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What Really Happened at the WHO?

28-6-2024 < Activist Post 22 550 words

By James Roguski

The Pandemic Treaty was NOT defeated. Negotiations will resume on July 17-18, 2024. The amendments to the International Health Regulations WERE adopted. Big Pharma won. We the People have work to do!

The “Pandemic Treaty” was NOT defeated.

The 10th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be held in hybrid format July 16-17, 2024. They hope to reach consensus on the “Pandemic Agreement” before the end of 2024.

The amendments to the International Health Regulations WERE adopted.

A new WIPO treaty was signed.

While many people around the world were distracted and confused by what seemed to be the failure of the WHO to reach agreement prior to the 77th World Health Assembly, did you know that a treaty signing ceremony was held across town in Geneva at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on Friday, May 24, 2024?

The new WIPO treaty will require the disclosure of the country of origin of genetic resources used in any patent application. The WIPO treaty seemed to break up a logjam in the negotiations at the WHO which resulted in a last minute agreement to adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations.

On Saturday June 1, 2024, the 77th World Health Assembly DID adopt amendments to the International Health Regulations and they also agreed to extend the negotiations of a new “Pandemic Agreement” for at least one full year while leaving open the option of holding a special session of the World Health Assembly if consensus can be reached on the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” before the end of 2024.

The Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR)

During the WHO negotiations, not one word was ever spoken or written calling into question the failure of, and the damage caused by lockdowns, social distancing, travel restrictions, mask mandates, fraudulent use of the RT-PCR as a diagnostic test, adverse events caused by drugs such as Midazolam and Remdesivir or the obvious failures and harms caused by the so-called COVID-19 “vaccines.”

In order to truly comprehend the amendments that were adopted, it is very important to understand the terms “global public goods” and “vaccine apartheid.”

“Global public goods” are products that are available in practically unlimited supply.

“Vaccine apartheid” describes the primary purpose of the negotiations, which was to ensure equitable access to pandemic related products for low and middle income nations who did not have the manufacturing capacity to provide unlimited access to masks, diagnostics, drugs and jabs. In the final negotiations, cell and gene-based therapies and other health technologies were added to the list of “health related products.”…

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