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Trump is a multi-billionaire, so WHY does he rely on the DEEP STATE that absolutely hates him to provide him with a Secret Service detail for a political rally?

27-7-2024 < Natural News 41 1075 words

Trump is a multi-billionaire, so WHY does he rely on the DEEP STATE that absolutely hates him to provide him with a Secret Service detail for a political rally?

President Donald J. Trump is currently worth $7.5 billion. Trump’s net worth even jumped up a billion dollars after the assassination attempt. Imagine that. During Trump’s presidency, Trump hotels charged the Secret Service over $1,000 per night, and this continued after he left office. Was he paranoid or just smart? Trump even uses secret service to protect those around him. Maybe it wasn’t so smart after all, to utilize services for protection from some folks who report directly to the Deep State (CIA, FBI, Globalists), currently, who are pulling out all the stops to prevent Trump from being elected President again in November. That's like using foxes to guard the hen house.

Federal authorities are still supposedly investigating the attempted assassination of Trump, and the Secret Service director recently answered in-depth questions about the preparations, actions and lack of reactions to the shooter, who was identified, called out before hand, approached and who supposedly aimed his rifle at police, who STILL did not try to stop him from laying on an almost flat roof, taking aim at Trump, and firing off several rounds that killed people.

So, the question looms: Why did Trump utilize a protective service run by the very people who want him dead, and who said just days before (including Resident Biden) that he needed to be put directly in the “bullseye” and wasn’t prepared for the unique challenge that was coming his way? Why, if you are a multi-billionaire worth 7.5 billion dollars, do you choose to have your enemies to “guard” you at the most volatile politically charged time in history, at a farm rally, with no security cameras, and no anti-sniper snipers on ALL the rooftops around you? Why not just hire independent contractors who are vetted, reliable, competent and aren't Trump haters? Trump has the money to pay for HIS OWN protection. It sounds like pure common sense, even though hindsight is 20/20.

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Recall the Parkland School mass shooting in Florida, where police/swat teams stood down and let the whole thing happen, just like the Trump assassination attempt

In February of 2018, an expelled student from a Parkland high school casually walked into the school, without having to go through any security guards or metal detectors, and shot 17 people dead, and wounded that many more. That was the deadliest shooting at a high school in U.S. history, and it could have easily been prevented or stopped in its tracks, lives saved, and simple safety and commonsense protocol followed.

The same goes for the Trump assassination attempt. The Secret Service supposedly had control of the perimeter of the fairgrounds where the whole rally took place, but they did not have any security cameras rolling, no drones overhead and pathetic hired help that replaced the real Secret Service (who were all protecting the useless Jill Biden at her own gala). These hired hands don’t even know how to holster a gun, and they all seemed super-panicky when trying to do their job of securing the area.

It all seems too suspicious, and every day more evidence rears its ugly head about massive holes in the security protocol and a very suspect CLEAR PATH for a haphazard lone shooter to carry out an execution of a former U.S. President that he obviously could not have planned by himself.

The head of Secret Service has been briefed and claims Secret Service did in fact meet with the local snipers earlier in the day of the shooting, so they “knew the plan.” And what plan was that? The one where snipers stay off the nearly flat roof closest to Trump, but hang out on a more slanted rooftop a football field away, where they took aim at the shooter for a while, as the shooter had Trump in his sights, and while the shooter took more than half-a-dozen shots at Trump?

Americans need to hear some court testimony from these “Secret Service” workers, the Director and the hired help, who seemed to all be in cahoots to STAND DOWN, just like the cops and the swat team at the Parkland school massacre.

So far, the U.S. Secret Service is claiming sole responsibility for the “implementation and execution of security” at Trump’s Pennsylvania rally. Yes, they took care of the “execution” well by standing down and letting it almost happen. Great job. Looks like SS Director Kimberly Cheatle has some explaining to do and it better make more sense than some anti-sniper snipers being scared to death to stake out on a roof with a 10-degree slant.

You just imagine the scene now, at the gate, before the Trump rally started, where Secret Service were supposedly trying to do their job and keep the area safe. “Excuse me sir, what’s in those huge bags, and what’s with the 5 and 10-foot ladders?” “Oh, no worries officers, it’s just a long gun with a scope, a tripod to keep it steady, some remote controls for drones, a homemade bomb, a detonator for that bomb, a bullet-proof vest, some 30-round magazines, a few encrypted cell phones, a range finder, and a bottle of water.” “Well, what are you waiting for then, son, head on in, and have a blast.”

Keep your truth news in check by adding to your favorites list and tuning in daily for updates about the upcoming collapse of the Demonic Democrats. It sure does look like extreme liberals can be "domestic terrorists," who are hired and aided by the Deep State to commit horrific acts of violence.

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