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Kissing the Dragon: A Probe into the Danger China Poses to the White World, Part 2

24-7-2024 < Counter Currents 37 1569 words

1,447 words

Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)

This is not a continuation of Part I, which is complete in itself; instead, it is a collection of facts, coupled with some analyses, that pertain to China’s evil ambitions as it actively and meticulously engages the West in an all-out war to subvert both it and the white race, where any means can be justified by the ends.

China is indubitably the single most important political and racial entity that threatens the West, not to mention the whole world, at present and for the foreseeable future. This is an extremely unpleasant truth, but a truth nonetheless, and the stakes are very high. Here are some relevant facts and opinions to share with all White Nationalists from a Mandarin-fluent, educated, and informed world observer’s point of view.

1. China constitutes the single biggest menace to world peace and stability, and to the life and liberty of the Western nations and white people. It has boundless and iniquitous ambitions, has amassed enormous resources, and acquired fearsome abilities (though not without flaws and limitations) for challenging and subverting the current world order and seek global dominance. This is thanks to decades of greed, ignorance, and naïveté of the Western and Japanese political, economic, and cultural elites who have collaborated with China. They have mindlessly, if not treasonously, swallowed China’s bait hook, line, and sinker, and in exchange presented to China the cream of the Western world on a silver platter. These culpable collaborators must be named and shamed, and their squalid agenda should be exposed and demolished.

2. China is becoming increasingly aggressive and flagrantly provocative with its hegemonic and imperialistic aims and actions, while it can also be devious, disingenuous, and duplicitous at times. This reflects an ingrained national trait that is the culmination of hundreds of years of internal struggles for power and survival in both China’s elite and civilian populations alike, which is unique and unparalleled among all the peoples in the world.

3. Domestically, the Chinese regime tolerates zero dissent or deviation from its monolithic official guidelines and has intensified its practice of indoctrinating and brainwashing the masses of China’s majority ethnic group, the Hans, with rabid ethnocentrism, ultra-nationalism, chauvinism, and jingoism. In the meantime, they are brutally suppressing, persecuting, and physically and culturally cleansing their ethnic and religious minorities, especially the Muslim Uyghurs, the Tibetans, and the Mongols.

4. Internationally, China has escalated its blatant antagonizing and bullying of its neighboring nations, from Vietnam to the Philippines, and from India to Japan. It has seized beachheads worldwide via its corrupt Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in order to obtain resources and entrap less developed cash-strapped countries with debt, and seeks to tirelessly and ruthlessly export its own corrupt totalitarian ruling system through various mechanisms, including but not limited to the BRI, and has striven to impose its will on other countries through bribery and blackmail. Wherever China has gone, it has leaves a trail of stench and indignity that poisons and corrodes everything it touches. A hellish picture, indeed.

5. China’s rulers won’t hesitate to expend hundreds of millions of lives in order to seize or keep power, and won’t hesitate to lie, cheat, and steal in order to get to the top. China has infiltrated deeply into Western societies through investment, immigration, and systematic and calculated propaganda. Its industrial, economic, and military espionage and theft of advanced and sensitive Western technologies and information are rampant, especially in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. This has also been the case in major Western European countries, where sordid Chinese infiltration and linkage with the Western political, financial, and media elites are evident and undeniable. China has laid broad and intricate networks in those countries and is attempting to suck and siphon off the West’s best nutrients while at the same time shipping opioids and other toxins to the US with impunity, all to its own advantage and the serious detriment of Western nations.

You can buy The World in Flames: The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker Yockey here.

6. China often uses certain phrases when referring to itself and its international relations, such as “peaceful rise,” “harmonious coexistence,” and “win-win.” But these are all shameless lies. As the proverb goes, “the velvet paws hide sharp claws.” China and most Chinese can hardly be trusted. It can also be observed that China has mouthed such smokescreen slogans less frequently of late due to the regime’s assuredly more toughened and blatantly confrontational stance vis-à-vis the US and the West, concomitant with its rapid rise in sheer economic and military power.

7. The persistent and morbid overdependence of certain Western countries, especially the US, on China for critically important and strategic goods and materials, including pharmaceuticals, industrial and military components, and so on, is extremely stupid and dangerous to the extent of being suicidal. I say this without exaggeration. The reasons are too obvious to be explained here. Henceforth an effective and sustainable alternative to China must be sought and secured for the long-term national security and wellbeing of Western countries, which should include resolute measures to resuscitate their manufacturing base while relocating capital and technological investments to other countries which are either democratic (e.g., India) or perhaps less democratic yet non-threatening (e.g., Vietnam). Energetic efforts must be made to cultivate such alternatives to China.

8. The fundamental source of China’s power and menace must be clearly perceived, and identified. Oral denunciations and negative media coverage of China, for all its worthiness, can do little to hurt or deter China. Neither can the half-hearted sanction measures, such as those nominally launched by the Biden administration. This is not to say that we should not condemn or debunk China, but that Western countries must go to the crux of the issue and understand that the real source of China’s power consists in the concrete wealth that China has amassed through decades of predatory trade with the world in general and the developed countries. This has in particular been aided and abetted by the Western elites. This is how China builds its vast arsenal, runs its pervasive and pernicious propaganda machine, and continues to acquire yet more assets and high technology to contribute to its steadily-growing clout. This vicious cycle must be terminated once and for all. China must be starved of monetary and technological resources. To defang and incapacitate China can only be achieved by comprehensively disengaging with and delinking it from the Western world in trade and commerce, as well as in human and knowledge exchanges. There is no other way.

About three years ago, the US and Canada caved in to China’s demands by releasing and returning Meng Wanzhou, aka the “Princess of Huawei,” to China in exchange for the latter’s release of two Canadian citizens who had been illegally detained by the Chinese government, as well as other commercial interests. This incident demonstrated the very real danger Westerners face on Chinese territories (which now includes Hong Kong, given its extradition treaty with mainland China) that they might be used as pawns or prisoners in China’s luridly unscrupulous criminal games. It has also further highlighted the absolute necessity and urgency of delinking from China entirely.

9. Today, China is basically a Frankenstein monster that has been created and continuously fed by the West itself. The Western world must stop being China’s incubator of talent and supplier of wealth in order to prevent the beast from expanding even further. It is still not too late to redress your past wrongs, and you can still salvage the white race and your posterity. Further delays and wavering under ignorance or illusion, let alone ulterior or treacherous motives, are fatal and inexcusable, and will lead to the inevitable and irreversible demise of the Western nations and sink the entire world into a hopeless and prolonged darkness. People of the West and White Nationalists in particular should know better than to act like mice being led off a cliff by the hypnotizing flute of China the Pied Piper. You are digging your own collective grave by funding, arming, and enabling China. The greedy, venal, or myopic must be prevented from selling the rope to China that will be used to hang the entire West. Lenin made that incisive remark about the greed and stupidity of the capitalists. In our age it is in fact China, not Communist Russia, that is poised to buy the rope.

White men, muster your strength, your mettle, and your righteous pugnacity as your brave and ferocious hunter and warrior ancestors, such as Leonidas and Arminius. Exercise your conscientious judgment, moral courage, and unbending resolve, like your intellectual sages such as Socrates and Archimedes! Show your grit, fortitude, and resilience, and buckle down in order to tackle and vanquish the deservedly-named evil dragon that is pronounced /tʃaɪnə/.
