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Climate change is creating so much global GREENING that even fanatics are noticing as they panic about shrinking deserts

26-7-2024 < Natural News 30 744 words

Climate change is creating so much global GREENING that even fanatics are noticing as they panic about shrinking deserts

Almost everywhere around the world right now deserts are shrinking as greening accelerates, prompting climate fanatics to change course by demanding that something now be done to "Save the deserts!"

Climate fanatics have long complained about desertification caused by climate change and the excess release of "greenhouse gases" like carbon dioxide (CO2). These deranged people are so scared of CO2 that they have tried every which way to essentially ban the natural gas so the planet can be "cooled."

The Guardian (United Kingdom) ran a headline about how "Desertification is turning the Earth barren," the narrative being that expanding drylands are leaving entire countries "facing famine." It turns out the opposite is true: greenhouse gases are greening the planet as vegetation is growing faster and faster.

Yale Environment 360 ran a piece about the world's shriveling deserts, which will only shrivel further in the coming years.

Now that we know CO2 is causing plants to grow and spread, the narrative has changed to one of climate change causing the deserts to recede. As such, climate fanatics are launching a new movement to "save" the world's deserts from becoming green, lush and fertile.

You may recall from elementary science class that CO2 functions as "plant food." The more of it that gets released, the greener everything becomes as plants thrive on CO2. There is absolutely nothing to worry about with CO2, of course, but the greenies are petrified by it.

(Related: Did you know that according to science, human-caused carbon emissions have had no discernible effect whatsoever on the climate?)

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How will climate fanatics try to spin the benefits of greening?

According to Yale University researchers, increasing CO2 levels are "fast-tracking" photosynthesis in plants. What CO2-rich air does is allow plants to more efficiently use scarce water, functioning as a fertilizer in even the driest of deserts.

Scientists have been aware of this CO2 greening effect for some time, which they should be, seeing as how children used to learn this basic scientific fact in elementary science class. Somehow, elementary science facts have become new revelations in today's "woke" scientific establishment.

Carbon Brief is another media source that has long complained about how climate change is supposedly expanding the world's deserts. Now that we know the opposite is true, will the outlet adjust its narrative or double down?

Carbon Brief, by the way, is funded by green activist billionaires like Sir Christopher Hohn, a past provider for recently jailed Roger Hallam, and so-called "Extinction Rebellion."

Even Yale, which admits the world's deserts are shrinking, is still clinging to climate fearmongering by claiming that all the greening will "obliterate arid-land ecosystems." In other words, they are now pushing an "arid ecosystems matter" type of campaign to defend their crumbling climate narrative.

Chinese scientists recently discovered that over the past 20 years, about 55 percent of the world's land masses showed an "accelerated rate" of vegetation growth. Four different datasets reveal that nearly 60 percent of the globe has been greening since around 2000.

"Global greening is an indisputable fact," these scientists declared.

Daily Sceptic environment editor Chris Morrison reports that plants in general thrive at about three times the current atmospheric levels of CO2. This means that a whole lot more greening is still to come, assuming current trends continue.

"This recovery of CO2 levels in the atmosphere holds out hope for higher food resources in many parts of the world that suffer from periodic famines," Morrison writes about the benefits of greening.

How do you feel about the accelerated greening of the planet? Learn more at

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