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Antony Blinken Reveals Government’s AI Plan To Censor Free Speech

3-7-2024 < Activist Post 35 685 words

The Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, is a member of the Trilateral Commission and is gleeful for the gift of AI to crush Free Speech once and for all. Their quest started in 1981 when they crushed Antony Sutton’s academic career and our scholarly books Trilaterals Over Washington (Vols. I and II). Trilateral David Rockefeller later bragged how they deceived the world.

When a nuclear submarine raises its periscope, it looks like a tiny motorboat from a distance. Underneath the surface of the water, it packs enough missiles to destroy the world. The Trilateral Commission is like that. You rarely get a glimpse of them when they surface for air.

Their strategy to deflect criticism is consistent.

  1. To call you a conspiracy theorist.

  2. It is only a coincidence that TC members are always “appointed” to high positions in government because they are so rich in talent.

  3. Always position themselves as the “moderate middle” while sweeping everybody aside.

Antony Blinken is just one more Trilateral operative, like the Pied Piper, leading the world into Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. In his eyes, all else is disinformation. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

Posted By: Leo Hohmann via

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted last week that the State Department is preparing to use artificial intelligence to “combat disinformation,” amidst a massive government-wide AI rollout that will involved the cooperation of Big Tech and other private-sector partners.

At a speaking engagement streamed last week with the State Department’s chief data and AI officer, Matthew Graviss, Blinken gushed about the “extraordinary potential” and “extraordinary benefit” AI has on our society, and “how AI could be used to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals which are, for the most part, stalled.”

He was referring to the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development goals, which represent a globalist blueprint for a one-world totalitarian system. These goals include the gai-worshipping climate agenda, along with new restrictions on free speech, the freedom of movement, wealth transfers from rich to poor countries, and the digitization of humanity. Now Blinken is saying these goals could be jumpstarted by employing advanced artificial intelligence technologies.

Listen to Blinken, in the video below, openly describe how the government will use AI to clamp down on the free speech of citizens. (Fast-forward to the 3-minute mark and watch through the 7:07 mark.)

Blinken bluntly stated the federal government’s intention to use AI for ”media monitoring” and “using it to combat disinformation, one of the poisons of the international system today.”

Don’t ever say they didn’t warn us. They are no longer hiding their agenda, but you have to search for it. When you find it, in posts like this, share it. Because the corporate media keeps these outrageous statements from high government officials hidden from we the people. Have you seen any stories from CNN or Fox News on the government’s self-admitted plan to use AI to censor our speech? I haven’t either.

Read full story here…

Sourced from Technocracy News & Trends

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