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Trump’s RNC, Doomed Gay Satanic Bullshit – America Deserves This, by Andrew Anglin

21-7-2024 < UNZ 34 2643 words

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Author’s note: This is a Sunday article. I’m only publishing one article on Sundays now.

The place to start the analysis of the RNC and the dawn of Trump 2024 is with Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” chant after he allegedly received a small injury to his ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.

He called on his supporters to “fight.” But for what, exactly?

The only answer is that he was saying “fight for me, your tribal leader.”

There is no political agenda Trump is promoting. There is no platform. The platform document that the RNC released is 17 pages long. They are usually 70 pages and contain semi-detailed policy plans. This says some stuff about securing the border and protecting Israel. The rest of it is basically just “good things are good.” Stuff like “people should have good jobs” and “people should not be killed on the streets.” It’s just a list of unspecific nice things that literally no one disagrees with.

The current RNC plan is “people like Trump, just talk about how great he is and how God saved him from a bullet from some retard with no history or identity who got a sniper perch on a roof because it was too slanted to be safe for the Secret Service.”

As far as I can tell, Trump was first seen at the RNC during the speech of Amber Rose, a used-up face-tattooed hooker with a shaved head who promotes abortion and feminism and homosexuality and probably a lot of other things I don’t like. Her speech was “they said Trump wasn’t nice but I met him and he’s really nice. The left lied to me and said Trump wasn’t nice. He loves gays.”

So. Really weird.

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As has also been stated, there was an Indian voodoo prayer during the RNC.

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So, with “JD Vance” (not his real name) and his Indian (practicing Hindu) wife, with Vivek Ramaswamy claiming that Hinduism and Christianity are basically the same thing, with Trump’s pledge to import millions more Indians, it’s pretty undeniable that there is an organized plan to meld Hinduism and Christianity into the same religion. When you start creating new religions for civic purposes, when you start denying Christ for a universal “one god,” I personally think you are getting into very dark territory.

I guess they already did this with “Judeo-Christianity.” But that, as we know, was something very dark.

It all feels very dark to me. The Judeo-Hindu-Christian values, the abortion, the gays… none of it is anything I want to be a part of.

I watched a lot of the speeches at the RNC. Aside from very simple things, like “we shouldn’t have open borders and legalized black crime,” which like, 98% of Democrats agree with, there wasn’t any policy. Everything was just about Trump, the man, and how nice and good he is, what a great family man, he got his ear scraped and the only explanation is that God saved him so he could make all the good things happen.”

Trump’s actual policies, as I’ve deduced just from listening to him talk (rather than reading any policy papers, because such papers somehow don’t exist), include:


  • Stop open borders with normal border security and some kind of remain in Mexico policy

  • Replace poor mentally ill criminal immigrants with Indians through the H1-B system

  • Put even more tariffs on China

  • Bloat the military even worse by increasing spending (or redirecting existing spending)

  • Force companies to bring manufacturing back to America (I think through tariffs, though I don’t understand the details)

There is no more social conservatism. It’s just been cut out. Insofar as it’s discussed, it’s just the really insane stuff like child trannies, which was an unsustainable project anyway, because now they’re seeing what these drugs do to kids beyond the psychological stuff (cancer, 20 IQ point drop, etc.). There is some talk about removing DEI, I guess, but that was also just completely out of control and going to have to go away regardless, because planes are falling out of the sky. (High-caste Indians can maintain a Boeing, for the record.)

There is no serious policy agenda. The RNC admits this and says they want to remove policies and replace them with general ideas.

Remember that Trump did a multi-week tour condemning states for restricting abortion too much. Everything against homosexuality and trannyism has been removed from the platform. There is no more idea of protecting marriage. This stuff is all gone.

Oh, and the head of the Teamsters was there. He got huge applause for promoting communism. So there is also that, which is just… man, I don’t know what to say about that.

Trump came out to a stage with the frigging Elvis Comeback Special sign.

This isn’t irrelevant.

Why did people love Elvis?

Because he was Elvis.

Why do people love Trump?

Because he’s Trump.

There aren’t any policies. The policies that exist are just “good things are good, we like good things.” And Israel. Big, big policies for Israel.

Elvis didn’t have any policies. But he didn’t defend Israel either.

Right now, if Elvis was running and saying “man, we gonna get this thing back on track, you know what I’m sayin’?” it would be much better than what Trump is doing, because Trump is saying that – plus Israel.

Elvis also said “JESUS,” and didn’t say “God” over and over to not offend Hindus. Because Elvis was not trying to combine different religions for civic purposes.

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When they called Elvis “The King,” he said he couldn’t accept it, because Christ is the only King.

(He literally said that.)

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So to Donald Trump, I would say: “You ain’t no Elvis, bruv.”

I actually think using that sign like that is a kind of… stolen valor, or something.

If there is one truest of all Americans, it is Elvis and it always will be Elvis and Donald Trump is a game show host who is very charismatic but also a total shill for a foreign (Jewish) country and he ain’t no Elvis.

Trump’s speech, which you can watch above, was very, very long. I tried to just read the transcript, but they released a completely different transcript. Frankly, I got bored and started thinking about other things during it, so I can’t claim to have heard everything.

It started with a touching scripted piece about the alleged shooting, which played into this “divine intervention” narrative which was an absolute theme of the convention. He says, like everyone else says, that it was divine intervention.

Well, far be it from me to question the will of God, but it seems unlikely that God would do a divine intervention to promote abortion, gay sex, a melding of Hinduism and Christianity, and war for the Christ-killing Jews. Again, I don’t claim to know the plan of God, but I am fully comfortable saying that I’m sure he doesn’t support any of those things which defined the RNC and the Trump 2024 platform.

Further, if I were Trump, and thought a miracle just happened to save my life, I would not be promoting these things, and would instead ride into the RNC with this sort of energy:

After the tear-jerker about how he survived by the grace of God this alleged assassination attempt that conveniently took place just days before the convention, it turned into just his basic rally speech.

I don’t have much comment on that. Everyone knows what it is. Too many illegals, bring back jobs, support the people, do good things, do other good things, make everything good and everyone happy forever.

Of course he talked about Israel, and my ears perked up. But it was nothing at all surprising: give everything to Israel, defeat Hamas somehow, stop Iran somehow, etc.

He also made the stupid, false claim that Putin is “trying to take all of the Ukraine.” No one believes that. Putin has a peace plan on the table that says he keeps four provinces and Crimea. Him trying to invade and occupy West Ukraine makes zero sense.

Read about the Chinese invading and occupying Tibet. They had no choice but to do that, because the Tibetans were satanic cannibals engaged in slavery, and most pressingly, terrorism. But it was a massive, expensive endeavor. A lot of people died. It was really, really expensive.

Invading and occupying foreign countries does not make any sense. No one wants to do that. Putin only wants the parts of the Ukraine that identify as “Russian,” and he’s currently not even claiming all of those parts (which would include Odessa and Kharkov). Ruling over people who don’t want to be ruled by you is a very expensive nightmare. No one wants to do that. Ask the US troops who occupied Iraq for over a decade. It’s not fun. It’s very expensive. It serves no purpose. If the Ukrainians won’t stop, maybe Russia will be forced to march to Lvov and crush the remaining military and government of the Ukraine, but then they would just sell those parts to Poland and Hungary.

All of this is to say: it’s quite something that Trump would make such a claim – “Putin wants to conquer all of the Ukraine” – in his big speech. Previously, he’d said he wanted a deal to end the war by ceding territory to Putin, but now we don’t even have that on the agenda.

There is Literally Nothing Here I Care About

Trump is not offering me, as a normal white American, a single thing beyond his personality (which I must admit I will always like, but this is not about that).

Obviously, Trump’s 4 years were better than Biden’s 4 years, but the game has changed. Trump’s 4 years were before Biden’s 4 years. The virus hoax and BLM happened under Trump. Everything is always getting progressively worse, regardless of who is president. I mean, can you seriously claim that the Obama years were worse than the Trump years? By any significant measure? Obama did the Iran deal and refused to send weapons to the Ukraine, both of which Trump reversed. Biden obviously has taken the warmongering to a whole new level, but the basic fact is, Trump is openly claiming he’s going to double down on all of Biden’s warmongering.

Things always just get worse. It doesn’t matter who is president. Democracy is a hoax.

But even if I believed in democracy, I would not vote for Trump.

Why would I bother?

There is nothing here I care about, and most of it, I actually hate. I don’t want more gays and abortions. I don’t want more Indian immigrants. I don’t want to meld Hinduism with Christianity.

I’m not saying Biden would be better. Maybe he actually would be, because he would have a harder time getting young white men to sign up for the wars. But none of this matters, because the election is fake anyway.

Sorry, but that shooting was fake. I don’t mean that guy didn’t die, or there weren’t shots fired, but a bullet did not miraculously graze Trump’s ear. That is not possible. I don’t care about the details, but whatever happened is not what they are saying happened. This was a spectacle to turn Trump into Caesar (just in time for his coronation), and it worked.

I’m not voting.

I officially endorse not voting.

I was going to do that regardless, because elections are fake, but after this RNC shitshow, I have even more reason to say: do not sign your name on this satanic gibberish.

Leave the country, go live in a rural area, do whatever you have to do to prevent getting sent to fight one of these wars. But do not go along with this nonsense.

Do not believe the hype.

The logical thing for any man to do right now, in this situation, is to run.

It says it in the Bible.

This is Babylon.

There is weird, satanic shit afoot, and no one can deny it, even if they can’t explicate it.

It may indeed be inexplicable.

Most people are getting what they deserved. They have drank of her iniquities.

How many abortions? How much love for the sodomites? How much gluttony? How much fornication? How many dead in these wars?

How much blood is on the hands of the American people?

How great then will be the vengeance of the Lord?

I don’t like this “miracle saved Trump” talk. But God acts in the world. And chickens come home to roost.

Just get out of the way of the Beast.

Nothing good can come of it.

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