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Can Terrence Howard’s Science Be Right If His Math Is Wrong?

17-7-2024 < Activist Post 32 1186 words

By Neenah Payne

Terrence Howard is an actor who has been getting attention for his mathematical and scientific theories which he presents in his free 162-page online book One Times One Equals Two, in videos, and on talk shows. Howard gave a lecture at Oxford in 2017.

Rolling Stone’s 9/14/15 article was Terrence Howard’s Dangerous Mind. As Howard put it in a Rolling Stone profile on him:

This is the last century that our children will ever have been taught that one times one is one. They won’t have to grow up in ignorance. Twenty years from now, they’ll know that one times one equals two. We’re about to show a new truth. The true universal math.

Howard claims since “They lied to us for 2,000 years”, our math and economy are wrong. Howard rejects 1×1=1 because he believes the “x” for multiplication implies increase. Why Terrence Howard Is Wrong: 1×1=1  explains that Howard doesn’t understand that 1 times any number is just that number because it is just that number one time.

Joe Rogan said on May 7, “The guy who interviewed me for Rolling Stone said Howard is a legitimate genius”.  Terrence Howard on Joe Rogan Show reported that Rogan interviewed Howard on May 20 for three hours and said he would like to interview him again. The article links to a six-part video by a math professor who analyzed Howard’s presentation at Oxford and advised:

Please don’t take anything that Terrence Howard says with any seriousness. At best, it’s satire; and at worst, it’s a catastrophic failure of the American educational system. Terrence Howard’s opinions are in no way based on fact.

When Rogan had Howard on his show, a number of scientists and mathematicians commented on his theories and shown below.

Howard’s Academic Credentials

Wikipedia reports:

Howard has stated he “went to school for chemical engineering and applied materials.” Though he did not complete his engineering degree, Howard thinks of himself as an engineer…. Howard’s account of his educational history has not been confirmed. Pratt Institute, which he says he attended, closed its engineering degree program in 1993.

Howard also said on Jimmy Kimmel Live! that he earned a PhD degree in chemical engineering from South Carolina State University (SCSU). He, however, never attended that university and SCSU does not confer doctorates in chemical engineering. Howard was awarded an honorary degree of “Doctorate of Humane Letters” (DHL) from SCSU after speaking at its commencement ceremony in 2012.

Howard claimed at Oxford that he discovered in The Flower of Life secrets that eluded Pythagoras, DaVinci, and Newton. He claims to have discovered truths Einstein missed. Howard sees himself as the smartest person of all time.

Terrence Howard Is Legitimately Insane

Terrence Howard is Legitimately Insane 5/24/24

Terrence Howard has been acting like a complete lunatic for years now, pretending that he has revolutionized physics, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, and virtually every other area of inquiry.  Spoiler alert, he hasn’t. He’s a science illiterate buffoon and delusional narcissist who spews gibberish on podcasts that only the most gullible people alive could fall for.

Let’s pick apart some his insane ramblings, shall we?

Neil de Grasse Tyson’s Response To Howard

Terrence Howard told Joe Rogan he wanted to speak with Neil deGrasse Tyson but had not been able to.

My Response to Terrence Howard 6/13/24

Neil deGrasse Tyson responds to comments made by Terrence Howard, reveals parts of his treatise, and explores the nature of scientific discovery.

Actor Claims His New Theory of Everything Improves Physics 6/1/24

Actor Terrence Howard claims that he has invented a theory of everything that improves physics, based on the idea that 1×1=2. After an appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast, his ideas have unfortunately attracted attention. It is, of course, complete bullshit, but I try to say it nicely. (Not quite successfully.)

For More Information: 5 Most Insane Moments From Joe Rogan’s ‘Wild’ Interview with Terrence Howard: ‘We’re About to Kill Gravity’

An upcoming article will review Terrence Howard’s July 1 appearance on Rogan: Joe Rogan Experience #2171 – Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard.

Why Scientific Accuracy Matters

It’s easy to laugh at Howard. However, America and the world were subject to much more dangerous buffoons during COVID. Dr. Anthony Fauci, then Director of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), said people who challenged his  COVID policies were challenging science because I represent science”.

However, Dr. Anthony Fauci Grilled by ER Doctor In Congressional Hearing shows that Dr. Fauci admitted that none of the COVID policies had any scientific basis. Fauci’s 3/26/20 article Covid-19 – Navigating the Uncharted in the New England Journal of Medicine showed he knew COVID was little threat. Yet, Fauci a as a member of the Whitehouse Coronavirus Task Force. appeared on TV almost daily in 2020-2022 terrorizing Americans into compliance.

Dr. Francis Collins, former Director of National Institute of Health (NIH), and Dr. Deborah Birx have recently admitted that the unprecedented COVID policies of lockdowns of healthy people, enforced mask-wearing, and vaccine mandates had no scientific basis. See The Legal Case Against Anthony Fauci. The Great Barrington Declaration argued on 10/4/20 for ending the lockdown. It now has 939,000 signatures.  However, Dr. Collins instructed Fauci to ridicule the scientists. Now FORMER NIH DIRECTOR FRANCIS COLLINS ADMITS COVID POLICIES LACKED EVIDENCE,

Fauci knew in early 2020 that there were inexpensive COVID treatments including vitamin D, vitamin C, ivermectin, and budesonide. Yet, he imposed policies that undermined our God-given rights protected by the First Amendment (Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, and Freedom of Religion). Those policies destroyed our economy and undermined our educational system. The policies mandated expensive, rushed, experimental gene-therapies mis-labeled  “vaccines” that have according to CDC’s VAERS stats killed and injured more people than all vaccines combined in 30 years. Yet, a 2010 Harvard study found that VAERS captures less than 1% of adverse events.

These are the really dangerous unscientific buffoons! See Dr. Fauci’s Faustian Bargain Revealed.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image: Cracked

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