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The Good Old Days?

9-7-2024 < Counter Currents 35 2720 words

Ondrej Mann

2,584 words

I came to racialism in a curious way. There is a well-known singer in our country, Daniel Landa, who sang in the skinhead band Orlik and then went on to a solo music career, where he recorded many albums and composed several musicals. Landa is a role model for a lot of white guys in the Czech Republic: He’s a tough guy, a wrestler, a spiritual guru, a car racer, and a music composer. His songs are often played on the radio, and he performs at concerts which tens of thousands people attend. Nevertheless, the media attacks him whenever they can, writing false articles about him or asking him manipulative questions they wouldn’t dare ask to any other famous singer.

Why are skinhead bands attacked by the media? Why can’t even moderate patriotic bands play at mainstream festivals, while extremely radical antifa bands play at them, singing about bullying and killing people, burning down shops, censorship, and so on? Looking for answers to these questions led me down a rabbit hole.

I read a lot about skinhead bands such as Brutal Attack, No Remorse, and Bound for Glory and read books such as KD Rebel by David Lane, White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell, The Turner Diaries by William Pierce, Creed of Iron by Ron McVan, and so on. I recognized the full extent of the problem: We as white people are dying out and are being replaced in our own countries through non-white immigration, and we are forbidden to talk about it. I didn’t know any of the literature from other perspectives at the time, such as Naom Chomsky, Hakim Bey, or Jacques Lacan. But I was very interested in this problem. I then realized that I had to meet other nationalists.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

The problem was that, at the age of 17, I was dealing with a lot of issues: school, finding out what the music subcultures were, and how to choose one that was right for me. I was fascinated by history, books, and art. I was also trying to decide what my future profession should be. And then of course there was the problem of what will happen to our civilization given that we are dying out, importing non-white hordes that cannot be integrated or educated and allowing them to create a parallel polis in a white world where it is forbidden to talk about these problems. I wanted to meet others who thought about these things.

I met some nationalists at the demonstrations, because that seemed to me to be the only way to meet them. I knew that there were underground concerts, but given that I didn’t know anyone in those circles, it was impossible for me to attend them. I found that nationalists often go to these demonstrations drunk, talking nonsense, and that their only activism consists of talking about the Third Reich, the Second World War, underground concerts, as well as celebrating Right-wing terrorism and getting in fights, or otherwise drowning in their own problems. I have never met a group of people who have more problems than the nationalists: working at bad jobs, having a lack of perspective and an unwillingness to change anything. It is mostly a group of discontented people who meet to get drunk and complain about the system. I have come to the opinion that these people will never change anything and that spending my precious time with them leads only to trouble, especially when life has so much more to offer. In practically every field, if one is dedicated to it, it is possible to achieve success quite quickly.

When I used to model ceramic objects, I organized exhibitions, and there were always dozens of people there. Sometimes the local newspaper even wrote about them. But nobody from the art school wanted to organize a nationalist concert. I couldn’t even get money from the town for this purpose. And even if I could have persuaded normal people to come to a nationalist concert, it would be the first and last time. The typical nationalists, with all their problems, would show up. I realized that my destiny lay elsewhere.

Among the fields where it is possible to achieve success quickly, I would also include pick-up artists. You just have to meet people who do that. In our country there is a book database where people keep user profiles. On these profiles you can see each person’s place of residence and the books he’s read, so you can choose a person to write to according to his book preferences. (It’s difficult to meet nationalists through the book database, however, because they are afraid of doxxing, so they only use nicknames and never list their places of residence. Even if I do write to them, a lot of them think I am a police agent.) So I started to meet intelligent young people in real life, and they were much more educated than most nationalists. They were reading books, working on self-development, and thinking about where they wanted to go and what they wanted to experience. Some of them had started investing. For me this opened up completely new horizons. These people also had much more success with women than nationalists, who just cry about their incompetence and how the world is unfair to them.

I’ve never condemned nationalism in itself because of the bad people who get involved in it, but I believe that white people should do white things. Thus, I believed that if I were to meet white people while they are engaged in white activities, I could create a form of proto-nationalism without the toxic obsessions and problem people. I thought of several activities right away: pagan practices, art exhibits, classical music concerts, and the occult.

Although classical music concerts are of undeniable quality and only intelligent white people attend them, I ultimately rejected such people for conversion to nationalism given that it is only possible to reach one or two people at each concert, and the conversations had to be about less controversial things. The people you meet at them are thoughtful, but don’t want to get into conversations about nationalism, race, or immigration, as for them these are very uncomfortable topics. When I did engage these people in conversation, they sometimes would agree with something I said, but they didn’t want to take action. Nationalists are seen by such people — rightly — as wignants. It’s different at classical art exhibitions, however, as there you can meet many different kinds of people, sometimes even intelligent nationalists. To this day I still correspond with some of those I met at exhibitions, and sometimes we still even meet at such events. At modernist art exhibitions, however, you will only meet anti-white progressives. There’s not much point in trying to convert such people. But any of these events offer more potential to make people think about nationalism than attending demonstrations.

I also started meeting people in black metal circles in my town. I found a girlfriend who is an artist. I began spending a lot of time at her house, going to exhibitions, making prints and ceramic objects, and gradually discovering the forgotten world of classical art. I got her into black metal and avant-garde music. I can take her to see Der Blutharsch or Nokturnal Mortum, but I can’t imagine taking her to an underground concert, such as Brutal Attack. I know she’d be interested in it due to the fact that it’s secret and forbidden, but if she saw the level of those in the audience, she’d think they were retards.

There were unfortunately no pagan groups operating in my area, but I knew several pagans by sight. Thus, it was not a problem to organize a pagan event in the local library and invite some of my friends from artistic circles (again, I can’t imagine organizing a nationalist event in a library and then bringing typical nationalists and my friends together). We found a pagan association that wanted to expand into Moravia, and their representative came and gave a lecture on the Goths and the Germanic paganism of today. His lecture was successful and it seemed that his group would establish a temple here. Those who were interested in the occult and those who were already pagans but did not belong to any organization were excited.

It was thus no problem to arrange another pagan event and to perform a ritual out in nature. Only quality people who were educated and who had families and lives of their own came. Many were engaged in traditional crafts: leatherwork, pottery, making traditional clothing. They weren’t the types who think they can save the white race by getting drunk at underground concerts.

A ritual focused on the Black Sun took place, and it seemed that everything was moving toward the establishment of a branch of the organization in our area, something for which we all had high expectations. We put up leaflets, but no one else signed up. We tried making a couple of trips and even a pub crawl, but found that there was no interest in organizing any more local rituals or lectures. The purpose of our small organization thus became to support the events of our parent organization, and in return someone from this organization would come once a year to hold some sort of event — usually more of a ritual than a public lecture, because we weren’t gaining any new converts. Eventually there were only three of us left. We were all interested in the occult, so we started practicing Enochian magic according to Donald Tyson’s system.

The pagan movement we were part of began divide into ethnic and multicultural camps. Naturally, all of those in our group practiced ethnic paganism and wanted nothing to do with the larger and better-funded multicultural organizations. Eventually, problems arose. For example, representatives from our organization performed at various medieval sword fights and historical reenactments, and also attended fantasy festivals. (Fantasy festivals tend to attract a lot of fans of manga, science fiction, and comics; it is certainly not a nationalistic or pro-white milieu.) Inevitably, non-whites began coming to our lectures and public rituals. We were thus confronted with a question: Should we allow blacks and other non-whites to participate in our public lectures and rituals when they have a valid ticket for the entire festival? We decided that they could attend the lectures, but not our rituals. We would sometimes come into contact with non-white people at these festivals, but we certainly did not invite them to participate in our mysteries and our inner spiritual lives.

We therefore always had to deal with the unpleasant task of telling a black man that he could not attend our ritual because he does not belong to our people and our race. Whenever I have attended public festivals, there has always been someone to solve this problem. Once our organization was even banned from a fantasy festival on the grounds that we were practicing racial discrimination. But we always stood up for what we thought was right. In a functioning whites-only civilization, such problems and dilemmas would never arise, but unfortunately, we currently live in a multicultural dystopia. There were other ethnic pagan organizations besides ours that were unable to solve this problem, because no one had the courage to stand up to the festival organizers and the non-whites to tell them they couldn’t participate. When blacks took part in their rituals, and no one had the courage to stand up for his ethnicity, it no longer made no sense for them to call themselves ethnic pagans. Inevitably, these organizations died out or else joined the multicultural New Age pagans.

All organizations rely on their founders. The founder of our organization went through a dark period and fell into drug use. Drugs were another controversial issue within ethnic paganism. Some of us who were more inclined towards White Nationalism were strictly against drugs, while those who were more into occultism and divination favored the magical use of drugs. There is a fine line here: magical use of drugs implies their use only in rituals, and not for commercial or profane use. Our founder was involved in witchcraft and divination, and at first she only used drugs in this context. Later, however, she also began using them at concerts, public events, and finally in everyday life. She became paranoid, aggressive, and exhausted. She eventually turned some of the people in our group against each other, and it finally broke up altogether. I didn’t look for another to join, because there is no longer any pagan organization in our country that is seriously interested in magic and occultism, which I consider to be crucial in paganism. Also, my experience in this group had been enough. Still, I continue to support the efforts of ethnic pagans even if I do not join their groups, such as by participating in battle reenactments or buying their products. I still consider them one of the most valuable currents within White Nationalism.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s New Right vs. Old Right here

As all of this was happening, our country’s government became a liberal cuckservative one, and after that the leadership of our country was taken over by a government of “experts” — i.e. Jews and the multicultural elite. These Jews, of course, began repressions aimed at those nationalists who were organizing underground concerts and demonstrations. In the United States you’d call these types of nationalists wignants. This repression destroyed all the nationalist skinhead bands in our country. They could no longer perform even secretly, and the repression also crippled the small nationalist organizations that existed. Since then, there have been no further demonstrations or concerts. I’m glad I didn’t devote my time to these activities for long.

The things that brought me closer to the nationalists included the realization that there is no future for white people in a multicultural dystopia, as well as multicultural LGBT values, a lack of social reflection on the Great Replacement, the covering up of the crimes committed by non-whites, and the persecution of nationalists. This last item includes the absolute censoring of David Duke, the jail time that nationalist activists have received, the cancelling of nationalist concerts, and the lies that the mainstream media tells about all of these things.

The things that drove me away from the nationalists was the state of the nationalist scene: the alcoholism, violence, lack of perspective, lack of intellectual reflection, lack of any long-term plan, and the lack of high culture, not to mention their bourgeois and stupid political parties. It is impossible to achieve success in this way.

Is it possible that you can also came to White Nationalism through skinhead bands, Rockwell’s White Power, wignants, demonstrations, and the Old Right in general? Did you consider this to be totally inadequate for your own interests, as well as for the preservation of our civilization? Did you have big questions and big problems, but nobody was offering any reasonable solutions? Did this happen at a time when the real opposition had not yet matured and there were only the old solutions? At Counter-Currents, for the first time I found intelligent White Nationalists who can describe our problems in detail and perceive the subtle nuances of our culture.

Counter-Currents already contains the seeds of the art, philosophy, literature, and the free white civilization I would like to live in in the future. If you also see Counter-Currents as helpful, please buy its books, join the paywall, or contribute to the site.
