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Trump Triumphs as Biden Falters

28-6-2024 < Attack the System 20 1041 words

by Constantin von Hoffmeister

Constantin von Hoffmeister exposes the predictable disaster of Joe Biden’s debate performance and champions Donald Trump as the strong leader America desperately needs.

The presidential debate last night was nothing short of shocking, but let us be honest — it was TOTALLY PREDICTABLE. What were the Democrats thinking? Did they genuinely believe they could benefit from parading Joe Biden, a man who can neither think nor speak coherently, against Donald Trump, who remains sharp and vigorous? The Democrats and their cheerleaders at CNN seemed baffled by Biden’s dismal performance, yet anyone paying attention knows this is Biden in his natural state. He stumbles, mumbles, and fumbles — this is not new.

Biden’s performance was an absolute trainwreck. How anyone can still consider voting for him after such an embarrassing display is beyond comprehension. The reality is stark: Biden cannot win without resorting to underhanded tactics. The only logical conclusion is that the Democrats are preparing to manipulate the outcome.

In all fairness, one might even feel a twinge of pity for Biden. He is clearly a puppet, unaware of his surroundings or the gravity of the situation. It is not just sad; it is downright cruel for him to be used this way. Those behind the scenes are willing to let this man humiliate himself and potentially jeopardize the country’s future for their own gain.

Challenger Donald Trump decisively won the first of two debates. Even CNN could not ignore the clear victor in their flash poll. A staggering 67 percent said Trump had a more convincing performance, while only 33 percent clung to the illusion that Biden did well. This was not just a victory; it was a rout.

Before the debate, the expectation was that Trump would win, but no one anticipated the margin would be so wide. Initially, 55 percent of voters surveyed believed Trump would outperform Biden. That number skyrocketed once the debate was over, solidifying Trump’s dominance.

From the outset, Biden did nothing but confirm the worst fears about his capability. His age, frailty, and apparent senility were on full display. As he approaches his 82nd birthday, Biden’s frequent mental lapses have become impossible to ignore. This debate was just another episode in a series of blunders that have left Americans questioning his fitness for office.

Trump, ever the showman, capitalized on Biden’s slip-ups with cutting wit. When Biden stumbled over his words, Trump seized the moment: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either.” This biting remark underscored the chaos within the Democratic ranks. Reports from various media outlets indicate that the Democratic Party is in a state of panic. Biden’s performance was supposed to quell doubts about his ability to endure another four years. Instead, it has only fueled concerns.

In the grand historical context, Trump is a modern-day Caesar, a strongman poised to save not just America but the West itself. In the Spenglerian sense, as articulated in Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West, Trump embodies the decisive command needed in times of cultural and political decay. America and the Western world cry out for a leader who can restore order, confidence, and greatness. Trump is that leader. As history has shown, only an alpha male can navigate the turbulent waters of decline and lead a nation back to prominence. Trump, with his never-give-up attitude and pragmatic spirit, is the leader America needs to confront and overcome the challenges of our time.

In these uncertain times, when the core of the American nation is being tested, it is crucial to inform oneself about the true essence of what Trump represents. For those seeking to understand the profound symbolism and transformative power of Trump, I highly recommend exploring my book Esoteric Trumpism. This truly enlightening resource sheds light on Trump not just as a political figure but as a potent symbol of rejuvenation and virility that can guide America back to its roots and traditions.

Esoteric Trumpism unveils the movement that champions a new American isolationism, one where the nation can thrive in a multipolar world without the burdensome role of global policeman. This philosophy advocates a return to America’s foundational principles, focusing on national sovereignty, cultural integrity, and economic autonomy. By embracing these ideals, America can once again prioritize its own citizens and values, forging a path of renewal and greatness.

Reading Esoteric Trumpism is an exploration of Trump’s leadership and a journey into the movement destined to restore America’s rightful place in the world. It is a call to action for patriots who believe in the promise of an independent and self-reliant America, free from the entanglements of globalist agendas. Discover the vision of a resurgent America, led by a modern-day Caesar, and join the movement that will lead Americans back to prosperity and pride.

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