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Is Castizo Futurism Compatible with White Tribalism?, by Robert Stark

15-7-2024 < UNZ 26 1138 words

The meme Castizo Futurism is used to describe the blending of Whites and Latinos to form a new ethnogenesis, as well as a rightward political shift among Latinos. A liberal publication describes Castizo Futurism as multiracial White Nationalism, as a lot of young White nationalist men aren’t actually White, with prominent dissident right figure, Nick Fuentes, having Latino ancestry. While many on the Right embrace Castizo Futurism, it is also used derisively by Alt-Right types. The embrace of Castizo Futurism signifies some degree of White demoralization.

Whiteshift author, Eric Kaufman, predicts that many minorities, especially Latinos will be absorbed into Whiteness just like Italians, Jews, and Irish were, though not Black people. Kaufman being half Jewish, a quarter Asian and a quarter Latino though White presenting, is a product of this. Thus Kaufman seems fine with this Whiteshift coinciding with civic nationalism based on preserving Western values. He just opposes any overt forms of White identity politics.

In contrast with Kaufman’s Whiteshift, Michael Lind advocates for the formation of a new blended American race and culture. Lind argues that this new American ethnogenesis is needed to save America from balkanization but also must be post-White. I reject the American Melting Pot and favor ethnopluralism or rightwing multiculturalism, where Whites retain a distinct identity within the framework of multiculturalism. However, there also needs to be room for mixed-race people and people in interracial marriages to form their own identities.

Using miscegenation to bleach minorities into Whiteness is quasi-imperialist but has been how America has prevented balkanization. This also fits in with Latin America’s racial caste system and the concept of Mejorar la Raza, or “improving the race”. Basically, Indigenous and mixed-race people can move up in caste via intermarriage with more Caucasian people. America’s future could very well be like Latin America’s caste system where upwardly mobile non-Whites assimilate into Whiteness by marrying White while downwardly mobile Whites marry out and cease to be White.

This process of assimilating minorities via intermarriage, which may be needed to preserve America, is at the expense of watering down the essence of Whiteness, culturally and phenotypically. Certainly, a lot of half-Latino people are White passing and culturally assimilated into White American culture. Hispanics being half White are racially closer to Whites than Asians, who are thus racially closer than Blacks.

Hispanics are more susceptible to assimilationist pressures due to being mixed race, being Christian, having a quasi-European culture, and perhaps being more conformist. This assimilation explains both the woke Latinx types as well as ultra-patriotic and based Latinos. While the White shift could also include people who are half Asian, Hapas are more likely to form their own distinct ethnogenesis separate from Whites. While Black people have been in America since the beginning and there are plenty of Black people who are patriotic and cool with White people, they are just too phenotypically different to assimilate to Whiteness.

Wokeness and America’s legacy of the one drop rule are major barriers to the White shift. For instance, half-Mexican actress, Jessica Alba on George Lopez’s show was upset when she found out that she was about 90% European. Also, the last census showed the number of Hispanics who identify as White dropping by half. The Civil Rights regime and affirmative action offer incentives for Latinos not to identify or align with Whiteness.

In California, Latino identity politics was more aggressive in response to Whites asserting themselves, such as with Prop 187. However, Hispanics in California are now softer towards Whites, in part, because the White demographic has been so diminished. Under White enclavism, Whites might be resented for hoarding the most desirable real estate and wealth, and gatekeeping opportunities.

Is Latinos getting along with Whites conditional on the openness to the American dream and would enclavism break that social contract? The question is whether there can be some balancing act or hybrid of assimilating Hispanics through intermarriage along with White enclavism, with flexibility and fluidity.

The incompatibility is that Castizo Futurism is based on assimilation while enclavism is fundamentally against assimilation and mass miscegenation. The fundamental question is whether Americanism can be preserved while retaining a strong White core. While White populism is bound to fail, I foresee either a multi-racial working class populist coalition or Whites becoming an elitist diaspora.

However, an example of these seemingly contradictory models coexisting is Brazil, where there are White enclaves with people of German, Italian, or Portuguese ancestry, but also enclaves of lighter skin Pardos (mixed race people) aspiring to Whiteness as a sign of upper mobility and supporting Bolsonaro. Brazil has a lot of mixing but also this elite core of Whites who do not mix. I could see a scenario where the foundation of America’s Right is an alliance of Castizos in law enforcement, the military, and the petite bourgeoisie in alliance with an ethnocentric White elite.

While this can happen organically, a hypothetical proposal would be to encourage working class Whites to intermarry with Hispanics alongside eugenic natalism geared toward the White upper class. These models coexisting entail a kind of caste system, with a blonde White elite and a duskier more Mediterranean-looking White middle class. Also, for Castizo Futurism to work, immigration has to be greatly curtailed, as open borders guarantee racial balkanization. In California there just aren’t enough Whites to assimilate “minorities.” Thus I am more open to Castizo Futurism for Texas and Florida but not California.

The future is a caste-based society based upon various ethnogenesis, rather than one blended American race that Michael Lind advocates for. It will probably end up being some hybrid of Latin America and India, or rather a hybrid of my pan-enclavism and Eric Kaufman’s Whiteshift.

The types of more resilient Whites selected for in the future are the three “Rs”, rich, racist, and religious. Mixed-race people could end up being the “normies,” while the remaining Whites are ethnic identitarians, fundamentalist religious sects, and wealthy elitists. DEI anti-White discrimination is creating a selection pressure for the ethnogenesis of super Whites. For instance, the Whites who get into elite universities tend to be from wealthy backgrounds, and the men are also athletes. The Whites promoted in the corporate world are more good-looking, charismatic, and from affluent backgrounds. Also, mixed people in the elite might use CRISPR gene editing to select for lighter features.
