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Biden Resigns: Speaks To Nation 8PM ET

24-7-2024 < Activist Post 34 3105 words

By Neenah Payne

After his poor performance in the debate with Donald Trump on June 27, Joe Biden vowed to stay in the race. However, Biden to give a White House address on his decision to exit the race says Biden issued a letter Sunday saying he would not accept the Democratic nomination and then endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him. Biden was diagnosed with Covid which delayed him in publicly commenting about the decision.

President Joe Biden announced he will give a prime-time address from the White House on Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET on his decision to exit the presidential race. “I will address the nation from the Oval Office on what lies ahead, and how I will finish the job for the American people,” he said in a post on X.

Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec discuss Biden’s strange sudden resignation after the Trump assassination attempt on Saturday 7/13 in the 2-hour interview further below.

Posobiec is the author of the following books:

  1. Citizens for Trump: The Inside Story of the People’s Movement to Take Back America 7/11/17

  2. 4D Warfare: A Doctrine for a New Generation of Politics 9/16/18

  3. The Antifa: Stories From Inside the Black Bloc 6/1/21

  4. Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (and How to Crush Them) 7/9/24.

Vice President’s Word Salads

Vice President Kamala Harris is famous for her word salads as shown in the video below.

Kamala Harris ‘unburdened’ by overuse of certain phrase

As Vice President, Harris was responsible for the southern border and Ukraine. As shown in the video below, when Kamala was asked why she had not visited the border, she pointed out that she had also not visited Europe.

The open border has reportedly let in over 8 million illegal aliens since January 2020. They have been welcomed in sanctuary cities like New York, Chicago, and San Francisco where they get free food, housing, education, healthcare, and debit cards. Illegal Aliens Receiving Voter Registration Forms Ahead of November Election explains that they may be allowed to vote in the presidential election. Documentary: Deception At Our Southern Border shows the dangers if illegal aliens are allowed to serve in the US military.

When Harris flew to the Munich conference in 2022, she discussed Ukraine joining NATO. Putin invaded Ukraine shortly after. So, Harris’ position on Ukraine may launch World War III, a nuclear war. How Boris Johnson Sabotaged World Peace explains that Russia and Ukraine were ready to sign the Minsk Peace Accords of 2022. However, at Biden’s request, Boris Johnson (then Prime Minister of Britain) sabotaged the agreement. The Biden administration has sent $175 billion to the Ukraine and has threatened to send US troops.

Biden’s Strange Sudden Resignation

MTG Pushes Deranged MAGA Conspiracy in New Attack on Kamala Harris mentions the interview below.

Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec React to the Trump Shooting and the Coup Against Biden 7/22/24

Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec discuss the suspicious timeline of the Trump shooting and the Democratic Party’s coup against Biden.


Tucker: I think it’s pretty clear that if the assassination attempt on Trump had succeeded, that Biden would have stayed in… seems obvious that all of these things are connected. But he did drop out yesterday.

Jack Posobiec:  Suddenly I’m getting phone calls from my team saying Joe Biden has just dropped out. I’m like, what do you mean he dropped out? Is there an Oval Office address? He’s not in the Oval Office. He’s supposed to be in Rehoboth. This very suspicious. Letter, which is signed by Joe Biden in a signature that is different from all of his other signatures, gets put out and it says that he is dropping out of the race.

It doesn’t cite a reason. It doesn’t cite any specifics as to what’s going on, doesn’t endorse Kamala Harris in the letter itself. And it’s just posted to his Twitter account just X. So it’s posted up there and we don’t hear from him. We don’t see him, we don’t see Jill. We don’t see any of the senior staff. His senior staffers are the ones informing the cabinet after this. So Biden himself doesn’t even call his own cabinet.

We have not heard from Biden or seen Biden personally send no proof of life since Wednesday at this event in Las Vegas, where they pulled him out because he was diagnosed with Covid. Nothing… There’s no evidence of Biden. There’s no sighting of Biden. There’s no Biden taking a selfie saying, hey, America, thanks for the memories. Nothing. Not a single piece.

Joe Biden is not there himself telling us any of it’s happened. And as it actually has at the time of the recording, we haven’t even heard from Kamala Harris yet who we’re told there isn’t anything physically wrong with her. So why isn’t Kamala coming out or Jill coming out, or anyone coming out and just talking to the American people and at least giving us some semblance of a story as to what’s going on.

To me, the most, the most interesting thing that I see is when you watch all these delegations are coming out. Now, North Carolina has decided they’re behind Kamala Harris. And New York says they’re behind Kamala Harris. This is like watching the election results in North Korea. Because what do you mean? The delegates are suddenly for Kamala Harris? The delegates were voted for by the people of the Democrat Party, like 14 million people or something voted in this election. And suddenly. Their votes don’t matter anymore…. And to stage a coup against an elected president who supposedly got 15 million more votes than any president….

….if they didn’t have to go up against Trump, if the assassin’s bullet had been one half inch, quarter inch to the right, and things had gone a little bit differently in that field in Butler, Pennsylvania, then they wouldn’t have to make these moves because then it would be, oh my gosh…this horrible thing….The election must go on. America must be safe. Joe Biden is the guy, the stable candidate, and you’d be hearing the exact opposite from all of them. They’d be talking about how great Biden is presiding over the funeral of Donald Trump, and maybe a state funeral or something like that to… appease the right.

Tucker: But I wonder if we’ll remember what we’re learning right now which is that… it’s all lies. So, they’ll say anything they need to say. The Democratic Party is not democratic in any sense. Its voters are purely puppets….It’s all fake. And that maybe we should just never forget that and say it out loud like none of this means anything. You’re yapping about democracy, rule of law, law and order — like it’s all fake. You’re totalitarians. You’ll kill people who get in your way. You can never have power, and the rest of us should be prepared to make actual sacrifices to prevent you from getting power, because we’re going to become a totalitarian state if you do. I mean that those seem like the obvious lessons to me.

Jack Posobiec: The final goal here is the deconstruction of American elections and the idea that it’s a 2016. If you look at it through the Inhumans playbook….these people have taken control and they’ve been in control for….we could debate exactly when the control point took place.

Tucker: November of 63, probably.

Jack Posobiec: That’s a pretty good date….so the idea then is that since…the national security state has taken over in league with the oligarchs….that every president since then has had to either come directly from there, like George H.W. Bush who was the director of CIA before he became president. Or been at least acquiescing to their whims and gone along with their war, is going along with whatever it is that the plan is for the Empire.

And then 2016 happens like by accident… because…who would have thought this guy could come in and take over? And so you have this problem. You have to try and get him out of office the entire time. You’re trying to…kick him off the beachhead…. But at the same time, you’re also infiltrating and you’re …. planning your people in to at least subvert as much as possible. So then you get in people like Pompeo and….Bolton…trying to run a couple of regime change ops…. but….at the end of the day, he’s still not one of yours. So, then you get rid of him, 2020, then finally, you have the opportunity to take another bite at the apple. Somehow the lawfare doesn’t work….You always know that you have a nuclear option…. And the nuclear option is like…1963.

Tucker: Yeah, just murder the guy.

Jack Posobiec:  But you wouldn’t want to do that first…. if you can just destroy someone’s…personality. Then that’s so much easier than just actually killing the person…. You might turn them into a martyr…. Maybe, you know, if you’re lucky, they commit suicide. Or at least they just stay out of public view…. forever.

Now, you’re starting to get mass media, you’re starting to get television. All these tools start to be used, and so you destroy someone’s reputation with that….In social media, you don’t have those tools anymore, and suddenly you don’t have control of the narrative, the narrative get lost.  So, through social media, suddenly people can connect and say have you noticed this thing? But the media doesn’t seem to be talking about this.…. and so this becomes a massive, massive problem….So. the oligarchs lose soft power, the machine loses soft power. And so they have to go back to what do we have left? We have hard….You go force. So…you might raid somebody’s home and you might say they’re some documents they shouldn’t have. And then handcuffs, then convictions. But if that doesn’t work, the nuclear option of November 1963 is always on the table.

Tucker: I think we just saw it.

Jack Posobiec: ….If they could just flip a switch and put whoever they wanted in office, they would just do that. You would not see any of these extreme measures…. So there’s a problem. Something’s broken down. Something is going wrong. Because I think what they’re really terrified of is a revolt of the people….

Tucker: So. what happens next? Biden. Will somebody resign on his behalf….? This post appears on X, but he does not endorse anybody. And that’s followed shortly by his endorsement of Kamala Harris…. Where do we go from here?….

Jack Posobiec: So….what you’re going to see is whoever is the most ruthless, the most brutal, the most well-connected, and whoever’s most willing to knife each other in the back will rise to power…..

Tucker: So, they have to go with Kamala because she’s sort of black, sort of Indian and a woman for the for di reasons.

Jack Posobiec: It’s tough for them to pass her over because of that….

Tucker: I mean, she’s a moron in a job she doesn’t deserve. That’s the whole point of Di is to elevate people who don’t deserve the jobs to positions of power, obviously, and that they have to kind of roll with that because the constituencies within the party will flip out if they don’t pick her…. That’s why she’s such a problem. Well, but now I’m starting to think…..

Tucker:…. But now I’m thinking, because I think we’ve just watched like the most brutal exercise of raw, undisguised power I’ve ever seen in this country. That they’re not hemmed in by that….. They don’t care what their own constituencies think. They can just install somebody in because the Democratic Party is not an ideological movement. It’s just a bunch of people clustered together for power. But this is where they can put anyone in. And if they think Gavin Newsom has the best shot and he’s a white man, but like, so what?

Jack Posobiec: So, the fact that she was able to get Clyburn on board is huge, because Clyburn gives you all of the vote processing centers and the inner city churches…from Detroit to Milwaukee to Philadelphia to Atlanta. These are the key centers you’re going to need.  Clyburn is credited for putting Biden in office…. And so, I don’t see how Gavin Newsom makes it out of Georgia…in a real primary situation.

Tucker: I agree with you completely. However, if you let in tens of millions of illegal aliens who are in fact your new voters and you registered to vote, which they’re doing, maybe it doesn’t matter.

Jack Posobiec: So the race we’re seeing now… is a fake race… Obama doesn’t endorse Kamala Harris. He endorses the process. Why? Because the process has no legitimacy. And nakedly, we can see that it has no legitimacy….. There’s no hearing from Biden….Think about that. The delegates who are legally pledged to Biden, who were nominated through the legitimate right. You know, their official process, all of a sudden switch their delegations without even hearing from the guy that they’re supposed to be tied to. …. Leviathan comes in and says, you don’t work for Joe Biden. You work for me. And what they’re using Obama for is to give some veneer of legitimacy….to the process.

….And I think essentially that what you see here is that the money has all lined up behind Kamala. The money has said we know we’ve got four weeks before the DNC. Also, they’ve got a huge accounting problem because…the $300 million that’s sitting in…what was the Biden Harris account, which is now Harris for president? ….are you just going to give that $300 million over to somebody…. And you can’t do that without the acquiescence of….whoever’s controlling Biden’s signature right now….

You wouldn’t want Kamala Harris…the only things she was associated with…other than a wild series of interviews are the border and…Ukraine. They gave her Ukraine and she flies to the Munich conference in February of 2022 and says….Ukraine will definitely be in NATO.

Tucker: She caused the war in Ukraine.

Jack Posobiec: So Putin invades the next day….now if they want her to be the one who’s got credibility, , they know she’s a complete nut job. And she’s going to be signing off on the proxy war with Russia. She’s going to be signing off on the proxy war with Iran, perhaps the direct war with China. Who knows what comes next?….there are people in the Democrat donor base who are saying it doesn’t make any sense for us to say she should be president.

Tucker: When Kamala says we’re unburdened by the past, what she’s really saying is that’s welcome to Kampuchea.

Jack Posobiec:  We were half an inch away from Kamala Harris versus Nikki Haley? That could have been our election, right?….Joe Biden is not being pulled from the presidency because he has dementia. He’s being pulled because the American people found out.

Tucker: And they’re discarding him like a used condom…. It’s not a sentimental business, but the attempted murder of the Republican nominee, you know, nine days ago. So, let’s go back to Butler Township, Pennsylvania…. Donald Trump is running to displace the Democratic Party from its position of power, but the party controls its security…..

Jack Posobiec: I don’t think that we’re thinking about this enough. Like this was a was one of the biggest things that ever happened in this country. You can’t let this go. You can never let this assassination attempt go until we have the bottom of it….Donald Trump seems to be very likely to be the next president of United States, and we’re told to just let it go. It makes no sense….

And if that bullet had been two inches to the right, you’d be looking at massive uprisings all over the country….Then that operation that was run on people who attended January 6th would be run nationwide. Of course, when every Trump supporter becomes a member of the militia, you’re a member of the insurrection not because you went to January 6th, but because you’re a Trump supporter. You’re essentially extremist…..

Tucker: With the attempted murder of Trump just shows how deadly serious these people are, how high the stakes are, and I just hope people are internalizing that lesson, but they don’t seem to be at all.

Jack Posobiec: That the lesson is that all of this can end in the blink of an eye again…. Yeah, half an inch to the right, and all of it goes away. Then there’s a massive fight. But you look at some of this movement right now, and a lot of it is sort of on the precipice of Donald Trump. And because of his figure, because of his notoriety, because of his connection with the people.

Tucker: And if you can’t recognize what happened nine days ago as a watershed, they shoot Trump in front of all of us.

Jack Posobiec: So, Trump’s assassination attempt Steve Bannon locked up as a political prisoner. Peter Navarro, just gets out as a political prisoner. Palace coups of sitting leaders….. All of this has happened.

I’ll tell you exactly what happens next and it gets really dark if people don’t fight back.

Top image credit: CNN

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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