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Google now censoring people’s emails, private groups in Orwellian anti-“misinformation” scheme

22-7-2024 < Natural News 31 820 words

Google now censoring people’s emails, private groups in Orwellian anti-“misinformation” scheme

On June 27, the day of the CNN debate between President Biden and President Trump, fellow 2024 presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy Jr. participated in his own "Real Debate," streamed on X, that was broadcast at the same time and allowed Kennedy to respond with his own answers, this after he was barred by CNN from participating. It turns out that Google interfered with the public knowing about the Real Debate by censorship emails and Google Groups posts about it.

Many people are still unaware that Kennedy even participated in the debate via the Real Debate precisely because Google did its best to silence its users from informing their friends, family members and supporters to tune in on X to watch. Lori Weintz, writing for The Defender, a project of Kennedy's Children's Health Defense (CHD), says she "sent out a few texts and a notice in a Google Group, with a link to the Real Debate website," only to have these notices "permanently removed" by Google within minutes.

"Some commentary on the debate went back and forth in the group," Weintz writes. "Thirty minutes after my first post, I received [an] email from Google Groups stating that they had 'permanently removed' my content because 'an external report flagged the content for illegal content or policy violations.'"

"My post was removed 'for the following reason: unwanted content,' and I was informed, 'You may have the option to pursue your claims in court.'"

(Related: In cooperation with Big Tech, both the United Nations [UN] and the World Economic Forum [WEF] control search engine results to keep the world in the dark about sensitive topics: "We own the science and we think the world should know it.")

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After clicking on the provided link to see which of her content was deleted, Weintz was unable to see anything as she was presented with a "Content unavailable" prompt from Google.

"For the first time, I was censored by Big Brother for sharing an idea, without even being informed what my thoughtcrime was," Weintz says. "I'm not on social media, so I have only been informed by others of the rampant censorship surrounding posts about Jan. 6, election integrity and the official COVID-19 response, among other taboo topics."

Even just five years ago, it was mostly unheard of for tech platforms like Google to take such blatantly anti-free speech measures on their platforms. Raiding people's private emails and groups to remove certain types of speech is an entirely new paradigm that is rapidly escalating across the entire tech spectrum.

"It would have seemed a tongue-in-cheek reference to Orwell's 1984 or an absurd comparison to totalitarian states where freedom of speech is not a thing," Weintz contends about how quickly the Censorship Industrial Complex has ballooned into the behemoth silencer of speech it has now become.

In addition to censoring content, Google also actively monitors private groups in search of "unwanted" speech. The company also probes its users' personal emails in search of the same so entire emails can be flagged as "dangerous."

Weintz wants to know who filed the "external report" against her in the first place, though she is not holding her breath that Google will ever fess up unless it has to via a court order. It could be the Biden regime, though, if the case of Murthy v. Missouri is any indication.

"As can be read in the June 26 ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court, during the pandemic social media companies were harangued by various White House officials and the Office of the Surgeon General," Weintz reveals.

"The platforms were pressured to remove posts, and even delete whole accounts, that were deemed 'unhelpful' by the government. Section 230 of the United States Code provides immunity to online platform services for content generated by their users. The White House threatened the removal of that protection if the social media platforms didn't comply with Big Brother's wishes."

Truth is getting harder and harder to find the more the deep state censors and removes it from the internet and public conversation. Learn more at

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