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Arrest Bibi Netanyahu, Washington DC, 24 July 2024

24-7-2024 < Global Research 28 1499 words

The battle to define what passes for reality in the world’s most ailing superpower is becoming hotter than Hades. Benjamin Netanyahu, the primary personification of the genocidal convergence currently linking the governments of Israel and the United States, is about to address the US Congress. Many forces are on the rise that are calling for the severance of the genocidal convergence into question.





What will the world make of a very large and enthusiastic contingent of US politicians avidly welcoming Netanyahu in the US Capitol? Netanyahu is at the very forefront of the infamy presently despoiling the credibility of the world’s system of international law which is now being tested as never before?

Just days ago the International Court of Justice, the UN’s World Court based at the the Hague, ruled that Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories are illegal. See this.

This ruling comes on top of the ICJ decision early in 2024 that the Israeli government must stand trial for the crime of violating the Genocide Convention in Gaza.

The original allegation in this precedent-setting case originated with an elaborate charge from the government of South Africa.

The ruling included “provisional measures” aimed at stopping the actions creating the evidence that a “plausible” case of genocide is underway. Instead of heeding the ruling, the government of Israel and its US backers accelerated the pace and widened the scope of the mass murders showing nothing but contempt for the ICJ’s court order.

A third element of the cumulative legal contentions involves the International Criminal Court, the ICC. Elements of the Netanyahu government, including the leadership of Mossad, have long engaged in a number of unseemly and illegal interventions to intimidate the ICC into holding back charges of War Crimes committed by Israeli officials.

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Much proof has been collected exposing a series of vile efforts to intimidate the former ICC Chief Prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, into inaction. The aim was to prevent her from pressing charges of War Crimes on the Israeli government. An extension of this same kind of contemptuous intervention in the core institution of international law, has been pressed by Netanyahu and his Mossad operatives against the current Chief Prosecutor, Karim Kahn. See this.

Some officials in the US government are joining with Netanyahu in trying to stigmatize the ICC for doing its job. Such politically-motivated attacks on the independence of the judiciary should by now be the subject of criminal charges against the governments of Israel and of the USA in their own right.

Chief Prosecutor Kahn has already made a public record of the charges he wants to level against, for starters, Netanyahu and his Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant.

Many trails of history-in-the-making are converging as Benjamin Netanyahu touches down amidst the many controversies taking shape in Washington DC. What will be the reactions throughout the world to the welcome that will be afforded to Netanyahu by many American politicians that work in and around Congress. Seen in the light of Israel’s relationship to the US Congress, that legislative agency at the very core of the US government is in a sad state of treasonous subordination to a foreign power.

Probably many of these elected US officials will repeat their ghoulish display of servility to Netanyahu as they did during his three prior presentations to Congress. After all, American politicians are for the most part bought-and-paid-for creatures of large lobbies. And there is no lobby in the United States that is richer or more influential that the Israel Lobby.

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, AIPEC, is one of the most visible units of the Israel Lobby especially because of the large amounts of money with which it bribes so many US politicians. In fact, according to Congressman Thomas Massie, most of his colleagues in the House of Representatives each have assigned to them his or her very own “AIPAC Baby Sitter.”

The cost of noncompliance with the baby sitters’ commands is that the Israel Lobby will organize the defeat of the wayward politicians to be replaced by a more obedient servants of Israel.

Much of the controversy has to do with government to government relations between Israel and the United States. It has to do with the antagonisms between the Republican and Democratic Parties; between Donald Trump, Joe Biden and now Kamala Harris in the run up to this November’s presidential election. It has to do with the effort on the part of the current Israeli government with a strong contingent of murderous West Bank settlers to draw the US military into a war with Hezbollah, Houtis, and Iran as well as Shia militia in Iraq and Syria.

As I see it, however, the main spectacle has to do with the justice-minded citizens as they try to peel themselves away from the deeply criminal positions adopted by Zionist governments in Israel-US and throughout the rest of the West.

The Western governments are veering very far from the rule of law as they try to use intimidation and violence to force their constituents to go along with the US-Israeli genocide. It is now overdue, however, for citizens to join together to stop the participation and complicity of governments when they pretend to speak on our behalf in greenlighting the atrocious genocide that has been pushed forward now for close to a year.

To expect these governments at this late date to adhere to the judicial rulings taking shape at the World Court and the ICC seems naive. Hasn’t the time come for actions to accompany words on the part of conscientious citizens aware of our responsibilities to safeguard the human condition?

Hasn’t the time come to attempt a citizens’ arrest of the world’s current Genocider-In-Chief given the failure of our law enforcement agencies. In most countries police and military have failed to intervene in the defence of the human right of Palestinians to life, let alone to liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Here is an essay initially published in Unz Review by Philip M. Giraldi Ph.D.. Dr. Giraldi is a former CIA official who is presently Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest. This organization was founded on the contention that the Israel First approach of successive Zionist governments in the United States does not serve the interests of the American government and people.

In his essay, Dr. Giraldi outlines the larger outlines of a series of crimes that enabled the government of Israel to covertly develop nuclear weapons based in part on theft from the United States of enriched uranium as well as of bomb triggers and other elements of nuclear technology.

Dr. Giraldi’s essay explains the partnership between Netanyahu and Hollywood film director and Israeli spy, Arnon Milchan. While the two of them are involved in the domestic crimes hanging over Netanyahu’s head, in earlier times the partners also violated international laws and US laws with the full knowledge of the FBI.

In outlining the crimes that enabled the government of Israel to obtain nuclear weapons, weapons which it denies possessing until this day, Dr. Giraldi outlines a crime sufficient to justify Netanyahu’s arrest during this trip to Washington DC.

If Netanyahu was to be apprehended he could be prevented from continuing the havoc he is committing in trying to protect his own skin. Clearly Netanyahu has been preoccupied with seeking to avoid the consequences of the many war crimes he has committed in the course of his political career.


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This article was originally published on Looking out at the World from Canada.

Dr. Anthony Hall is currently Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada. He has been a teacher in the Canadian university system since 1982. Dr. Hall, has recently finished a big two-volume publishing project at McGill-Queen’s University Press entitled “The Bowl with One Spoon”.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

All images in this article are from the author unless otherwise stated
