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Despite the evidence, the Australian drug regulator denies DNA contamination in covid injections

26-7-2024 < SGT Report 25 845 words

by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

After years of researching mRNA injections and documenting adverse events, we are just beginning to scratch the surface of the depth of corruption in the marketing, manufacturing and militarisation of the covid injections.

Scientists and doctors, journalists and elected officials, parents and students – people from all walks of life, of all ages and with all differing levels of education are joining in on the fight to find out what was pushed on the public, who was behind it and its impact on public health – both now and into the future.


Two years ago, Australian journalist Rebekah Barnett is one of those who joined in the fight.  For a year she has been communicating with the Therapeutic Goods Administration on the DNA contamination found in covid injections. But until now, they had neither confirmed nor denied the presence of high levels of DNA contamination.

Yesterday, journalist Rebekah Barnett joined immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose on CHD TV to discuss the DNA contamination of the covid injections.

“I’m not inclined to drop this topic,” Barnett said, “because this is the 100-day vaccine platform now.  Everything going forward, obviously there’s going to be exceptions to that, but really the future is mRNA vaccines.”

“I’m concerned with: well, if you’re not admitting the problems with 1.0, then what happens once you make everything mRNA,” she added.

The 100-day vaccine mission aims to develop safe and effective vaccines against emerging infectious diseases within 100 days of identification. This ambitious goal was first proposed by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (“CEPI”) and has been endorsed by governments worldwide, including the UK government, which designated it as the “100 Days Mission”.

At the time of writing, Dr. Rose and Barnett’s discussion, which was being aired live, had not yet concluded so instead of writing about it, we have republished an article Barnett published yesterday, shortly before she joined Dr. Rose.  You can watch the discussion between the two ladies below.

CHD TV: DNA Contamination and VAERS Data, 24 July 2024 (60 mins)

If you are unable to watch the video above on Rumble, you can watch it on the CHD TV website HERE.

By Rebekah Barnett, 24 July 2024

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (“TGA”) denies that the Pfizer mRNA covid vaccine is contaminated, as at least four independent labs around the world claim to have detected plasmid DNA contamination in vials of the mRNA Pfizer and Moderna injections, most well over regulatory limits.

I have been communicating with the TGA about the contamination findings since last year, when I first wrote about ‘Covid vaccines and your DNA – what the science tells us (and what it doesn’t), for Umbrella News.

Until now, the TGA had neither confirmed nor denied the presence of high levels of DNA contamination. But in a recent email communication to me, a spokesperson for Australia’s drug regulator finally stated unequivocally: “The Pfizer covid vaccine is not contaminated.”

The denial comes as several new studies of DNA contamination in the mRNA injections are due to be released within the month.

Dr. Jessica Rose, a Canadian researcher who worked with molecular virologist Dr. David Speicher (Courageous Truth) on a study of 27 mRNA Covid vaccine vials from 12 lots of Moderna and Pfizer vaccines said that there’s no question the mRNA covid vaccines are contaminated.

She told me, “Of the 54 vials tested in Germanythe US and Canada, all were found to contain DNA in levels that exceed the commercial acceptance criterion level of <330 ng DNA/mg RNA.”

That Canadian study detected “billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose,” from primary series and booster lots, as well as lots for children.

Genomics scientist Kevin McKernan (Anandamide), who made the initial discovery of DNA contamination in the mRNA injections and a gene therapy sequence called the SV40 enhancer/promoter in the Pfizer vaccine back in April 2023, found contamination at qPCR cycles much lower than what is used to detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

It’s “a million times more than what you might call someone for having a virus in their nose,” said McKernan, who is the founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Medicinal Genomics, and previously managed research and development for the Human Genome Project at Whitehead Institute/MIT. “They’re injecting a million times more contaminant in every shot,” he said. “So, it’s not a small amount.”

Dr. Speicher suggested that it’s also a matter of wording. One could say “the vaccine is not contaminated” because the “residual plasmid DNA” is a process-related impurity, he said. Either way, Dr. Speicher’s research turned up much higher levels of residual DNA in the mRNA shots than is supposed to be there.

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