When a violent, shocking, spectacular American-history-turning event occurs—examples include the sinking of the USS Maine and Lusitania, the attacks on US ships at Pearl Harbor or the Gulf of Tonkin, the Kennedy assassinations, and 9/11—history teaches us that things are seldom what they seem. All of those incidents, and more, were deceptions orchestrated by forces that stood to benefit. The schoolbook narratives of all of these events, and many more, are lies.
The key that unlocks the truth is the Latin phrase cui bono: who benefits? In all of the above cases, a powerful faction that wanted war—call it the war party—orchestrated deceptions that enabled the wars they wanted.
Does the alleged shooting of Donald Trump last Saturday fit that pattern? Like the others, it was a spectacular act of violence that, in retrospect, is likely be seen as history-changing:
“The election is likely to be a landslide. This probably reduces uncertainty,” said Nick Ferres, chief investment officer at Vantage Point Asset Management, citing polls that showed a surge in support for Reagan after the attempt on his life.
The weak counter-argument admits that the shooting significantly improved Trump’s odds, but those odds are not 100% since “nothing is set in stone.”
The long and short of it is that those who want a second Trump presidency were the obvious beneficiaries of an apparently random event that, were it a PR stunt, would have been worth hundreds of millions of dollars to the Trump campaign. The iconic photo of Trump fending off the Secret Service agents tasked with whisking him away ASAP and shaking his fist defiantly as he yells “fight! fight! fight!” could not have been more perfectly scripted. Reality TV actor Trump has never been more in his element.
Nor could the shooting have been more perfectly timed. It occurred at the ideal moment to interrupt the news cycle that was about to force Biden to step down in favor of a stronger Democratic candidate. And it happened in the best possible time-frame for energizing the Republican base—and taking the wind out of the anti-Trump media’s sails—just ahead of the Republican convention, which became a spectacularly unanimous coronation-by-acclamation.
The “shot that winged Trump’s ear” was even luckier for Trump than for the world’s-worst-marksman who allegedly took it. Most obviously, it gave Trump some blood for the photo op. It also gave him the opportunity to put on an ear bandage that served as a sort of purple heart, or rather a white badge of courage, at the convention. If billion-to-one odds had not been defied, and the world’s-worst-marksman had just plain missed—or, vastly more likely, never been allowed to get off a shot—the whole thing would have fizzled and been forgotten, like the failed attempt against RFK Jr. last September. Indeed, of all human beings throughout all of recorded history, Trump may have been “the luckiest to have gotten shot.” Had he “turned his head at the wrong moment such that the bullet completely missed” he would face much better odds of spending the rest of his life in the big house rather than the White House…or of being actually assassinated, presumably by efficient and deniable means.
Indeed, the “shot in the ear” was like another kind of shot we have been hearing a lot about—an inoculation shot. It inoculated Trump against further assassination attempts, including the professional kind that rarely miss. Prior to his miraculously lucky ear shot, Trump was vulnerable to being taken out by any of a long list of deniable methods available to his deep state enemies. They could have laced one of his diet cokes with an untraceable heart attack agent, poisoned his toothbrush as happened to J. Edgar Hoover, or had him shot in such a way as to keep him out of the White House rather than to put him in it. But in the wake of the “lucky ear shot” and apparent Secret Service breakdown that enabled it, if anything happens to Trump, his base will burn down the country. That ear shot quite likely saved Trump’s life, not to mention his political career.
That the first serious amateur attempt on Trump’s life actually got off shots, and—mirabile dictu—winged his ear, providing hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars worth of PR for the Trump campaign, proves that Yahweh, or his agents, must have had a hand in it. On the assumption that Yahweh delegated the job to his agents, rather than just rolling up his sleeves and doing it himself, the question arises: “How did Yahweh’s agents manage to pull it off?”
Some of my excitable friends will no doubt exclaim: “It was all done with crisis actors! Nobody really got hurt or killed!” They will troll the web for photographs that faintly resemble the gunman and his victim, point out that they are still alive, and claim they have proved that the whole thing was a hoax. Alternately, they will dig into birth, death, and social security records, as well as social and mainstream media, and claim that whatever they find isn’t enough to support the presumption that Thomas Matthew Crooks, Corey Comperatore (who died from a gunshot at the rally) and “a 57-year-old New Kensington, Pennsylvania, resident and a 74-year-old resident of Moon Township” ever existed.
These are the people who insist that no planes hit the World Trade Center and that most or all of the 9/11 victims never existed. They think nobody really got hurt at the Boston bombing or the Las Vegas shooting or Sandy Hook. It’s all crisis actors, they say. False flaggers who stage violent events actually hate real violence, so they fake as much of it as possible…sometimes all of it.
I am, to say the least, not convinced by those arguments. My study of spectacular, spectacularly deceptive deep state events suggests that the perpetrators generally manipulate perceptions of actual violent events, rather than simply staging fake ones. (The violent events, of course, are generally orchestrated or steered by the perpetrators.)
If I were one of Yahweh’s agents…
If I were a high-ranking member of the deep state who wanted a second Trump term, here’s how I would have done it.
But would the deep state even want a second Trump presidency?
In the past, it has always been the war party that orchestrates this kind of deception. The Maine greased the skids for the Spanish-American war. The Lusitania greased the skids for US entry into World War I. Pearl Harbor singlehandedly enabled US entry into World War II, by flipping the massive anti-war majority into an equally massive pro-war one. The Gulf of Tonkin incident hugely escalated US involvement in Vietnam. 9/11 unleashed a series of wars for Israel that cost $7 trillion and killed millions of people.
Interestingly, the JFK assassination, which led to both escalation in Vietnam and (more importantly) US support for Israel’s 1967 war of aggression, was not the only time that a US president has been inserted, by murderous deception, to enable war. The 1940 Republican convention was rigged, after the murder of the convention manager, to ensure that pro-war unknown Wendell Wilkie, rather than any of the other more plausible candidates (who were all antiwar) emerged as the candidate. Since any antiwar Republican would have easily beaten Roosevelt, the murderous insertion of Wilkie was a necessary step towards US involvement in World War II. (The story is entertainingly recounted in Gore Vidal’s The Golden Age.)
But Trump?! He and his vice presidential candidate, J.D. Vance, are skeptical about Biden’s war on Ukraine. Isn’t Trump the peace candidate?
In a word, no. Trump’s first term was a war presidency, even more than Obama’s. The Trump team: *Armed Ukraine to the teeth and flooded it with NATO advisors, setting the stage for the current war. *Assassinated Iran’s General Soleimani, a shoo-in to win that nation’s presidency, thereby almost setting off World War III. *Ratcheted up the covert US war on China, in part by attacking China with the COVID-19 anti-economy bioweapon. *Refused to withdraw from Afghanistan. *Refused to withdraw from Iraq and Syria despite demands from both governments. *Massively increased military spending. *Declared World War III against the world’s nearly two billion Muslims by approving Israel’s theft of territory, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, and generally obeying Netanyahu’s every order, setting the stage for the current genocidal war.
If the deep state wants to cut its losses and shift the war front from Russia to China and/or Iran, Trump is the man to do it. Trump is surrounded by fanatics who, like the soon-to-be-pardoned Steve Bannon, believe it is the US’s destiny to defeat China in a hot war. And he is even more surrounded by even crazier fanatics who want to blow up the world in general, and Iran and its allies in particular, on behalf of the looniest wing of the Zionist genocide project.
With a Democrat in the White House, Netanyahu has no hope of “finishing the job” of the genocide of Palestine. The massacre of a few million Palestinians, and expulsion of millions more, could only happen under the “fog of war” of an all-out US-and-Israel vs. Axis of Resistance confrontation. And that’s what Netanyahu has devoted his entire political career to engineering. He won’t get it without another Trump presidency.
Regardless of the details, whether it involves turning Taiwan into China’s Ukraine, or joining Israel’s campaign against West Asia, America can’t mobilize for all-out war with a Democrat in the White House. Only a chest-thumping macho leader like Trump can infuse America’s fighting men (not women, sorry) with the necessary testosterone-fueled enthusiasm. Nobody with fighting spirit is going to sign up for Biden’s rainbow-flag-waving bisexual army. But Trump’s base will flock like lemmings to fight and die for the Orangeman waving the red-white-and-blue. So if you want war, big-time, you need Trump in the White House. End of story.
Please convince me I’m wrong!
I wish I were wrong about all of this. I wish Mike King, whose view of Trump almost rivals Q Anon’s, were right. I wish Trump were a real America First candidate, rather than an actor who plays one on reality TV. I wish he were the savior America needs, rather than a false messiah. I wish the “magic ear shot” were a real miracle from the universal God (as opposed to the bloodthirsty tribal idol Yahweh) whose purpose was to put a peace candidate in the White House.
So go ahead, try to convince me. I want to believe you. Explain to me, in detail, why logic and evidence proves that the “magic ear shot” could not possibly have been orchestrated in the way I am suggesting, or another roughly similar way.
I want to believe you. But the onus—the burden of proof—is on you. Given the historical context, we must assume that the “magic ear shot” event was an orchestrated deception, like its historical precedents, unless there is slam-dunk proof to the contrary. So please, drop that slam-dunk proof in the comments section! If you convince me, it will really cheer me up ; – )