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9/11 Hard Core

7-7-2024 < Activist Post 60 857 words

By Mark Adams

A recent headline from the New York Post reads: “Chilling new video captures suspected Saudi spy filming US Capitol, National Monument before 9/11.”

In the video Omar al-Bayoumi, an accused Saudi intelligence operative with close ties to two of the 9/11 hijackers, can be seen casing the US Capitol building and the Washington Monument while exclaiming “O beloved, esteemed brothers, a greeting to you from Omar al-Bayoumi.” The video, which was discovered during a British raid on Al-Bayoumi’s UK residence in 2001, provides compelling evidence that Saudi intelligence provided essential help to terrorist operatives in the United States.

This notion is explicitly articulated in a recent court filing:

“The Saudi government secretly funded a network of individual operatives with extensive ties to terrorism … Saudi Arabia also funded and directed several ostensible ‘charities’ as part of the enterprise.”  page 13

But the Saudi involvement is by no means the entire plot. In fact, from day one an important clue emerged that highly placed renegades in the American government and military played a ranking role in orchestrating the mass murder of nearly 3,000 Americans.

Let’s start with a recap of events that unfolded in Colony Beach Resort on Longboat Key in Sarasota, FL where President Bush spent the night. The next day, September 11th, he was scheduled to appear at Emma Booker Elementary School.

Key Colony Beach (Wikipedia)

The level of security was extraordinary. According to the Sarasota Herald Tribune, “At the Colony, the Secret Service was getting everything secured for when the president arrived on Sept. 10th. That included snipers and surface-to-air missiles on the roof and the Coast Guard patrolling just offshore.”

While the president was sleeping the Sarasota police received an ominous warning from Zainlabdeen Omer, a Sudanese national residing in Sarasota, that a friend of his named Gandi (or Ghandi) who made violent threats against President Bush unexpectedly showed up in Sarasota.

Here is a copy of the police report:

The Sarasota police in turn notified the Secret Service. Notice the time: 0407 hundred hours. The intrigue continues. According to an article published in the Longboat Observer, a van occupied by Middle Eastern men tried to enter the Colony Beach Resort claiming to be a television news crew who had a scheduled interview with the president. This was witnessed by a local fire captain, Longboat Key Fire Marshall Carroll Mooneyhan. The Secret Service turned them away.

What makes this so disturbing is that the same modus operandi was used half way across the world in Afghanistan just TWO DAYS EARLIER to successfully assassinate Osama bin Laden’s biggest foe, Afghan Northern Alliance leader Shah Massoud. The rebel leader granted an interview to an Arab TV crew during which the camera exploded killing him and one of the suicide bombers disguised as a journalist. Massoud died from his severe injuries in a helicopter while en route to a hospital for emergency treatment.

Meanwhile at Emma Booker Elementary School, President Bush was in a classroom telling stories to small children when White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispered the news of a second World Trade Center (WTC) building strike in his ear. After a few seconds of hesitation, the president withdrew to make further inquiries, draft a statement and hastily head for Air Force One.

It was then that the most sinister event occurred: An archived message from CBS News tersely states:

“A Secret Service page at 10:32 a.m. warned: ‘ANONYMOUS CALL TO JOC [Joint Operations Center] REPORTING ANGEL IS TARGET.’” It turns out that “Angel” was the secret codeword for Air Force One.

Foreign Penetration Agents?

Click here to see the rest of this 66-page report from Mark Adams with many more images (PDF)

Top image caption and credit: Space Shot Manhattan 9/11 Smoke Plume Rising /

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