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Are Migrants Biological Weapons?

16-7-2024 < Counter Currents 43 1820 words

Personnel in hazmat suits cleaning up a migrant center.

1,594 words

There was a time when I thought migrants were potential vectors for disease, and they are; however, I am convinced that characterization does not go far enough. Migrants are, in fact, biological weapons.

According to the United Nations Office For Disarmament Affairs, these weapons are defined as follows:

Biological weapons disseminate disease-causing organisms or toxins to harm or kill humans, animals or plants. They generally consist of two parts — a weaponized agent and a delivery mechanism. In addition to strategic or tactical military applications, biological weapons can be used for political assassinations, the infection of livestock or agricultural produce to cause food shortages and economic loss, the creation of environmental catastrophes, and the introduction of widespread illness, fear and mistrust among the public.

In their book entitled CBRN: Surviving Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Events, Piero San Giorgio and Cris Millennium explain that biological agents can be transmitted in several different ways, including airborne dispersion; the contamination of food, water, or objects; through animals that then spread the contagion directly (by contact or ingestion) or indirectly (fleas and mosquitos); or human-to-human contact by air (sneezing for example), or fluid transfer (mucous, saliva, perspiration, blood, wounds, or sexual intercourse).[1] Migrants are the perfect delivery system for anti-white hatred and any number of virulent, violent plagues.

Gregory Hood, in his article “The War on Whites Is All They Have,” put it this way:

The biggest weapon for waging the War on Whites is the biological weapon of the non-white population, which destroy white cities, cultures, and civilizations more absolutely and completely than an atomic bomb. The field of victory after the War on Whites are the streets of Detroit, or Camden, or East Saint Louis.

Likewise, James Kirkpatrick expressed a similar sentiment:

I like how Third Worlders now openly admit that their mere presence is the most destructive, poisonous biological weapon they can unleash against Western nations.

That is one of the reasons to employ chemical and biological weapons: area denial. Oftentimes these types of weapons are used to make an area uninhabitable. In the First World War, for instance, different types of gas, including mustard gas, were used to create areas that were difficult to traverse, which German artillery genius Georg Bruchmüller called “Gas Squares.”[2] Not only did mustard gas attack a victim’s respiratory system, it was also a blister agent that inflicted horrific wounds. These Gas Squares “could deposit a death cloud over large concentrations of troops. Moreover, if mustard gas were employed, it would make parts of the front uninhabitable as well.”[3]

Similar to the area denial effects of chemical and biological weapons, we can now see throughout the West entire neighborhoods that are designated as so-called no-go zones.[4] To traverse these areas as a white person is extremely dangerous. Moreover, any areas such as ad hoc campsites, hotels or subsidized housing or even airplanes or trains that are used to transport or house migrants have to be cleaned by people wearing hazmat suits.

In her book Weapons of Mass Migration, Kelly M. Greenhill provides a comprehensive history of how migrants have been used by states to attack their rivals. While her focus does not include malevolent leaders using migrants to destroy and displace their own people, she nonetheless makes a convincing argument for how countries have used migrant waves as a means to attack their geopolitical enemies. Greenhill identified 81 historical instances where weaponized migration was used to attack rival states. She found that the country employing such tactics achieved their desired objectives in whole or in part a majority of the time.[5]

In a journal article entitled “Role of Immigrants and Migrants in Emerging Infectious Diseases,” the authors focus on North America and argue that demographic changes have increased the prevalence of microbial threats. They argue that

[p]opulation migration plays a critical role in the spread of disease by initiating outbreaks of acute diseases, changing the prevalence of infectious diseases at a given location, and changing the face of chronic disease resulting from previous infection.[6]

Accommodating this horde of violent biological agents costs Western countries a fortune. In the United States, for instance, the cost of educating two million children born to illegal immigrants costs upwards of $68 billion annually. Providing medical care for uninsured illegal migrants before the COVID-19 pandemic cost an estimated $7 billion a year. Their sheer number has strained health care services as well: “The waves of illegal immigrants that have arrived since the pandemic have stretched emergency rooms and public clinics in some cities to the breaking point.”

You can buy J. A. Nicholl’s short story collection Venus and Her Thugs here.

According to the Federal Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium der Finanzen), along with various officials from the 16 German states, migrants cost Germany €48.8 billion in 2023 and €42 billion in 2022.

If we cross-reference these definitions with any number of news stories from North America and Europe, I think we will find ample evidence that migrants are indeed biological weapons. They are biological weapons in and of themselves, but they also rape, murder, steal, and commit acts of arson. Germany, for example, was subjected to 214,000 violent criminal acts in 2023 — a 15-year high. One observer on X (formerly Twitter) observed that there were ten reported knife attacks in Germany over a 24-hour period; all the perpetrators were migrants.

Moreover, in the German city of Solingen on Tuesday, June 25, an African migrant attempted to attack an Arab-owned restaurant. The volatile explosive device he was carrying exploded just outside the establishment; the careless attacker was badly burned and later died in the hospital, according to an eyewitness:

He took something out of the front of his pants. That looked like an explosive device. Then he probably accidentally spilled a liquid, then there was a big bang and the man burned. Witnesses then extinguished it and administered first aid.

The hapless attacker’s motives remain unclear at this point in the investigation. Four people, including a seven-year-old girl, were injured by shrapnel from the blast. The Arab restaurant in question had been raided by German police in connection with gang-related activities in the past.

Wherever they happen to live, white people have become second-class citizens in their own countries. In a horrific instance of injustice, a woman in Germany who had lambasted migrant rapists was given a harsher jail sentence than the convicted attackers themselves (some of whom received none).

On Sunday, June 23, a 20-year-old German man and his 18-year-old friend were returning home after attending a graduation ceremony when they were set upon by a group of ten migrants who beat them to a pulp. After the beating, the young man was admitted to hospital, where he died from his injuries.

A news story out of France reveals that a prolific arsonist from Sudan will not be deported. A judge ruled in June that a Sudanese migrant who set a multitude of fires, including in 16 apartments, multiple cars, a church, and who had inflicted serious injuries on at least 27 people could remain in France. According to the article, “The judge in the case refuses to deport him, saying that being sent back to Sudan would represent too grave a threat to his life.”

The New York Post reported in June that 400 migrants have been transported into the United States by way of ISIS-affiliated networks. While 150 of them have been arrested, 50 of them are still missing.

Two illegal migrants from Venezuela brutally raped a 12-year-old American girl and threw her in a river. She fought back against her attackers, who assaulted her for two hours. A migrant from Turkey likewise raped a 15-year-old girl in Albany.

Meanwhile, in Syracuse, New York, a 21-year-old woman named Joselyn Toaquiza was strangled to death by an asylum-seeker from Ecuador named Jhon Chacaguasay-Ilbis. According to prosecutors, the man suffocated Toaquiza and then buried her in Lincoln Park, which is located on the city’s north side. He was charged with second-degree murder and concealment of a human corpse. The accused and the victim were known to one another; they had attended primary school together in Ecuador.

A Haitian migrant named Corey Alvarez is being sought by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement after he was released on bail on Wednesday, June 26. Alvarez is accused of raping a 15-year-old disabled girl at a Comfort Inn that was housing migrants. He has disappeared since posting bail. Alvarez was admitted to the United States in June 2023 via the CHNV program, which allows Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to “receive humanitarian parole” and gain entry to the US.

These are but a mere handful of examples of how refugees and migrants are being used as weapons against the embattled white peoples of the West.

Profligate spending to support foreign migrants that are here not only to replace us, but to physically destroy us seems completely insane. It is, however, part of a concerted effort to destroy the Western world and commit genocide against its founding race of people. Migrants are indeed amongst the most effective biological weapons ever employed in the history of conflict.


[1] Piero San Giorgio & Cris Millennium, CBRN: Surviving Chemical, Biological, Rdiological & Nuclear Events (London: Arktos 2020), 204-205.

[2] Tim Cook, No Place to Run: The Canadian Corps and Gas Warfare in the First World War (Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999), 168-169.

[3] Ibid., 169.

[4] See Raheem Kassam, No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2017).

[5] Kelly M. Greenhill, Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion, and Foreign Policy (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010).

[6] Elizabeth D. Barnett and Patricia F. Walker, “Role of Immigrants and Migrants in Emerging Infectious Diseases,” Medical Clinics of North America 92, no. 6 (November 2008): 1447-1458.
