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Is Kamala Harris the Black Swan of Donald Trump?

25-7-2024 < Global Research 23 1065 words

After Biden’s forced resignation from the Democratic race, Donald Trump would have woken up with an unexpected black swan that seriously threatens his triumphant return to the White House after the November elections. The new shining star of the Democratic firmament, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Attack on Trump

Biden’s senility signs, the fentanyl crisis, the high cost of living, the increase of the citizen’s insecurity and the issue of immigration would have sunk Biden’s popularity to historical lows and the polls predicted a triumphant return of Donald Trump to the White House. 

Consequently, after the disastrous debate of Biden against Trump and the failure of the judicial offensive against Trump, the globalists proceeded to the gestation of an exogenous plot to neutralize it by expeditious methods (Magnicidio), a plot that materialized in the Pennsylvania rally and after which Trump became a hero and was nominated by acclamation at the Republican convention held in Wisconsin.

Is Kamala the Black Swan of Trump?

However, following Biden’s resignation from the Democratic race, Donald Trump would have woken up with an unexpected black swan that seriously threatens his triumphant return to the White House after the November elections. The term “black swan” designates an unexpected and unpredictable event that produces consequences on a large scale and which is explainable only after the event and in the case of Trump, that black swan would have taken the form of an ugly duckling ignored by the newfound Democratic swans and become the new shining star in the Democratic firmament, Kamala Harris.

Thus, after receiving the blessings of the Party establishment, Kamala has managed to awaken in the electorate the hope of a Democratic victory, The Commission has been working on a number of proposals for the European Commission’s White Paper on Employment and Social Security, which it is proposing to set up He expects to be nominated by acclamation.

Kamala, the True Peon of Globalists 

The US military-industrial complex would profile for the next five years the recovery of the role of the USA as a world gendarme through an extraordinary increase in foreign interventions to regain unipolarity on the global geopolitical board, following the Wolfowitz Doctrine, which drew “a policy of unilateralism” and “preventive military action to suppress possible threats from other nations and prevent dictatorships from being elevated to the status of a superpower”.

After several corrections, his idea was taken up in the so-called Bush Doctrine or Positive Aggression Doctrine which implied “the use of military force by the United States and its allies to consolidate governments around the world in accordance with American interests” and of what would be paradigms the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq and the current war against Russia in Ukraine and whose continuation would be defended to the extreme by Kamala Harris.

However, a victory by Trump in November would represent the end of the Atlanticist strategy of Biden and Soros determined to defend Putin from power as well as the subsequent signing of a Peace agreement in Ukraine and the return to the Doctrine of Peaceful Coexistence with Russia. This would mean the enthronement of the G-3 (US, Russia and China) as “primus inter pares” in global governance, with the EU, India and Japan remaining stone guests in the new geopolitical scenario.

Accordingly, the upcoming Presidential elections in November will mark the design of the new global geopolitical architecture of the next five-year term, because the victory of Donald Trump would be the return of the US Isolationist Doctrine against the Wolfowitz Doctrine defended by Harris and globalists that emphasizes the supremacy of the European Union and the United States of America.

Harris, the “Tsar of Immigration”

According to the latest monthly Gallup survey, irregular immigration tops the list of concerns for Americans. Specifically, the arrests of immigrants would have gone a crescendo, rising from the figure of 1 million arrests under Trump to 2.47 million in 2023 with Biden, according to figures from the Department of Homeland Security. So after the withdrawal of Biden, illegal immigration will be the central axis of Trump’s election campaign.

Thus, Trump on his visit to the border with Mexico, said in Eagle Pass (Texas) that “the United States is being invaded by the migrant crime of Biden.” The issue of illegal immigration and the construction of the Wall will be the central focus of his campaign against the so-called “Tsar of Immigration”, Kamala Harris.

The term “immigration tsar” has been used by Republicans against Harris in a derogatory manner since 2021, with the aim of making it an easy target for criticism of the government’s migration management. But despite its role not being directly linked to daily reality at the border, Trump’s campaign against Vice President Harris will be focused on the narrative of the border crisis.

“Kamala Harris has all the left-wing political history of Joe Biden,” Donald Trump Jr. said in Social Truth. “The only difference is that she is even more liberal and less competent than Joe, which is a lot to say. They put her in charge of the border and we saw the worst illegal invasion in our history!!!” he added.

Also, on the second day of the Republican National Convention, Kamala Harris became a major target of criticism from speakers, by appealing to its role in the migration issue and preparing anti-Harris ads and designing a new line of attack against Trump’s potential rival.

Trump is a specialist in forcing the limits of the Everton window to introduce into it issues located outside the frame and initially considered unacceptable by public opinion and that once within the debate, can be perceived as tolerable and what would be paradigm the construction of the Wall to contain illegal immigrants. Trump’s campaign against Vice President Harris will thus be refocused on the narrative of Kamala’s failure to manage the border.


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Germán Gorraiz Lopez is a political analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image is from Flickr
