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Is Donald Trump the Elites “Wreck-It Ralph” Who Will Pave the Way for an “Enlightened International Governance”?

24-7-2024 < Global Research 33 2598 words

At the same time as the media directed all attention to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the second revision of the UN’s Pact for the Future was released. Almost no one takes notice of the negotiations taking place. Trump also represents all the “dangers” that the proposed new UN system intends to solve. In the Pact’s introduction, a warning is delivered that we are about to cross a dangerous tipping point that risks giving rise to a more uncertain and chaotic world:

We are confronted by a growing range of catastrophic and existential risks. If we do not change course, we risk tipping irreversibly into a future of persistent crisis and breakdown.

Can we assume that such a tipping point is Donald Trump being elected US President? But according to the United Nations, there are both “opportunities” and “hope”. The crises and challenges that are looming on the horizon will not be solvable by individual states alone. Instead, it opens up for a new multilateral system that “harnesses advances in science, technology and innovation” to create collective action.

According to WEF adviser and historian Yuval Harari, the election of Donald Trump will inevitably accelerate the dismantling of the old system. Trump becomes the face of the global crisis. This is as per design.

It can be argued that Trump is the elite’s “Wreck-It Ralphwith the task of ending the American empire’s “liberal world order” and plunging it into chaos before the new international economic order is introduced.

A move to replace Joe Biden with Kamela Harris won’t really change the game. Without a presidential candidate of Barack Obama’s caliber, it will be difficult to stop Trump’s road to victory. The assassination attempt has only strengthened his chances. In addition to being blessed with the “grace of God” and spared from an untimely death, Trump also has support from the highest echelons of worldly power.

Only two days after the assassination attempt, Trump introduced his running mate, J.D. Vance. He has a background as a venture capitalist in multi-billionaire Peter Thiel’s Mithril Capital and subsequently received help from Thiel in building a political career and platform. As president, Donald Trump was also supported by Thiel (who had eight of his closest men placed in Trump’s presidential administration).

The fact that the tech billionaire Thiel, an alumnus of WEF’s Young Global Leaders program, is a member of the Bilderberg Group’s steering committee together with Klaus Schwab’s left-hand man Börge Brende and WEF-trustee André Hoffmann (vice-chair of Roche) gives a clear indication of Trump’s function in the global game. Both sides are played to produce the desired outcome.

On the same day that the vice-presidential candidate was presented, Elon Musk announced that he supports Trump’s candidacy by donating 45 million dollars a month until the election.[1] Musk has stepped forward as a champion of free speech (with his purchase of Twitter, now X ) and has questioned the WEF’s status as an “unelected world government” but at the same time runs transhumanist projects such as Neuralink and believes that humans need to merge with AI in order not to mitigate the risk of being annihilated by this threat.[2]

That the controversial Musk, whose grandfather was leader of the Canadian branch of Technocracy Inc. and was also named a Young Global Leader by the WEF in 2008, would be a genuine adversary standing up against Klaus Schwab does not add up. With his grandiose hubris projects, he rather personifies everything that the fourth industrial revolution stands for.

Peter Thiel also embraces the same transhumanist worldview and has made his fortune by supplying surveillance technologies to the CIA, the Pentagon and the Israeli Defense Forces.[3] His company Palantir, which enjoyed early support from the CIA’s venture capital fund In-Q-Tel, is also a partner of the WEF’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.[4]

Musk and Thiel are both part of “the PayPal Mafia”, a group of individuals who were previously associated with the payment service PayPal (as founders or employees) to later start other influential technology companies such as Tesla, Palantir, YouTube and LinkedIn.

The actions of the two billionaires and their support for Trump can be said to be part of a larger strategic plan to reshape the world. They are tech optimists in the spirit of the futurist Herman Kahn and stand as a counterweight to the neo-Malthusian futurists in the Club of Rome. But in the end they share the same goal—a technocratic world system (read more about Kahn and the World Future Society in my book Rockefeller: Controlling the Game).

What Yuval Harari does not mention is that in the background there are preparations for the system that is supposed to take over when the old one has been demolished. The New International Order envisioned by the Trilateralist Zbigniew Brzezinski in The Grand Chessboard is woven into the Pact of the Future.

But before that system is finally in place, we will very likely experience new global crises. The old order must go. This is what Donald Trump will face if elected. I want to remind you of what Trump’s friend Henry Kissinger (1923–2023) wrote in his opinion article “The Chance for a new world order” in the New York Times in 2009:

The ultimate challenge is to shape the common concern of most countries and all major ones regarding the economic crisis, together with a common fear of jihadist terrorism, into a common strategy reinforced by the realization that the new issues like proliferation, energy and climate change permit no national or regional solution.

The question is which crises and which actions follow? In the context of C-19, the protocols were followed to the letter while the public-private partnership Operation Warp Speed ​​delivered vaccines in record time with assistance from the Department of Defense (after the project was launched by Trump in May 2020).

Crises create opportunities for those who have access to the best intelligence.

One of the most important clauses in the Pact for the Future deals with strengthening the international response to complex global shocks (where a multidimensional, multi-actor response with a whole-of-society approach is required). The UN Secretary-General is therefore requested by the Member States to:

Develop, in consultation with Member States, protocols for convening and operationalizing emergency platforms based on flexible approaches to respond to a range of different complex global shocks.

It can be assumed that the multi-stakeholder networks convened will have close interaction with the various working groups of the World Economic Forum according to the formula used during the C19 pandemic (see WEF’s 2016 system initiative Shaping the Future of Health and Healthcare). The world’s governments have long been infiltrated by the WEF so as not to stand in the way.

The pact also means that partnerships must be strengthened with “relevant” stakeholders (global financial institutions, the private sector, academia and non-governmental organizations). The fight against the crisis is financially lucrative for the companies that are at the forefront, while it changes the world in the desired direction.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, as Winston Churchill once said.

Both Musk and Thiel will stand as winners in a world system that will “use technology and data to anticipate risks, seize opportunities, act early and manage uncertainty.” It is their technologies that will form the foundation. Musk’s success with Tesla is, for example, a consequence of the UN’s climate policy, while Thiel’s Palantir assists with platforms to measure companies’ carbon footprint.[5]

In the policy brief that deals with the emergency platform, seven different crises are described that could become a reality if the world chooses the “wrong path”. It’s like a built-in threat. “If you don’t go along and accept our protection, we will burn down your house”.

Any area deemed in need of change will be subjected to shock therapy. In the event of a major conflict, several of these global shocks will be triggered simultaneously (polycrisis mode) with a global state of emergency as a consequence.

Then a new United Nations with muscles can rise out of the ashes as a new world authority. The Pact of the Future provides guidelines on how the UN should be “upgraded” to meet the challenges in the concluding chapter “Transforming Global Governance”.

A transformation in global governance is essential to ensure that the positive progress we have seen across all three pillars of the United Nations’ work in recent decades does not unravel. We will not allow this to happen.

The language is cautious but negotiations are ongoing. Proposals include a clause on reforming the Security Council. There is a desire to abolish the veto power of the Security Council (comprised of the victors of World War II). According to the plan, the agreement will be fully negotiated at the beginning of August to be signed at the UN Summit of the Future in New York on September 22-23.

In the background, intensive work is also underway to create new institutions that can handle a “planetary emergency”. This includes a global environmental agency and an international environmental court.[6]

At the end of May, the Swedish Global Challenges Foundation, United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, and the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research published the policy brief “Towards a Planetary Commons Approach for Environmental Governance”, where a global governance body is proposed to take over the management of all the planet’s life support systems; hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), biosphere (life), lithosphere (land) and cryosphere (ice)!

It sounds like something out of a Bond film but is a real recommendation for the Summit of the Future. The Global Challenges Foundation, with the Potsdam Institute’s co-director Johan Rockström on the board, has been given a key role and also finances the Executive Office of the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, the UN’s HLAB on Effective Multilateralism (which advises the UN’s future agenda) and The Earth Commission (part of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors project Global Commons Alliance tasked with establishing “safe boundaries” for the Earth system).

Previously, through his co-chairmanship of the Climate Governance Commission (this project is also initiated by the Global Challenges Foundation), Rockström has proposed that a state of emergency be declared during the Summit of the Future. Through the establishment of a planetary emergency platform and a “courageous top-down leadership”, urgent measures must then be implemented to avoid dangerous breaking points being exceeded.[7] It undeniably sounds like a coup.

“The recommendations have clear connections to Club of Rome member Paul Raskin’s future scenario, in the book Journey to Earthland: The Great Transition to Planetary Civilization, where the elite alliance “New Earth Order”—consisting of “the masters of the universe”—business leaders, powerful politicians, thought leaders – takes power during “the great crisis era by declaring a planet-wide state of emergency and launching a provisional world authority.”

Then follows, according to Raskin, a period of authoritarian policing where resistance is controlled with the help of big-data and sophisticated surveillance technologies before the people rise up and prepare the way for the establishment of an “enlightened international governance” where the “evil” authoritarian world government is deposed to be replaced by the “good” democratic world government.

What is clear is that the “liberation of the people” will be supported by the same actors who introduced the terror regime.

As I write about in my book The Global Coup d’État, Raskin’s project The Great Transition Initiative was initiated and financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), with the Tellus Institute and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) as organisers. SEI was founded in 1988 by the first IPCC-chairman Bert Bolin and the Swedish Minister of the Environment, Birgitta Dahl. Bolin was included as a referee for The Great Transition Initiative and in 2003 recruited Johan Rockström to the post as SEI’s executive director.[8]

It is noteworthy that Johan Rockström has contributed essays to The Great Transition Initiative at the same time that Rockström’s climate commission receives support from the Rockefeller Foundation.

It indicates that Raskin’s scenarios are used as a basis for the transformation crusade that Rockström has been appointed to lead. Last year, Rockström ended up on Time Magazine’s list of the hundred most influential people in the world (in the category “Titan” together with, among others, Elon Musk).[9]

New Paradigm

The New Paradigm: “It envisions the ascendance of new categories of consciousness—global citizenship, humanity-as-whole, the wider web of life, and the well-being of future generations—alongside democratic institutions of global governance.”

The end goal is the creation of “One World”. A global ecological model society with a stabilized climate/controlled population growth (New Paradigm). After the steel bath and the “reform era”, according to Raskin, “paradise” will appear through the establishment of the “Commonwealth of Earthland”. He puts the time for this at 2048.

Is it a coincidence that this date is the 200th anniversary of the Communist Manifesto?

The procedure is similar to what the Swedish philosopher and “former” communist Torbjörn Tännsjö argued for in Sweden’s premier newspaper Dagens Nyheter 2018:

Something has to happen quickly. The establishment of global governance must take place through a coup, a kind of existential leap, where the sovereign nation-states are forced to cease to exist. A global government in the form of a global despotism takes over. Democracy must come later, in the form of a long-term reform project, much like democracy is established within existing non-democratic nation-states.[10]

While Tännsjö has endured a lot of criticism for his advocacy of a global climate dictatorship, Rockström’s recommendations for a planetary emergency, top-down leadership and heavy-handed regulations have largely passed uncommented. Instead, he is treated as an environmental superhero who will save our world from destruction, but Johan “Fix-It Felix” Rockström, just like Donald “Wreck-It Ralph” Trump, has support from the highest places. They represent the two poles of the dialectical game. One will break down the old order and the other will “build back better”.

The outcome is then designed to accelerate a global transformation into a high-tech planetary civilization (global technocracy) where development and evolution are ultimately intended to be controlled by the “Master of the Universe”.

Now who are these? I will return to this in my next book Temple of Solomon.


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