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From Ukraine to World War III: Waiting for the Spark to Light the Nuclear Inferno

28-6-2024 < Global Research 28 953 words

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“Everything is being set up for a confrontation that has not been seen for decades. Or even more than half a century. So, this is what is really dangerous. For all of us.”Drago Bosnic, from this week’s interview.


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Alerts of a third and final world war are out there. Plastered all over the newspapers, network broadcasts, and on the various social media outlets.

Rather like the lead-up to World War I, the major nations of the world are convulsing into a rivalry between two great alliances – the U.S.-NATO-Israel alliance and the Russia-China-Iran alliance. The former representing the “rules-based international order.” The latter representing the alternative, identified frequently by NATO leaders as the “authoritarian” by Western entities like the Atlantic Council.[1]

As with WWI, immense expenditures on weaponry is underway. And also, moves on the grand chessboard are starting to evolve into escalating a series of “checks.”[2]

With the war in Ukraine seeing a major failure in the so-called “Counter-offensive” and the Russians holding their ground and advancing, we heard the French President Emmanuel Macron apparently intend on sending Western troops to Ukrainian soil to aid the ailing Ukrainian forces. This was followed by Russia threatening to fire on the forces should they arrive in Ukraine. [3]

We saw that, according to Western military sources, 300,000 soldiers from the NATO alliance are stationed on the border with Russia, Belarus and Ukraine on high-readiness and are offensive-oriented. Russia. As well, indications are that the U.S., UK and EU are preparing to draft soldiers into service. Russia is preparing to revamp its entire doctrine on the usage of WMDs. Russia has also dispatched warships to Cuba about two weeks ago. [4][5][6]

And now, just last weekend, there were MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System  (ATACMS) fired on Sevastopol in Crimea, mostly intercepted by Russian air defence but killing four people and injuring 151. Russia blamed the U.S. for the attack, as the U.S. military supplied the weapons, aimed them and provided data for the attack. As of this date, Russia is planning retaliation. [7]

Pressure is building as neither Russia nor the U.S. appears ready to blink. Will one of them blink? Or will there be a moment, not unlike the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand that sparked the vital mix of imperial tensions causing an explosion that was the most destructive war to that point in history – World War I. Will history repeat itself in 2024? That is the subject of this week’s special episode of the Global Research News Hour. [8]

In our first half hour, Drago Bosnic, a military and geopolitical analyst studying the war constantly gives his assessment of the recent developments, and assesses the high probability that a major confrontation and ultimately a nuclear war will result.

In our second half hour, we have a lengthy chat with historian Dr. Jacques Pauwels about the World War II victory 80 years ago and how the lion’s share of the work, and the sacrifice, and the bloodshed fighting the German Nazis was on the Russian side in the east, not Normandy in the West. He makes a comparison between the two wars as a necessary one highlighting the dangers and stupidity of the Ukraine War.

Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels was born in Belgium in 1946, moved to Canada in 1969. Undergraduate history studies at Ghent  University, Phd in history from York University in Toronto; MA and PhD in Political Science from University of Toronto. Part-time lecturer in history at various universities in Ontario from approximately 1975 to 2005.

He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG).

(Global Research News Hour episode 438)


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