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Culture as Programming: A Case Study of Frau Löwenherz, aka Leonie Plaar, Part 1

9-7-2024 < Counter Currents 44 2045 words

Leonie Plaar standing among the environs that surround her.  She has been conditioned to be content with that which is objectively distressing and jarring.  A perfect symbol for modern Germany and Europe on the precipice of oblivion. (Image source: Frau Loewenherz Instagram page)

1,782 words

Part 1 of 2

Meet Leonie Plaar, who goes by the moniker Frau Löwenherz as well as Leonie Löwenherz:  far-left, Lesbian, and antifa, she is a most grotesque figure who exemplifies many of our troubles.  Quite regrettably, she has a TikTok account with over 500,000 followers, while other social media accounts, namely her German-language TikTok and Instagram accounts, have just under 100,000 and just over 50,000 followers, respectively.[1] She has made various appearances on German television, some of which were made objects of derision and ridicule by a number of detractors. Most amusing of all, she stormed off Twitter and migrated onto Bluesky due to Elon Musk’s policies allowing users to express themselves more freely, including those that offend her far-Left orthodoxy.

A screenshot of her last tweet announcing her departure from Twitter.  The German language, along with her likeness, are weaponized against that very essence.

Pictures from several years ago attest to her natural beauty which she has, to put it mildly, neglected. Facial contortions from a permanent state of outrage manifesting from the wokescold ideology seem to be making her if not ugly, far less attractive. There is a certain bitter irony in her moniker of Frau Löwenherz, a name that draws from her Germanic personage even as her message and very being advocate for the abolition of Germany and the German people.  In this way, she and her handlers are using her Germanic phenotype and mannerisms to deconstruct or dismantle that Germanic essence. Given how pedestrian and unoriginal her takes are, a matter discussed at length below, one cannot help but conclude she has been choreographed and boosted by certain nefarious, powerful interests.

In this video from last year, this woman made a presentation in Cologne talking about her decision to cut off contact with her father. Her stated reasons, like most if not everything this woman has ever uttered, are cut whole cloth from the boilerplate of cliched thoughts of the far-Left hive mind that pervade both America and Europe. What grievances compelled her to such a drastic decision? Her father supports Alternativ für Deutschland (AfD), and is generally opposed to how the Bundesrepublik handled the COVID pandemic and vaccination requirements.[2] For these unforgivable sins — for such political heresy of the day — she destroyed her relationship with her father, as it is unclear what effect this has had with other members of her family.  Based on what is divulged in this presentation, by all accounts he was and is a loving father (she describes herself as a Papakind, or daddy’s favorite), and a man who, supporting the AfD, loves Germany and wants to protect it from national and racial suicide.

Wie umgehen mit rechten Verwandten? FrauLöwenherz spricht über ihre Erfahrung | TINCON Köln 2023Wie umgehen mit rechten Verwandten? FrauLöwenherz spricht über ihre Erfahrung | TINCON Köln 2023

The video is distressing, but there are some silver linings. The YouTube thumbs-down extension reveals a ratio of over four to one dislikes and likes, and that is with the disincentive to even bother given how YouTube tries to hide such feedback. In addition, a number of German-language comments left by antifa sorts and other such Lefty rabble indicate that a number of comments denouncing this woman, the decisions she made, and what she stands for have been deleted.

A brief perusal of her TikTok accounts and other content reveals that she only utters tired clichés that could very well be taken verbatim by millions of others so inclined, both when she is speaking in English and her native German, with some buzzwords including “cishet male,” “toxic relationships,” and “all men” being a few that stick out on her main TikTok page. Another cliché from her German TikTok account is “Liebe wen Du willst” (love whom you want).  While in college, as she was being indoctrinated into cultural Marxist claptrap, she wrote a poem called “Alter Weißer Mann” (“Old White Man),” proving that pulling all the registers from intersectionalist feminism and other such wokery is a tried-and-true formula for poetry so bad it doesn’t warrant discussion, let alone translation.  Then there is this presentation on a Ted Talk offshoot: Aside from speaking in unoriginal boilerplate, her far-Left activism seems to be correlated to putting on some pounds. But just as this reveals that she and so many of her ilk are incapable of an original thought or idea, the ubiquity of these clichés, the maggots of the mind, further demonstrate how they have consumed so many tens of millions, across different nations and languages. It is such unvaried, uniform regurgitation of the very same language that gave rise to the NPC meme.

A screenshot of her Ted Talk. More thumbs down ratings than otherwise, and this despite the disincentive to even bother. One is reluctant to make comments on another’s appearance, but she has packed on some pounds. One can only infer that the dysfunction of her far-Left nuttery is giving her the body of a middle-aged woman before reaching 30.

Many such clichés are seen in this video. Use of the word “triggered” to describe how Plaar has rightly incurred the ire of her detractors, or “non-binary lesbian” friends as the people she was protecting by destroying the relationship with her father. Denouncing the AfD for “at the very least taking an indirect part in deaths of people” sounds very reminiscent of Lefty woke jargon about “stochastic terrorism” lodged against various right-of-center influencers.  When discussing her decision to cut off her father, and ostensibly much of her actual family, she talked about how she has her own family of friends and supporters in the LGTBQ community. She has a “magnificent family” (großartige Familie), a family of queer people her age, by now a tired adage repeated many thousands of times over. This is a familiar yarn, covered for example in Irreversible Damage by Abigail Shrier, which discusses at length the modus operandi of those indoctrinated in the transgender cult to cut off family as a matter of course (sometimes while still accepting payments for college tuition and living expenses).  It is a growing phenomenon that is coming to characterize millennials and Generation Z.  In most contemptible fashion, at the conclusion of this presentation Plaar encourages others in a similar situation as hers to do the same, asserting that no one is obligated to maintain a relationship with people who “are a danger to you,” “take energy from you,” or that “you do not feel comfortable around,” assuring audience members there is a “family out there for you.”

Towards the end of the presentation, seen above, Plaar encourages audience members to cut contact with family members they disagree with. The image of Grumpy Cat is a bizarre touch to such a sinister message. In addition to how terribly dated “Grumpy Cat” is, another silver lining is the downvote to upvote ratio, exceeding 4-1.

That every utterance is so thoroughly unoriginal — verbatim the same slogans, phrases, and sentences simply translated into German — is proof that she is a product of cultural programming. As explicated in “Thrust Into It All; The Individual Defined by Culture and Circumstance,” we all are a product of cultural programming to a profound, even incalculable degree. A great irony of individuals such as Frau Plaar is that she assuredly likens herself to be a very unique individual.  Many of her videos denounce racism, neo-Nazis, and the like, from which it can be inferred that she has lapped up — with a voracious appetite and most ardent fervor — the servings of Kriegschuld offered to her on an unremittent basis since birth as a “good,” modern German.

As explained in “Thrust Into It All,” one could take an exact clone of Plaar, place her in a different cultural milieu and period of time, and that clone — by virtue of being born in that different time and circumstance alone — would be a radically different individual than what we now behold. If she were not born in modern Germany with the decades of national self-flagellation, the indoctrination through both education and culture of Kriegschuld talking points, but in Germany in the 1920s or ‘30s, she would most likely have views that would make her father and other AfD supporters seem radical in a very different way — not because of any accusations of being “far Right,” but because of their classical liberalism and, one would presume, some measure of aversion to Hitler and the more onerous policies of that regime. If she were born in the 1920s or ‘30s, she would have been compelled to join the Bund Deutscher Mädel, but most likely would have joined of her own free volition, to the extent one really chooses to do anything at all.  Rather than be indoctrinated with war guilt, and later the tenets of intersectionalism and other such cultural Marxist jargon proffered at the University of Osnabrück and elsewhere, she would have a greater awareness as well as righteous resentment and indignation towards the number of hardships afflicted on the German people in the wake of the 1918 armistice.


[1] To dissuade readers from adding view counts, links to her English- and German-language TikTok accounts are provided here, as is her general website. Archived versions:;;

[2] She makes a number of outlandish claims in denouncing both the AfD and her father. In addition to accusing the AfD of engaging in “Nazi rhetoric,” and associating the party with the Hitler salute, she further claims her father indulged in conspiracy theories about Bill Gates wanting to put microchips in people through the experimental vaccines. In addition, she states that the last utterance compelling her to break off contact with her father was when he “unironically compared the vaccine mandate to the Holocaust.” She even accuses AfD supporters of engaging in rhetoric expressing a desire to see “people like me dead,” a sentiment that I cannot condemn entirely but also highly doubt has any basis in fact, particularly as Alice Weidel is lesbian.  Given the number of outlandish statements she has made that have no apparent basis in fact, one would be wise to consider her an unreliable narrator. Shortly before the Holocaust accusation, at approximately 15:25, she challenges her parents regarding the vaccine by asking what would convince them to take it. Her father replied, “Nothing.”  This is much more likely to have happened, and, of course, is no reason to destroy a relationship with a loving father.  Finally, this video likely references her last visit with her father, demonstrating that her intentions were not in good faith. She went there looking for a fight.
