“O my brothers, break, break the old tablets!”
—Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra (3.12.10)
According to Jewish mythology, Moses came down from the mountain with two stone tablets in hand. Inscribed on them, by the Jewish god Yahweh, were 10 “commandments” for the Jews to follow in their interactions with other Jews (though not with non-Jews, for whom there were no such laws). This so-called decalogue, or “10-words” (deka-logos), is offered up as a kind of divine law, binding on all religious Jews—and on foolish Christians who inexplicably feel themselves bound by Jewish law.
As the story goes, Moses became upset with his people because they deviated from God’s law, and in anger, he broke the tablets (Ex 32:19). (Later, when the Jews were reformed, God gave Moses a replacement set.) As a set of laws, this original decalogue is wholly unimpressive; it ranges from the obvious and mundane—“don’t lie,” “don’t steal,” “don’t kill,” “honor your parents”—to the absurd: “no other gods,” “no graven image.” Certainly there is nothing of penetrating insight or deep wisdom, such as might be expected from a divinely-dictated legal code. But it is perfectly suited for a small tribe of nomadic and superstitious Jews.
The coming of Christianity muddied the waters. Jesus’ relationship to the 10 Commandments is fraught with difficulty; did he come to “fulfill” and uphold Mosaic law, or did his “new covenant” override it? There is no consensus on this. As a result, it is entirely unclear if Christians are bound by the original decalogue at all, even apart from the fact that the original was intended only for Jews.
Be that as it may, this Mosaic decalogue is almost useless for any modern, contemporary, rational society. The mundane laws are so obvious that they are already granted moral and legal standing in virtually every culture, and the absurd theological laws are meaningless for anyone not captive to a ridiculous Judaic ideology. Worst of all, to grant any standing to “God’s law” is to grant unwarranted credibility to a pathological Judeo-Christian worldview based entirely in mythology and Jewish supremacism. Any reasonable person can agree to not killing, not stealing, etc., and we don’t need God’s or Moses’ sanction to uphold such decrees. What we need, then, are new laws, new tablets—a new decalogue that can guide us through the present stormy waters.
One early skeptic who saw through the charade of Judeo-Christianity was Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche understood that this religious outlook was a complete fraud—in fact, a multi-level fraud. The Mosaic stories, along with the cosmic origin in Genesis, Adam and Eve, the life of Noah, and so on, are portrayed as actual fact when in truth we can see them as, at best, inspiring fables; and at worst, as sheer nonsense. Nietzsche was also appalled that Gentile Europeans could believe that anything in the Old Testament—the Jewish bible—applied to them. He understood that the much-proclaimed “neighbor” of Old Testament morality referred only to the Jewish neighbor: “‘the neighbor’—really the coreligionist, the Jew”. Nietzsche also condemned “the Jewish instinct of ‘the chosen’”; the Jews “claim all the virtues for themselves without further ado, and count the rest of the world their opposites; a profound sign of a vulgar soul.” Indeed, the Jews are
people of the basest origin, partly rabble, outcasts not only from good society, but also from respectable society; grown away from the atmosphere of culture, and undisciplined; ignorant, without even a suspicion of the fact that conscience can also rule in spiritual matters; in a word—Jews. (Will to Power, sec. 199)
No matter what Gentiles and Christians believe, the Old Testament God is a god of the Jews, one who “remained a Jew, he remained a god of nooks, the god of all the dark corners and places, of all the unhealthy quarters the world over!”
But the greatest fraud was Christianity: a Jewish-inspired hoax of the highest order, intended to degrade and destroy Gentile humanity—Rome above all. Paul constructed an elaborate deception based on a Jewish rabbi, turning him into a miraculous son of God who falsely promises eternal rewards to even the most lowly and undeserving. The whole belief-system is so absurd and so opposed to worldly existence that it undermines and ultimately destroys those who follow it:
Christianity needs sickness just as Greek culture needs a superabundance of health—to make sick is the true, secret purpose of the whole system of redemptive procedures constructed by the church. … Christianity also stands opposed to every spirit that has turned out well; it can use only sick reason as Christian reason, it sides with everything idiotic, it utters a curse against the spirit, against the superbia of the healthy spirit… [S]ickness is of the essence of Christianity. (Antichrist, secs. 51-52)
The solution, says Nietzsche, is to destroy the destroyers: to smash the sick Judeo-Christian worldview and the morality based on it. True to form, Nietzsche presents himself not as Moses but as the anti-Moses: we need to “break the tablets” of Judeo-Christian morality, not because people aren’t following them enough but because they are following them too much! This endeavor is described in his brilliant but challenging booklet Thus Spoke Zarathustra (1884), especially in Part Three in the section “On old and new tablets.” This extended section, which surely ranks among the best of Nietzsche’s writings, repeatedly implores us to “break the old tablets,” and to craft something new—a task which his hero, Zarathustra, has only begun (“new tablets half covered with writing”).
Among the new tablets are such sayings as: “Man is something that must be overcome” (sec. 4) and “become hard!” (sec. 29). Present humanity is only an intermediate state of being, “a bridge,” said Nietzsche, and our greatness lies in our transcending and overcoming the present human condition, attaining something like an uebermensch or ‘over-man.’ This exceedingly difficult task demands not Christian or feminine softness but rather something much stronger: a masculine, “Hyperborean” sense of strength and determination: “become hard!” But clearly more is needed.
All this, then, serves as a bit of background for the topic at hand. Not long ago, as I was engaged in some research on National Socialist philosophy, I came across not one but two fascinating “decalogues” developed by German thinkers, aiming at the betterment and flourishing of their fellow Germans. Like the Ten Commandments, these are 10-point plans for the enhancement and even salvation of a given people. The first appeared in peacetime and the second in the face of a bloody global war that was, in large part, instigated by Jews in the Soviet Union, England, and America.
The first of the two decalogues is more personal, written by an unknown author sometime before 1940, and likely in the mid-1930s, well before World War Two. Addressed to the German youth, it enjoins young men and women to tend to their mental and physical health and, for both their own happiness and the sake of the German nation, to take great care when marrying. It declares that large, healthy, prosperous German families are the foundation of future success for the nation, and that the young have a civic duty to produce healthy offspring. In fact, this recalls one of Nietzsche’s “new tablets”: “In your children, you shall make up for being the children of your fathers” (sec. 12). The present generation, Nietzsche says, is a result of accident and capriciousness; future generations will be aimed at the higher and the better. With proper guidance, future generations can lead humanity upward, away from the abyss.
This first decalogue was published in English in 1940, in Lothrop Stoddard’s book Into the Darkness (pp. 197-200). Stoddard calls it Ten Commandments for the Choice of a Mate; I will refer to this as the “Marriage Decalogue.” I cite it below, with two alterations: (1) I have modified Stoddard’s archaic “thee/thou” language into more modern English prose; and (2) I have replaced ‘German’ with ‘White.’ It seems to me that such a set of injunctions could be useful today, not only for Germans but for all White people in all lands. Let us see how it holds up under this new reading:
The Marriage Decalogue
Stoddard is duly impressed: “What an amazing mixture of idealisms and [beneficial] propaganda!” We can only imagine the conditions that would allow such an official document to appear in public once again. Imagine if such a thing were the basis for all education; for all youth-based music and entertainment; for all social media; for all youth-oriented films and television. Imagine the changes that would come in just five or ten years of a youth culture centered on these values and ideals.
“Nazi propaganda!” scream the leftists. “Thank God we no longer have such official dictates,” they say. But this would be a grave error. Don’t fool yourself, dear reader, into thinking that today’s Western liberal-democratic social order is “open” and “free,” and therefore lacking in such “propaganda.” Far from it. Every cultural system carries with it a worldview and an ideology. In the West today, our ideology is one of a Judeo-centric leftist liberalism; it promotes wokeism, minority rights, racial mixing, gay rights, gender fluidity, crude materialism, and rampant individualism and narcissism. It is anti-White, anti-child, and anti-family. It promotes self-harm, sickness, and death. It attacks the best among us and praises the worst. One could scarcely devise a more pernicious ideology if one tried. What concerned parent today wouldn’t prefer this “Nazi” Marriage Decalogue to guide our youth, over the utter filth and moral depravity served up with glee by our Jewish cultural overlords?
The second decalogue comes from the hand of Joseph Goebbels. Late in 1941, and just prior to the Pearl Harbor attack, the war entered its third year; all was going well for Hitler and Germany, and victory appeared to be at hand. France had capitulated, England was on its last legs, and the Soviets were pushed back nearly to Moscow.
For both Hitler and Goebbels, the cause of the war was clear: malevolent Jewish action in the East, the West, and within Germany itself. Soviet Bolshevism, inspired by Jews like Marx, Trotsky, and Lenin (a quarter-Jew), posed a mortal threat to all of Europe; capitalist Jews in England and France agitated against Hitler from even before his rise to power in 1933; and German Jews left over from the Weimar regime continued to cause trouble domestically. From the German perspective, the primary cause and driving force of the war was global Jewry.
Thus on 16 November 1941, Goebbels published a striking essay entitled “The Jews are guilty!” It is a remarkable piece, especially given that it was crafted by the functional second-in-command of a major Western power. (The full essay is reprinted in my book Goebbels on the Jews [3rd ed., 2024]). Of interest is the closing portion in which Goebbels enumerates ten key points in dealing with the Jews—an “Antisemitic Decalogue,” if you will. Goebbels’ references to “the war” resonate in the present day, where we in the West are involved with two major conflicts (Ukraine and Gaza), both inspired and driven by Jews; the situation then was little different than today. I cite Goebbels’ ten points below in full:
The Antisemitic Decalogue
Imagine a society guided by these two decalogues—how different everything would be! Imagine if they were posted in every school, in every university, and in every public institution, and then actively used to guide social policy. What a tremendous impact they could have.
This idea is not so far-fetched. As I write these words, the state of Louisiana has just passed a law mandating the display of the Jewish “10 Commandments” in every public school, “in a large, easily readable font.” Even though the posting of Jewish commandments is idiotic in the extreme, the principle is valid: establish basic rules to guide society, and especially the youth, and promote them widely. Instead of Jewish mythology, why not post these German decalogues that serve the betterment of our youth and address a fundamental threat to social wellbeing?
We ought never forget our hard-won lessons from the past. With a finely-tuned ear, we can hear Nietzsche, Hitler, and Goebbels calling to us from beyond the grave: “Break, my friends, break the old tablets! Free yourselves from Judaic thinking and Judaic values! Recover your self-confidence, your sense of self-worth, and your greatness on the world stage. Identify and drive out the pernicious elements of your society; allow yourselves to breathe freely once again. Break the old tablets, and write new ones—ones that will carry you and your children beyond their present sorry state and into a future worthy of them and their legacy. It is a great and difficult task, but not impossible; we have begun the hard work; you must now carry it forward.”
Thus do they call to us. How shall we respond?
Thomas Dalton, PhD, has authored or edited several books and articles on politics, history, and the Jewish Question. All his works are available at www.clemensandblair.com, and at his personal website www.thomasdaltonphd.com
Antichrist, section 33 (1888).
Will to Power, section 197 (1887).
Antichrist, section 17.
For details, see my book The Jewish Hand in the World Wars (2019; Clemens & Blair).