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The Trump Drama Eclipses the Rest of the World – While This Very World Falls Apart

24-7-2024 < Global Research 25 2737 words

Yes, it is of utmost importance that the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, now Republican-nominated Presidential Candidate, be thoroughly investigated. Human Justice and ethics demand it. But will those in power allow it?

Maybe Donald Trump himself, when he is President, will launch a serious investigation – and divulge the truth, from within the myriads of speculations circulating the mainstream as well as non-mainstream media?

In the meantime, we are being fed dozens of rumors, hearsay, theories ranging from a conspiracy plot to a Hollywood-type bloody earshot, to Secret Service attempted murder, to the official story that this 20-year-old kid, Thomas Matthew Crooks, a registered Republican who has never voted, a stellar student, just graduated in 2022, was the shooter who just missed by literally a hair – see the boy’s picture (CNN website).

Mike Adams’s analysis has distinguished three different shooters. Paul Craig Roberts comes to a similar conclusion. See this.

The WSJ reports that Trump’s shooter used a drone to scout the rally site in advance (RT – 20 July 2024). How believable is this? Unless, of course, it is an inside job, for which circumstantial evidence becomes ever more convincing.

Nobody seriously questioned how Thomas Matthew Crooks, with no background whatsoever of hating former President Trump, got to the place of the rally, let alone with a rifle and intent of shooting the Presidential candidate? Might anybody suspect that Thomas could have been the victim of the DARPA-CIA type MK-Ultra mind manipulation project?

The plots abound and become deeply confusing. They are also obfuscating what else is going on in the world – crimes of biblical proportions. Is blending the world’s vision out from these and other secretly prepared events part of the Trump Drama?


Endless wars – Zionists Gaza massacres, a genocide expanding to the West Bank, with new illegal settlements, Palestinian resisters are being shot dead. The Zionist-US war expanding to Lebanon, Jordan – eventually intent to include Iran — all for a greater, energy-strong Israel, tolerated by the West; or rather, encouraged and financed by the west. With Zionist controlled western funding, naturally.

The planning of the Ben Gurion Canal, cutting from Gaza through Israel to the Black Sea. Eventually envisaged replacing the Suez Canal, so that all or most European international sea traffic will be under Zionist control – financially and otherwise, of course.

War in Ukraine – proxy US war against Russia, targeting the largest country in the world for domination. Next target, China, already today the strongest economic power in PPP-terms (Purchasing Power Parity), and soon in absolute terms. The US hegemon, and self-styled head of the One World Order, also wants to control China, the economic powerhouse not only of Asia and the West, but also of the Global South.

Do people realize that Ukraine is already being “privatized” by the West? Leading privatizing power is BlackRock, owning already, it is said, up to 50% or more, of Ukraine’s agricultural land and more of Ukraine’s riches. Ukraine with all its war debts – debts from loans, by far not all the money that was and is still flowing to Ukraine is grant-money – privatization of the country’s equity is a logical step. BlackRock-Vanguard and StateStreet are champions in this domain.

Guess, who owns BlackRock-Vanguard and StateStreet?

Monetary manipulations – who controls the Western monetary system, and much of the Global South’s monetary systems? Brief answer: Zionists. The debt of so-called developing countries through international lending institutions – World Bank, IMF, Regional Development Banks, followed by the private banking system run by Zionist-controlled Wall Street, one day must be paid back.

The debt monster is increasing by wanton, endless war games, Western NATO aggression, sold as defense wars – causing a multiple billion arms (and debt) race and business. Guess cui bono from the endless killing apparatus? You guessed right. Almost always the same villains.

The killing left and right – real and “fake” terrorism, “false flag” type operation — are all part of the plan, a multiple-objectives plan: Generating billions if not trillions of profits for a small elite from systematic killing, reducing, demoralizing, and dehumanizing the world population – with an added goal of total submission.

The recent Trump “assassination” Drama catches all the attention and deviates from these other, but deep-rooted realities.

There are more “eclipsed” fronts from which humanity is steadily attacked, but blurred by the Donald Trump event:

The climate hoax – climate manipulation, geoengineering, chemtrails, Direct Energy Weapons (DEW), the kind that most likely destroyed Lahaina, Hawaii; and more recently parts of northern Chile. DEW has many means of application, from drones to helicopters, to airplanes to outright satellites. From the latter they can cause devastating earthquakes by sending high-powered electromagnet bursts deep into the earth.

The climate hoax is a two-edged sword. On the one hand, destruction; on the other, the make-believe effect that we humans by producing CO2 are the culprits for the devastating climate change causing diseases, destroying agriculture, causing famine, creating poverty around the globe and killing the less fortunate everywhere, and foremost in the Global South. This is, of course, a flagrant lie and must be dismantled. See below, under WEF.

The WHO tyranny though the Pandemic Treaty rejected for now, the game is not over.

Wait for the UN General Assembly (GA) in September 2024 when new humanity-cheating “tricks” can be expected, based on the last-minute approval of the revised International Health Regulation (IHR) during the May 2024 World Health Assembly (WHA). To be approved, they were significantly watered down, but can be revived.

Also, not to forget, the WHO tyranny is also in charge of “Climate Change Control.” Who controls the WHO?

Imagine WHO receives more than 80% of its budget from private sources. One of the largest junks comes from the chief eugenist, the Bill Gates Foundation, and GAVI (also Gates-created), the Vaxx association of some 20-plus pharma conglomerates. What a betrayal of humanity – the World Health Organization is hiding the eugenists death agenda.

The WEF’s absolute mandate of population reduction – by any means and attacks on humanity on multiple fronts:

  • The CO2 hoax – when do people realize that CO2 is as important as oxygen for all lives survival on Mother Earth? Without CO2, trees would die and could no longer produce our life-supporting oxygen. Nature is in perfect equilibrium. Excess CO2 is absorbed by the world’s seas; and if missing to feed the plants, trees, rainforests, the seas release the needed quantities of CO2. Humanity is insignificant in this balanced CO2 interchange.

Destruction of agriculture — the CO2 hoax indoctrinated again. Cows’ gas emits dangerous “greenhouse gases”; therefore, they must be eliminated. Do you know who invented the CO2 / Global Warming / Climate Change lie?

The Club of Rome, more than 50 years ago, issued in 1972 the report “Limits to Growth”, prescribing instruments to limit growth and reduce human population. Invented excesses of CO2 are a purported instrument to indoctrinate the populace at large with guilt.

This has first led to the Global Warming agenda of the 1990s, early 2000s. Later, with a more generic name-change it became today’s “Climate Change Agenda”.

A world thoroughly indoctrinated with the help of the UK-based Tavistock Institute for Social Engineering, created the so-called annual Environmental Conference of the Parties (COP), up to the 28th COP in Dubai October 2023. The next COP – 29th — is scheduled to take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 11 to 22 November 2024. Close to 100,000 people are expected to attend the COP in Azerbaijan.

By now, COPs have little to do with “environmental protection”, but serve rather for networking and signing billions worth of business deals – many of which are harmful for the environment.

You may ask, what does this have to do with the Trump Drama? Well, it deviates from the upcoming disastrous 29th COP – in which Washington will be a key player as they have been throughout the COP propaganda agenda. Will this change with Mr. Trump in the White House?

The COPs key message was always the same: reduce CO2, or you, humanity, will eventually extinguish yourself.

It is hardly known that the 15th COP in 2015 in Paris, quietly and discretely established norms, excluding the largest CO2 emitters from the CO2-banning narrative: Wars (by far the largest CO2 emitter), war industries, sea transports, including colossal container vessels and the floating hotel cruise ships; and air transport – civil and military.

Do people at large, who busily and obediently cover their roofs with billions of dollars-worth of solar panels, creating a billion of dollars-worth up-and-coming solar-panel industry, know about these by far largest CO2 “culprits”? Probably not.

This is relentlessly going on, while the world at large is kept breathless by the Trump drama.

Humanity is of course attacked on many other fronts. Here are some of them:

  • Destruction of agriculture, confiscation of farm land by the super rich, leading to famine, misery and eventually death. Reason: Agriculture produces environmentally damaging CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

  • Artificially created economic crises by manipulation of the Zionist-controlled western monetary system, economic breakdowns, bankruptcies, unemployment, poverty, death.

  • Endless fear-after-fear campaigns, lowering human resistance in all dimensions, health, mental, creating submissiveness.

  • New viruses — several yet unknown viruses “Xs” are on the horizon, for new deadly vaxxes, depopulating the still largely ignorant world.

  • Rapid and shamelessly planned social services decay throughout the Western world.

  • Weapon trafficking: Ukraine – 70% of Western weapons never make it to the front (BBC, CNN and other mainstream media), but end up straight on the black market – creating the biggest “war and terrorist” weapons market in the world, to arm Western-created current and future “terror groups” helping the West perpetuating wars.

  • The West defending Ukraine – the world’s hub for crime, abuse, and corruption of all kinds and the only officially tolerated Nazi regime — and Nazi military forces, the Banderas Azov battalions, still alive and killing in Donbas and wherever Russians can be found, encouraged and funded by the West. The same Bandera Azov units which participated during WWII in Hitler’s war against the Soviet Union, helping killing millions of Russians.

The West overlooks one of the worst, if not the worst, crimes humanity can commit: Human trafficking, especially children. Children are being raped – in prisons, in underground tunnels and shelters, under starving conditions. They are killed under torture so that the rich and powerful, the cream of the elite’s political and business crop, can enjoy consuming alleged life-prolonging adrenochrome from suffering-to-death children.

Remember Epstein’s Island which to this day serves as a “blackmail” instrument for politicians, and other Big Shots, who went there in their glory – no names mentioned, many are known – so they will not talk. See this.

The West also closes its eyes, ignores – but knows – the aborted and new-born children cut open alive for organs – for vaccine production. See this 2-minute video clip:

A WHO – tolerated, maybe a Gates initiative?

And this a Ukraine run-down, from the Laboratories of Secrets:

“It’s a hub for human trafficking.

It’s a hub specifically for child trafficking.

It’s a hub for narcotics trafficking.

It’s a hub for weapons trafficking.

It’s one of the biggest money laundering operations in the world.

We know about our [US] bio labs.

For the record, 80,000 children from Ukraine have disappeared and vanished since the war began. Women have been kidnapped and thrown into prostitution. This war is a catastrophe, the people bathing in blood are in Kiev and Washington.

Where are the 80,000 missing children in Ukraine?

Zelensky / Biden WAR in Ukraine operates the largest child sex trafficking / organ / adrenochrome harvesting operation all through Europe.

Where are the 1000 missing Maui children?

Biden openly traffics children at US Borders.

The sad truth is that our Congress that YOU PAY [you, the US people] cares more about laundering money through Ukraine, than about our own border [the US border] that is falling apart at the seem.”

An observation about the missing children during the infamous Swiss-sponsored so-called Peace Conference in the luxury resort of the Burgenstock by the Lake of Lucerne on 14/15 June 2024, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau had the gall to say in a Press Conference that Russian troops (he emphasized Putin troops) have stolen 20,000 Ukrainian children – and nobody knows where they are.

What a flagrant lie and defamation, well-known by Trudeau, of President Putin, who indeed, rescued tens of thousands of abducted, trafficked, and enslaved children from Ukraine. This, and the elimination of US bio labs, is one of President Putin’s stated missions for intervening in Ukraine. Plus, of course, rescuing Donbass and other Russian regions from the Kiev Azov killings.

All these atrocities are overshadowed by the dramatic Trump event. Dramatic it is and must be investigated thoroughly which does not appear to be in the interest of the elite, Deep State – or those who profit from it.

But as dramatic as it is, the attempted killing of a potential future US President cannot be allowed to blend out the rapid decay of the rest of the world.

The attempted assassination may not be resolved for a long time and an official version is little by little crystallizing, not the truth of course. But the “true narrative” will gradually be adapted to people’s belief-manipulated minds. The killing of the Kennedy Brothers, Martin Luther King, 9/11 et al, may be vivid examples how the media – plus Tavistock – control the population’s thinking.

And this official version will be drummed into the heads of people for decades to come, as is the case with other official versions.

Unless we the People scream from the bottom of our lungs NO! No MORE.

The truth must out.

And that independently of whether Donald Trump is the next president of a sovereign USA, not hegemonic USA, but a sovereign national US of A.

We the people, 8.1 billion, are and MUST be in control – not the 15 or 20 million Zionists pretending being God’s Chosen people and controlling the world’s monetary system, by coercing and blackmailing politicians throughout the Western world, and gradually also in the Global South.

We the People MUST peacefully resist this affront, currently executed by the WEF, the UN system, WHO – and all the mostly financial giants behind these institutions, all controlled by Zionist interests.

We, the People, not the Zionists, are the world’s masters – leaders of an anti-globalist multipolar world, of sovereign countries and nations, and of sovereign national monetary systems, devoid of a US dollar dominance and dependence.

Can we do it?



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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.

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