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Culture as Programming: A Case Study of Frau Löwenherz, aka Leonie Plaar, Part 2

10-7-2024 < Counter Currents 30 3007 words

2,742 words

Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)

The role of a cultural milieu in programming each individual is not merely illustrated by considering what Leonie Plaar would have been like 80 to 100 years ago. It is further demonstrated by the realization that, in many ways, the choices and utterances she makes are not an individual choice at all as properly understood, but are part of a greater rubric of sociological and cultural phenomena that shape and define the individual in any context, but most especially modern Germany as she stands on the precipice of nationaler und völkischer Abschaffung.  The real horror of Leonie Plaar is that she is not just an individual or an isolated incident, but is part of a greater hive mind that is leading Germany and all of Europe to ruin — to racial and national suicide.

Having chosen to become a lesbian,[1] Plaar is part and parcel of the anti-natalism that has a death grip on Germany, Europe, and white populations across the world.  Proof of the contention that her cookie-cutter far-Left leanings are not an individual trend, but part of an insidious cultural and societal trend in Germany as well as Europe, is pervasive and demonstrated in any number of news stories. See the recent demonstrations against Alternative for Germany in Essen, as tepid and restrained as that party is. Or consider that “good” Germans have a fleet of ships, as part of an organization called Sea Eye, to interdict boats and rafts carrying Africans to Europe — not to send them back, as ought to be done, but to rescue and then ferry them to European shores for settlement.

When compared with a certain, tragic generation of Germans nearly a century ago, Plaar and “good” Germans like her are, as products of pernicious social programming, in many ways an inversion of the two excellent Terminator movies, which are worthy of discussion and acknowledgement.[2] Everyone knows the difference between the original Terminator from the first movie, which is sent back in time to kill Sarah Connor, and the second, once referred to as “Uncle Bob,” in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which is sent to protect the young John Connor: programming. Skynet programmed the first Terminator to assassinate Sarah Connor to prevent John Connor from being born, and when that failed, John Connor and the human resistance overtook a Skynet stronghold in 2029 and reprogrammed a captured Terminator, sending him back in time to protect him in 1991 from a new model of Terminator, the T-1000.  In human affairs, the cultural milieu that envelops the individual is the programming, defining the individual in such profound ways that are only slightly less determinative than the programming of a Cyberdyne Systems Model 800 cyborg.

Programming Status: Complete. A screenshot from Plaar’s presentation, focusing on a blonde German woman absorbing the message.  The process of indoctrination is captured at this very instant. As discussed below, in order to win nationalists will have to stop the process of programming and indoctrinating young people.

Many would of course object to the analogy of comparing the generations of Germans who came of age during the Third Reich to the cyborg Terminator that was sent to protect John Connor and the future of humanity.  Simply stated, Germans of that period have been unfairly maligned, as their vilification is always made with the advantage of hindsight, and never accounts for the legitimate reasons everyday Germans followed Hitler without that advantage,[3] including the myriad injustices of the Versailles Diktat, the deprivations and hardships suffered by the German people at the end of the First World War, the legitimate threat of a Communist revolution, the Weimar Republic’s shocking and extreme decadence and sexual degeneracy, not to mention Germany’s legitimate territorial claims on Sudetenland, Danzig, and Austria.  Ernst Nolte and others have correctly distinguished between the German people at the time and the political leadership that failed them in such an utterly devastating, catastrophic fashion.

In spite of such unfair vilification, however, Germans of that time advocated for the family, embraced natalist policies that would allow the German people to propagate, and fought for their country against the evils of liberal democracy, Soviet Bolshevism, and International Jewry.  Despite the catastrophic moral and military failures of their leadership, this generation had a decency utterly absent in individuals such as Plaar who seek the abolition of their own people.  Contrary to conventional wisdom, and contrary to what deluded Germans such as Plaar insist as she and those of her ilk march Germany toward her very abolition, the hypothetical Plaar born in the 1920s is much closer to the benign savior of humanity embodied by the “Uncle Bob” variety of Terminator than its predecessor, which was sent to snuff out humanity’s future. No matter how much Plaar and those like her would deny it, it is a virtual certainty she would have gladly fallen in line as a BDM girl if a clone of her had been born in the 1920s or ‘30s. She has, after all, shown a strong propensity to follow — whichever way the winds of power blow.

A still from the Victory Parade in Berlin held after the capitulation of France in 1940, depicting what appears to be a BDM girl, perhaps 17 or 18, giving flowers to a German solider. Behold a different sort of German woman of very much the same phenotype. One might call this woman Fräulein Lowenherz.  Such a woman did not fancy herself bisexual at 15 and later alternate between lesbian and bisexual, nor did she forsake her father or her male counterparts to bolster her Lefty credentials on social media. One’s cultural milieu is the defining difference between her and so much of what we see today.

The Terminator analogy is of course somewhat simplistic in other ways, as few metaphors bear close scrutiny.  The concept of Geworfenheit as formulated by Martin Heidegger is of course in tension with Entwurf¸ or projection: the way the individual interacts with those externalities that envelop him.  Some of us are endowed with a small semblance of autonomy, even if free will is far more limited than the Anglo-American tradition so foolishly supposes. In many ways, free choice is but an extensive drop-drown menu, in which the choices available to the individual are prepopulated by the externalities that envelop him, including the time and the circumstances one is born into as well as other externalities, from cultural milieu to familial and religious upbringing.

There is another imperfection in this analogy, however: namely, that many societies present a conflict between receding incumbent cultures and ascending subversive ones, with Germany being arguably a better example than any other in the Occident.  To be sure, Germany, as almost all of Europe, is in serious trouble, beset on all sides by this same sort of subversive cultural programming: the intake of junk American Unkultur, replete with English-language advertising and pop songs that imperil the future of not just the German language, but many other European languages as well as languages around the world. This is, however, in tension with Germany’s incumbent culture, one that has developed over centuries and that rejects the insidious views and lifestyles of persons such as Plaar, or those who commit miscegenation or want to flood Germany and other European lands with Third World hordes who have no right to set foot on the sacred continent. In this way, individuals are subject to two competing efforts to program them, although the insidious, malignant cultural programming that infected Plaar seems to be on the ascendant.

The opposition between an incumbent, and at the moment receding culture and an ascending, subversive new culture might lead some to question whether the constraints on individual autonomy are as severe as are being argued for. Although the analogy to cyborg programming may be a bit simplistic and overstated in some respects, those who insist on free will overlook things such as the abiding tendency of types such as Plaar, especially women, to go with the dominant social order, the power of peer pressure, the appeal of authority wielded by whatever professors indoctrinated her with feminist and intersectional jargon at the University of Osnabrück, and the irrational compulsion to rebel against one’s parents, among other externalities of which most are not even conscious.

In many ways, simplistic and erroneous notions about individual autonomy — whatever that is supposed to mean — combined with the greater philistinism of mainstream conservatism that holds matters of culture and the arts in open contempt, at least here in the United States, have contributed greatly to many of the troubles that have allowed young women such Plaar to be so indoctrinated — or programmed.  All of this might have been avoided if there were an established opposition to cultural Marxism that actually cared about culture, and was not merely feigned opposition by shills who are paid to lose and who only to pretend to serve their constituencies.  Germany, alas, is a special case, being a vanquished country, a nation that did not even have legal sovereignty until after reunification, a country that abides by a constitution written at the direction and with the assistance of those who conquered her.  Germany is a country in which Leftist youth wear t-shirts reading “Germany Must Die So That I May Live.” It is a country in which an insidious philosophy called “anti-Germanism” compels self-hating Germans to brandish signs thanking Bomer Arthus Harris for firebombing Dresden to counter-protest those sensible Germans who protest the war crimes perpetrated by the “do-goody” Allies.

You can buy Trevor Lynch’s Classics of Right-Wing Cinema here.

Of course, these elements in the culture and higher education stem from the march through the institutions of power here in the States by cultural Marxism. Intersectionalism, anti-white rhetoric — everything that comprises Plaar’s malignant programming of the mind was imported from the United States, much of which was in turn imported from German Jews fleeing the Nazi regime in the 1930s.[4] Because these harmful “ideas,” to the extent one can even call them ideas, most immediately originate from the US, those beholden to more mainstream views or who are (somehow) still beholden to quaint and erroneous views about American exceptionalism make a grave error in thinking that all of this is peculiar to the Germans, or that somehow the Germans collectively deserve this or are otherwise responsible for it.

It is unclear what the best short- and long-term solutions are for those Germans and other European peoples who have not been infected by the insidious programming that has afflicted those such as Frau Plaar. As always, no matter how daunting and seemingly intractable a problem may be, any solution requires a correct understanding of the nature of the problem.  Germans, Europeans, and the European Diaspora have no hope of prevailing without the critical, essential understanding that Frau Plaar and those like her are a product of the cultural milieu that envelops them — and envelops us all. To save heiliges Deutschland und Mutter Europa, the cultural programming must be changed by any means necessary and available, not unlike how the programming of a cyborg determines whether he is a friend or foe of humanity in the two Terminator films. For Germany in particular, changing the cultural programming, and doing so in time, will be difficult, but German nationalists have an incumbent cultural foundation which has existed for centuries.  That incumbent cultural foundation needs to be protected and touted with much greater vigor than it has been in recent memory.

The fate of not just Germany, but all of Europe may hinge on whether a critical mass of Germans can overcome decades of war guilt. Consider the ridiculous “outrage” in Sylt, where chants of “Ausländer Raus, Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer Raus” set to L’Amour Toujours” became a national scandal, including the “cancellation” of some of the persons involved, not to mention  prison sentences and the banning the song from Oktoberfest and other festivities. Conversely, different variations of the song shot up on the various German music charts, one sign of many showing there is still hope for Germany yet.

At some point, Germans and Europeans writ large need to understand that the United States is not their friend and find some way to expel not only the American armed forces from Germany and other European countries, but to expel and expunge the many horrid auspices of American Unkultur from their midst. This will require a more enlightened, authoritarian ethos: a dark enlightenment that rejects American platitudes about individual autonomy, and especially the absurd notion that what consenting adults do is no one else’s concern. If, for example, Germany were to ban or oust McDonald’s, as ought and must be done, a critical mass of persons must come to understand that those making the “choice” to patronize these portents of Pax Americana affect Germans and Europeans collectively.[5] The same rationale — the same dark enlightenment — applies to embracing intolerance for a certain sort of German woman who desires to copulate with men of different races, holds “refugees welcome” signs at the train station to greet trains full of migrants, and so on. Above all, Germany and the other vassal states of the American empire must come to the realization that they are occupied nations and develop the political will demanding that they cease to be so.

These are just some of the steps necessary to end the process whereby young Germans and Europeans altogether are being programmed by this insidious American creed.  The failure to either discern this fundamental truth about culture as programming or to successfully implement measures to disrupt and end such programming will ensure that those such as Plaar and her handlers will prevail, even as her phenotype and lineage will be assured of extinction through anti-natalism and the Great Replacement, should these elements continue to succeed.

Please see the author’s Substack, The Raven’s Call, which features additional writings from a hard-Right perspective.


[1] In the video presentation discussed at length in the second paragraph on, Plaar divulges that she discovered she was bisexual at 15 and determined she was lesbian at 17, coming out at some point thereafter. When, precisely, is unclear.  However, in these two TikTok videos, she identifies as “lesbian and bi.”  Additionally, about a year ago I seem to recall discovering aa video showing that she had had a boyfriend in college, among other things. Regrettably, I am now unable to relocate these videos.  Regardless, that she identifies alternately as lesbian or bisexual demonstrates that her lesbianism is a choice and socially and culturally conditioned, as female sexuality is generally much more fluid than male.

[2] One is reluctant to make any reference to American popular culture, but there are outliers for most everything.  Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day are great cinema with profound themes and great storytelling that distinguish them from so much dreck.

[3] While the German people of that time and today are undeserving of being so unfairly maligned, the regime — or more precisely its political leadership — had a number of moral failings, not to mention their committing of a number of catastrophic strategic blunders that doomed Germany, despite their armed forces being a most lethal instrument and one of the great paragons of military discipline in all history. Even the greatest warriors cannot fight three peer powers on three fronts simultaneously and emerge victorious. As stated elsewhere, I am most ambivalent about the Nazi period, as I regard Hitler and those in his inner circle with a strong aversion, although this aversion diverges largely from conventional wisdom.  I am deeply sympathetic to the reasons for which everyday Germans followed Hitler — without the advantage of hindsight — as I regard the Allies as being just as bad or worse. I do condemn Hitler, however, for in effect losing the war by involving Germany in a war with three peer powers simultaneously, not to mention the barbarism he perpetrated against Slavic Europeans, the Russians in particular (although the German armed forces saw much barbarism perpetrated by the Russians as well, from the very onset of Operation Barbarossa).  Hitler also brutalized his own people and showed callous disregard for the lives of his own men in his “stand or die” orders. While in Allied captivity, Field Marshall Ritter von Leeb once stated that “[t]he excesses of National Socialism were in the first and final analysis due to the warped personality of the Führer,” to which Heinz Guderian responded, “The fundamental principles were fine.” This is an entirely reasonable position on the matter.

[4] See Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, for starters.

[5] See specifically the subsection captioned “Ubiquity of Fast Food.”
