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Hyde and Shriek: Trump’s Narrow Escape and the Power-Hungry Malevolence of the Left, by Tobias Langdon

22-7-2024 < UNZ 35 1905 words

It wasn’t murder, it was S.I.D. — Self-Inflicted Death. That’s what ended the life of the Black criminal George Floyd, not the knee of the police officer Derek Chauvin. But the left shrieked that Floyd’s death was a gen-u-cide — Latin genu, “knee” — that symbolized a genocide. America’s most precious asset, the Black Community, was under daily and deadly assault by the foul forces of White supremacism and White racism. The solution? Give the wise and benevolent left more power to control, coerce, and censor.

Exploiting martyrs, creating cults

Of course, the leftist cure turned out to be far worse than the imaginary disease. As Steve Sailer has carefully documented, the hysteria and lies of Black Lives Matter got lots more Black Lives Murdered. When White civilization retreats, Black barbarism advances. But so what? The left used the death of George Floyd to get what truly matters to the left: power. Oh, and the chance to posture self-righteously in public. Leftists pretended to care about Black lives even as they worked to destroy more Black lives. Like the Christianity from which leftism emerged, the left know how to exploit a martyr and create a cult. The American left have George Floyd. The British left have Stephen Lawrence.

And if it had been Joe Biden rather than Donald Trump who nearly had his head blown off on July 13, 2024, the left would have had a near-martyr that they would have exploited ruthlessly against the right. As it is, the right will not make as much from Trump the near-martyr as they should. The mainstream right don’t have the ruthlessness or the will-to-power of the mainstream left. They don’t have the malevolence either. Malevolence is the will-to-ill against your opponents. Leftists have been wishing violent death on Trump ever since they first realized that he was a threat to leftist power. Back in 2017, I wrote about an anti-White, pro-Mexican extreme metal band called Brujeria (which is Spanish for “Witchcraft”). The band’s first album was called Matando Güeros (1993) or “Killing Whites.” Naturally enough, the leftists of Brujeria would like Trump to get a machete through the head, as they told the world way back in 2016:

Brujeria’s message in 2016 for Trump and his supporters: you deserve violent death

Brujeria’s message in 2016 for Trump and his supporters: you deserve violent death

Across the Atlantic The Guardian journalist Marina Hyde (born 1974) wouldn’t agree with that. Machete through the head for Trump? A thousand times no! That would be far too quick and painless. Marina likes her ideological opponents to be hacked up and die in slow agony. That’s why she once horrified someone called Keith Hann, who is liberal in the old-fashioned sense:

At least I knew the identities of the people who shocked me so profoundly on BBC Radio 4’s Sunday morning news flagship Broadcasting House, when newspaper reviewer Omid Djalili announced between chortles “I can’t keep a straight face” while discussing the murder of South African white supremacist Eugene Terreblanche, and Guardian columnist Marina Hyde chipped in “He was still alive when the police found him in his remote farm, so I suppose at least you could say it was slow.”

My, how they all laughed. I sat astonished, waiting vainly for the programme’s host to ask the obvious “So, you’re in favour of the death penalty, are you?” And trying to imagine the fuss that would ensue if a group of right-leaning people had similarly rejoiced in the death of a black political leader. Not that there is the slightest chance of any such thing being allowed on the BBC this side of hell freezing over.

Thoroughly nasty piece of work though he no doubt was, a human being had just been brutally hacked to death. Even I, who am constantly getting into trouble for my inappropriate sense of humour, can see that is not a fit subject for comedy. (Keith Hann Blog, 6th April 2010)

Omid Djalili (born 1965) is a trans-British Iranian who belongs to the pacifist, humanity-loving Baha’i faith. But he’s a leftist too and leftists believe in slow painful death for right-wing racists like Eugene Terreblanche and Donald Trump. Still, let’s be fair. Although Marina Hyde would prefer Trump to die in slow agony, she would have been delighted to see his head blown off on in Pennsylvania. But it isn’t just Trump’s rightism and racism that power Hyde’s malevolence. Trump is well-known as a connoisseur of White female beauty. And he would never have looked twice at Marina Hyde, who seems to be a good example of how leftism appeals to the ugly and biologically unfit. The great White creator Roald Dahl wrote about the BFG — the Big Friendly Giant. I’ve found a photo of Hyde in which she looks like another kind of BFG — a Blonde Female Gollum.

Blonde Female Gollum: The twisted features of malevolent leftist Marina Hyde (main image from Press Gazette)
Blonde Female Gollum: The twisted features of malevolent leftist Marina Hyde (main image from Press Gazette)

Gollum was created by J.R.R. Tolkien, another great White creator. He was a character in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, where he is portrayed as physically and psychologically warped by a magic ring that offers supreme power to its possessors. Tolkien’s theme was that the love of power is lethally perverting. The verb “pervert” is from Latin pervertere, meaning “to twist completely.” Leftists love power and, like Gollum, leftist Marina Hyde has twisted features that reflect her twisted psychology. Or so I would claim. The photo of Hyde-as-BFG shows her receiving a British Journalism Award, because she’s one of the brightest stars in the British media.

Her luster wasn’t dimmed in the slightest by her gloating about the slow and painful death of the sixty-nine-year-old Eugene Terreblanche, who didn’t believe in slaughtering Blacks, simply in recognizing the truth about Blacks and their inability to sustain Western civilization. But suppose that the South African Black supremacist Julius Malema, who has explicitly called for the slaughter of Whites, happens to be savagely murdered next week. And Marina Hyde gloats about his death on national radio. It would destroy her career in an instant.

Hegemony of the Hydies

But Hyde would never gloat about the death of any Black. She knows exactly how to win fame and fortune by buzzing with the leftist Hive-Mind, which is why she’s such a heroine to so many other female journalists. And guess what? The right, who don’t share the ruthlessness or will-to-power of the left, have utterly failed to exclude those Marina-maniacs from their media:

Britain’s conservative newspapers have undergone a quiet revolution. A new breed of reporter has infiltrated newsrooms across the land. The days of smoke-filled offices in Fleet Street brimming with hungover grouchy old men are long gone. What has replaced them is far more sinister.

These are the Poppies, the Tillies and the Lillies (no, not all of them — but a lot of them). Let’s call them the Hydies, after their spiritual leader Marina Hyde.

Hydies are better looking, nicer smelling and more sober than their Fleet Street predecessors — however, they represent a grave threat to the future of conservatism in Britain. Hydies are twenty-somethings, living on low wages in small flatshares in Clapham. Their dream is to work for The Guardian one day, or maybe even host a podcast about brave entrepreneurial women like Michelle Obama or Melinda Gates. However, there are only so many jobs in writing about how gardening is racist in Guardian towers so these struggling graduates must look elsewhere. Hydies read journalism at Leeds Trinity and worked for The Tab during their student days. Their obsessions include disinformation (“isn’t GB News awful?”), black representation in the arts (“there just aren’t any black people in adverts!”) and the gender pay gap (“my boss makes more than me — why is that?”).

Every major newspaper and broadcaster is filled with Hydies. However, perhaps most shocking is their domination of conservative institutions. Whether it is tabloids like The Express and The Sun or middle and upper-brow papers like The Mail and The Telegraph no newsroom is immune from this flat white-drinking virus. Even GB News, that bastion of low-status right-wing opinion is brimmed with depressed Hydies down on their luck (“this is just a stepping stone” they assure themselves every night — sending a prayer to the Gods for absolution).

If you’ve ever been puzzled why The Telegraph has published yet another article about how to decolonise your holiday, or why The Sun defends [the leftist Black sportsman] Marcus Rashford to the hilt, or why the Daily Express hires journalists called Millie with pronouns in their bio then just think: it’s the Hydies.

A young senior female journalist at the Mail on Sunday is an infamous Corbyn supporter. A few years ago the newsroom of one major conservative paper was full of trans flags on reporters’ desks. There is a “Library of belonging” at Telegraph HQ as reported by Guido Fawkes which offers staff books about white Fragility. The same paper hosted a Drag King event to mark LGBT History Month. The Sun’s editor Victoria Newton, who is probably too old to be a Hydie these days, is renowned for her Left-wing views. She turned on [TV journalist] Jeremy Clarkson, is supportive of BLM and regularly suppresses legitimate stories out of fears of being called racist or sexist. Under her editorship the paper’s circulation is so dire News UK no longer publishes The Sun’s readership statistics. (“Attack of the Hydies,” The Critic, 7th October 2023)

Can you imagine the left allowing a Trump-fan to become the editor of any leftist newspaper? Of course you can’t. But you can easily imagine what would happen if the British right tried to undertake an entirely justified purge of the Hydies. The left would shriek with outrage and the right would retreat.

So you could call the left’s strategy “Hyde and Shriek.” Malevolent leftist journalists like Marina Hyde use hysteria about racism and other supposed right-wing evils to advance the cause of leftism. That leftist strategy has been very successful throughout the West. And it won’t stop being successful until the right begins to seek and wield power as ruthlessly as the left. I’m confident that the right will do exactly that. What the left have started, the right will finish. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump is another example of how the left are getting desperate as their doom gets nearer.
