who did not start a war during his presidency. To the contrary, he prevented wars, or escalation of wars, which would have been almost for sure blown-up conflicts under a Hillary Clinton presidency.

  • Trump made Peace with North Korea. His surprise visit to the DPRK or North Korea, meeting the President Kim Jong UN, stepping with him, side by side, across the 38th Parallel, separating South from North Korea, are historic events. 

Who knows, they may be the precursor to a re-unification between the two Koreas, under a Trump Presidency.

For certain an idea disliked by the Globalists.

  • Trump also eased the tension in Syria, by withdrawing troops, rather than escalating the ever-ongoing war of attrition, which eventually was brought to a halt through President Putin’s intervention. It would not be far-fetched to speculate that Trump talked to Putin about such an arrangement.

  • Trump avoided other conflicts. And guess who was very unhappy about this? Of course, the war industry. They thrive on wars and conflicts – it is their multi-trillion dollar business perspective for the future. Accumulating huge profits by killing.

That is the globalist agenda. Going to war until the entire world is submissive to the WEF / UN / BlackRock agenda. That will never happen. As we see – wars will be eternal and Peace is an interference in the Globalist Agenda.

But PEACE will prevail.

People do not seem to understand this.

  • Trump is also against NATO – another money-making war machine. He has said on many occasions that NATO’s necessity ceased with the end of the Cold War. So, since 1991 with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the West had no longer a reason to perpetuate NATO, other than to continue the west’s warrior agenda throughout the world.

There are close to 1,000 US military bases around the world. Most of them surrounding China and Russia. – Imagine Russia and / or China would only have a fraction of those in Mexico or Central America or otherwise close to the US.

  • Presidential candidate Trump is also vehemently against illegal immigration – precisely the thing that President Biden promoted – illegal immigrants have entered the US by the tens of millions during the Biden Administration. Most of them are now given all the rights of American citizens, including the right to vote on 5 November — and guess, whom they are going to vote for?

That is part of the voting scam being prepared by the Democrats. 

  • There are now more sophisticated means of rigging elections. Brain manipulations through 5G and other AI-type means – mostly unnoticed by the voters concerned.

See these two articles:

The Brain Is the Battlefield of the Future. The WEF’s Stated Objective Is “Altering the Human Being”

By Peter Koenig, July 20, 2024

The WEF’s Obsession with AI and Brain Chipping. “We” Can Create an AI System “Where we Don’t even Need Democratic Elections” Klaus Schwab

By Peter Koenig, July 22, 2024

  • Trump has also strong words against the New Green Agenda scam – the mandated electric cars, the waste of energy by abandoning the use of almost endless, the solar-panel fields forever; while quantities of hydrocarbons – which we know will never be abandoned, at least not in the foreseeable future, are readily available. 

As we know, this global warming / climate change hoax started officially at the first international environmental conference, in June 1992, in Rio de Janeiro hosted by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED).

Since then, the talk about CO2 producing hydrocarbon use was perpetuated until this day: CO2, had to be reduced drastically. 

  • At the time of UNCED, in 1992, 87% of all energy used in the world stemmed from gas and oil; today the percentage has hardly moved – it is officially about 85% – and the difference between then and now, is well within the margin of errors. 

And Donald Trump knows it. The world economy will continue to depend on hydrocarbon for many years to come, unless and until there is a major breakthrough in a so far unknown, or not publicized source of energy.

  •  Presidential candidate Trump also wants to bring back outsourced jobs, car manufacturing was singled out in his Nomination Speech – and many other manufacturing industries, creating jobs at home – all part of the MAGA agenda.

  • The public roared in applause, on many occasions, when Trump spoke for 132 minutes – the historic longest Presidential nomination acceptance speech, in Milwaukee on July 18. The speech was watched in a full RNC arena, close to 100,000 people – and worldwide by 25.4 million on TV and Youtube.

All these Trump ideas, and many more, are contrary to the Globalist agenda of further destroying the world, of forcefully putting the world’s 194 countries under one roof, under one Government, with one eventually digital currency.

This will not happen.

Our collective thinking has enormous power – more power than those “thinkings” bought by money, or coerced by threats. We must remain confident in ourselves, in our power of humanity, in Love that unites us.

All things being equal, not Kamala Harris, nor anybody else has the charisma and the conviction power and – indeed – the love for his country and for humanity, as Presidential nominee Trump does – which is a clear message coming through his acceptance speech. 

Mind you – not all he says is right, far from it – but overall, his body language does not betray, and what he says are, as he calls them rightly – “common sense ideas”.

And that is what the world needs these days. Back to law and order, to a world in equilibrium – away from the infamous “rules-based order”.

Let us hope Donald Trump will be protected from now forward and that the light is indeed overcoming darkness for a more just and balanced world.


Before closing, please allow me to remember Reiner Fuellmich, the German Lawyer, who has been fighting for human freedom, especially against the worldwide Covid tyranny, but also all that followed and is still oppressing humanity.

Reiner is a Humanist. He has been illegally kidnapped in Mexico by the German Government last October and flown to Frankfurt, where he was arrested for no crime at all – just for telling the truth. As of this day, he has not been convicted of anything, but is still in pretrial detention, and in jail in Germany.

Let me call on the world of ethics and justice to call on the German Government to FREE Reiner Fuellmich NOW.

I am ending with this note – and open the floor for questions and comments.

Thank you for listening.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

Featured image is by Evan Vucci / Fair Use
