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Labour Loathe White Workers: How Slippery Starmer Has Slithered to Supremacy to Serve Semites, by Tobias Langdon

15-7-2024 < UNZ 30 2601 words

Words don’t rule reality, but they do manipulate minds. Take British politics. If honesty prevailed there, the Labour Party would be renamed the Lawyer Party. Millions of its deluded supporters would finally see the truth and stop voting for a party that hates them. Labour was founded to advance the White working class, but it now abominates the White working class. This betrayal was openly admitted by the Jewish politician Lord Glasman in 2011:

Labour let in 2.2million migrants during its 13 years in power — more than twice the population of Birmingham. Lord Glasman, 49, had already told BBC Radio 4 … “What you have with immigration is the idea that people should travel all over the world in search of higher-paying jobs, often to undercut existing workforces, and somehow in the Labour Party we got into a position that that was a good thing. Now obviously it undermines solidarity, it undermines relationships, and in the scale that it’s been going on in England, it can undermine the possibility of politics entirely.”

The academic, who directs the faith and citizenship programme at London Metropolitan University, criticised Labour for being “hostile to the English working class”. He said: “In many ways [Labour] viewed working-class voters as an obstacle to progress. Their commitment to various civil rights, anti-racism, meant that often working-class voters… were seen as racist, resistant to change, homophobic and generally reactionary. So in many ways you had a terrible situation where a Labour government was hostile to the English working class.” (Miliband ally attacks Labour migration ‘lies’ over 2.2m they let in Britain, The Daily Mail, 16th April 2011)

By “English working class,” Glasman meant the “White working class.” Labour loathes White workers, not non-White workers. The party ignores the far worse homophobia of lower-class Muslims and Blacks, because they’re at the top of the leftist racial hierarchy, not at the bottom like Whites. Its attitude towards White workers can be summed up in a single simple phrase: “Vote for us, you scum.” In 2014 a rich Labour lawyer called Emily Thornberry went to support her party’s candidate in a by-election at Rochester. She spotted a white workman’s van parked outside a house flying the English national flag, the cross of St George. “Yuck!” she thought. So she took a photo and sent a silently sneering tweet.

Serve Jews or else!

Her leader, the reptilian Jew Ed Miliband, was very angry. He fully shared Thornberry’s contempt for White workers, of course, but he hadn’t wanted that contempt to be made public. In other words, he hadn’t wanted the Labour Party to be exposed as the Lawyer Party. Alas for Miliband, Thornberry’s arrogance revealed the truth and helped UKIP win the by-election. It then helped the Conservative party win three general elections, first against Miliband, then against his replacement Jeremy Corbyn. When Corbyn was leader, he maintained Labour’s hostility to White workers. No-one in mainstream politics or media had any problem with that. But many politicians and journalists had very serious problems with Corbyn’s refusal to make Jewish interests his first and overwhelming priority.

Hideously White: Labour’s lying propaganda video

Hideously White: Labour’s lying propaganda video

That’s why Corbyn was vilified as an anti-Semite and eventually thrown out of the party altogether. In 2024 Corbyn has just won his old constituency of Islington North standing as an independent. But the general election itself was won by Labour in a landslide under the fatuous and vacuous slogan of “Change.” Normal service has been resumed, because the party is once again headed by a lawyer, the slippery Sir Keir Starmer, and is once again dedicated to serving Jewish interests. Like Emily Thornberry, the new Labour leader is a human rights lawyer; unlike Thornberry, he has successfully concealed his hatred and contempt for White workers. During the election, the party released a remarkable propaganda video. Why was it remarkable? Simple. It was what the former BBC apparatchik Greg Dyke would call “hideously white.” Starmer was shown at a junior school surrounded by children and teachers who were uniformly stale and pale — there was not a black or brown face in sight, not a hijab or afro to be seen. Normally, of course, all mainstream politicians love to be seen surrounded by non-Whites and non-White symbols. But not here. At one point in the video, Starmer is seen giving the thumbs-up to an all-White class with a Union Jack on the wall behind him. At other points, the flags of the Home Nations — England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland — are visible over his shoulders.

Slippery Starmer slithers to supremacy

In other words, that video was deeply and deliberately dishonest. And every adult participating in it knew that it was a lie. The video was exploiting White children to advance the cause of a party that is dedicated to destroying the future of White children. Labour propagandists must have searched long and hard to find a school like that. In fact, I wonder whether the video was faked using AI. Nowadays, junior schools up and down the country are not uniformly White but swarming with Somalis and Syrians. And the flags on the walls of classrooms are typically the crowded chromatics of the noble LGBTQIA+ community, not those of the Home Nations. Starmer and his propagandists were being seriously sly and slippery. He was trying to pretend to White workers that he and his party aren’t implacably hostile to them and their love of country.

Now you see it, now you don’t: Starmer and his disappearing poppy (image from Twitter)
Now you see it, now you don’t: Starmer and his disappearing poppy (image from Twitter)

He was lying, of course, but enough White workers were fooled to keep Labour on track for its landslide. That’s one example of Starmer’s slipperiness. Another example was apparent when he was photographed proudly sporting the red poppy that symbolizes respect and honour for the British armed forces. But the poppy had vanished when Starmer appeared in an anti-Islamophobia video aimed at Muslims, who aren’t fans of the British armed forces. After all, Jewish control of British politics means that Britain has been dropping bombs on Muslims for decades in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. It also means that Britain is backing Israel as it drops bombs on Muslims in Gaza. When Jeremy Corbyn was leader, he backed the Palestinians and opposed Israel’s murderous war-machine. Starmer does the opposite, but that brings me to a third example of his slipperiness. He served without protest in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet and in 2019 was asked on BBC television to repeat the sentence “Jeremy Corbyn would make a great prime minister.” He happily did so. A few months later, he told the BBC that “he was ‘100%’ behind Mr Corbyn and working with him to win a general election.”

No purpose but power

But guess what? It turns out that all the time Starmer was 100% against Corbyn and serving in the shadow cabinet only because he thought Corbyn had no chance of winning that general election. When Starmer became leader, he expelled Corbyn from the party and utterly repudiated Corbyn’s pernicious reign. In other words, Starmer has no principles and no purpose but the pursuit of personal power. To win that power, he has to serve Jewish interests. He also has to pretend that Labour doesn’t loathe White workers. That’s why, in the words of the BBC, he has “embraced British patriotism, using the union jack as a backdrop for speeches and getting his conference to sing ‘God Save the King’.” In reality, Starmer isn’t a patriot and doesn’t believe in the monarchy. Everything about him is fake. His “landslide” victory was won on a low turn-out and ludicrously low share of votes — barely higher than that gained by Corbyn in 2019, when Labour badly lost the election.

And it isn’t just the name of Starmer’s party that’s a lie: it’s also his own given name. He was named by his Labour-supporting parents after the Scottish firebrand Keir Hardie (1856-1915), the founder, leader and first member of parliament for Labour. Hardie was a genuine champion of the working class. So were the Trade Unions of Hardie’s day. When a mining company in Scotland tried to import foreign workers at the beginning of the twentieth century, this is what happened:

Trade Unions were openly hostile, claiming that the newcomers’ lack of English made them a danger at work; the Glasgow Trades Council declared the Lithuanians in Glengarnock as “an evil” and wrote to the TUC [Trades Union Congress] demanding immigration controls to keep them out.

Even a figure such as Keir Hardie, founding father of the Labour Party, led a fierce, xenophobic campaign against the Lithuanians. Hardie, as a leader of Ayrshire miners, wrote an article for the journal, The Miner, in which he stated that: “For the second time in their history Messrs. Merry and Cunninghame have introduced a number of Russian Poles [as the Lithuanians were described] to Glengarnock Ironworks. What object they have in doing so is beyond human ken unless it is, as stated by a speaker at Irvine, to teach men how to live on garlic and oil, or introduce the Black Death, so as to get rid of the surplus labourers.” (“Lithuanians in Lanarkshire,” BBC History, February 2004)

In 2024 Sir Keir Starmer would heartily agree that his namesake Keir Hardie was “xenophobic.” Hardie wasn’t, of course. Instead, he was doing exactly what a Lithuanian socialist would have done if the situation had been reversed: standing up for the local workers he was elected to serve. But that was at the beginning of the twentieth century. By century’s end, Labour’s betrayal of White workers was complete. When Tony Blair became Labour leader in 1994, all the old-fashioned socialist nonsense had been discarded. Now the Labour party champions the downtrodden bosses against the oppressive workers. Blair was a slippery lawyer just like Starmer. And just like Starmer, Blair knew that he had to serve Jewish interests to win power. That’s why Blair won the ultimate accolade from Jews in Britain: he was a mensch. Starmer has just won that accolade too. He has been hailed in the Jewish Chronicle under the headline “Starmer is a mensch and deserving of our trust”:

After the last general election, every political commentator speculated on whether the Labour Party could ever hold office again. The spectre of the EHRC [Equality and Human Rights Commission] report [into alleged anti-Semitism in Labour] was an ever-present reminder of the nightmare of Corbyn’s tenure as leader of HM Opposition and nearly everyone believed that Boris Johnson had built an electoral coalition that had permanently redrawn our political map.

Yet last week, the country decided that the Labour Party had changed, that we could be trusted to run the government and that change was needed. … As a result, Keir Starmer’s Labour Party has a working majority of 181 seats and the Conservative Party has had its worst result since 1832.

Even I struggle to comprehend the full scale of what this means for our country, for my city of Stoke-on-Trent and for our community. It’s beyond my wildest expectations and I can’t stop grinning every time I think about it. The images of Rachel Reeves, Wes Streeting, John Healey, Shabana Mahmood, Angela Smith, Peter Kyle, Ian Murray and the rest of the new cabinet walking down Downing Street on Friday made me sob with much happier tears than those that followed the 2019 election.

Five years ago, our community would have been scared by the thought of a Labour landslide. The pages of the JC would have been filled with stories of families worried about the future and plans to make aliyah. Thank God that is not where we are today.

After tearing out the poisonous plant of antisemitism from my party by its roots, Keir (or the PM as I must get used to calling him) has managed to rebuild enough trust with you that Hendon, Finchley and Golders Green, Chipping Barnet, Bury North, Bury South and East Renfrewshire have all returned Labour MPs. And I genuinely don’t believe that anyone, regardless of their personal politics, considers a Labour government as an existential threat to our community — because it isn’t.

That in itself is truly a miracle. I will be forever grateful to Keir for fixing what I thought had been irrevocably broken.

He is a mensch. And he deserves this opportunity to lead our country in the years ahead. He has earned our trust and we in turn owe him a fair hearing as he turns from campaigning to governing. Elections are only the first step. Now we have the privilege of service, trying to fix what has been broken in our society after 14 years of Conservative governments. (“Starmer is a mensch and deserving of our trust,” The Jewish Chronicle, 10th July, 2024)

That article was written by a highly ethnocentric Jew called Ruth Anderson, who served as a Labour MP under the Dickensian name of Ruth Smeeth (appropriately enough, Dickens would have used the name to signify smarminess, selfishness, and hypocrisy). While she was an MP, Smeeth wept in public when she was accused of working with the Conservative-supporting Daily Telegraph to undermine Jeremy Corbyn. She accused the truth-teller in question of “anti-Semitism” and had him expelled from the Labour party. Then she left the party and hilariously became “chief executive” of Index on Censorship. In reality, she no more believes in free speech than Keir Starmer believes in championing the White working class. Instead, Starmer believes in personal power and in Pabloism, an obscure variant of the Marxist-Leninism created by the Jewish megalomaniac Leon Trotsky (1879-1940). Starmer became a Pabloist at university, but no-one in the mainstream media is interested in that. How does it matter that the Labour leader was an enthusiastic supporter of the twentieth century’s most murderous and authoritarian ideology?

Fatuous and vacuous: by “Change,” Starmer means “More of the Same”

Fatuous and vacuous: by “Change,” Starmer means “More of the Same”

But it matters hugely when any Labour leader isn’t an enthusiastic servant of Jewish interests. The purpose of mainstream politics in Britain and all other Western nations is to wage war on Whites and sycophantically serve Semites. The fake Conservatives did that and the fake Labour party will now do the same. The only difference is that Labour will wage war on Whites with extra enthusiasm, extra authoritarianism, and extra hatred for the White workers it was founded to serve.
