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Downfall of The Legacy Media

24-6-2024 < Activist Post 27 1128 words

By Neenah Payne

The Collapse of the Mainstream Media (Part 1) Russiagate explains,

The dinosaurs are dying. Investigative journalism….is disappearing. The Washington Post and CNN are cutting hundreds of jobs. Condé Nast, owner of The New Yorker and Vogue, is laying off 5% of its workforce…. The Los Angeles Times is poised to eliminate 20% of its employees. Sports Illustrated just fired its entire staff. And Vice Media, once much hyped, declared bankruptcy last year and last month laid off 100 reporters.

According to Pew Research, both print media and digital circulation are significantly down across the industry. The American mainstream media is in a state of free fall. Perhaps no one is surprised to hear this news. But how did we get here?

The Collapse of the Mainstream Media (Part 2)

2020 Election explains that it covers “How a freefall of public trust in the face of spin and censorship has led to the rise of new and independent media. It will investigate how Russiagate, the 2020 presidential election, and COVID specifically have eroded trust in legacy media and then analyze the growth of other sources”.

The Collapse of Mainstream Media (Part 3) COVID-19

The legacy media also lost trust because it also continues to fail to report accurately on the Biden laptop, January 6, the open southern border, and the astronomical injuries and deaths caused by the COVID shots.

The Collapse of the Mainstream Media (Part 4): The Rise of New, Independent Media: A Silver Lining

US Government’s Mass Censorship Campaign

Michael Benz, Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online, served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the US State Department from the Fall of 2020 to January 2021. The Chilling Reality of Modern Censorship in the U.S. with Mike Benz. The World According to Mike Benz.

Benz explains that the legacy media were always controlled by the National Security State. However, that changed in 2016 with the election of Donald Trump as president and Brexit. The alt media were empowering nationalists. That threatened NATO, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, United Nations, and World Economic Forum.

Mike Benz: AI Censorship, 2024 Elections, & The Future of Democracy.

We delve into the world of AI censorship and its impact on the internet and society. We explore critical moments that shaped the digital landscape, including the 2016 election. Join us as we raise questions about the future of information control in an AI-driven world.

Michael A. Benz, is Executive Director of the Foundation for Freedom Online. Benz founded FFO as a civil society institution building on his experience in the role of championing digital freedom around the world in the public sector. He previously served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Communications and Information Technology at the US State Department from Fall 2020 through January 2021. Mike served as a White House speechwriter for President Trump and advised on tech matters. He served as speechwriter to Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson and was a policy adviser on economic development. He practiced business law for seven years as an attorney in New York, primarily representing technology companies and financial firms.

Historic Power Shift Now: Centralization vs Decentralization

Joe Rogan interviewed Maajid Nawaz on 2/20/22. Nawaz explained the global takeover by the World Economic Forum. It was a wakeup call to humanity and millions of people who may not have heard of The Great Reset suddenly got interested.

This is a 2-minute preview of the show: Watch Joe Rogan Get Red Pilled On The WEF, Klaus Schwab, and Digital ID’s aka The Great Reset “WATCH — Maajid Nawaz explains that people in power shut down debate to create a void where reason, logic, and truth no longer exist, but where power can define reality.”  For a 15-minute snip, watch: The Great Reset | Maajid Nawaz BLOWS Joe Rogan’s Mind Explaining Klaus Schwab’s Agenda.

WTF?? Great Reset Total Global Control Plan Exposed on Joe Rogan? (video) 2/22/22

At 2:15 in the 3-hour show Joe Rogan Left Speechless on WEF infiltrating Governments, The Great Reset Is Now Out In the Open, Nawaz explained that we are in a pivotal moment in history because the internet and cryptocurrencies are decentralizing information and money — and thus power. He says this is similar in the shift in power caused by the Gutenberg printing press. Nawaz said decentralization of the media is causing a critical shift because whoever define truth defines reality and controls the world.

The globalists are losing control of the narrative and the money supply needed to retain power. Nawaz says, “So, it’s an internal civil war over truth and over information.” The conflict is not about Left or Right. It is about Centralization or Decentralization. He says humanity is facing a crossroads now — total centralization (slavery) or decentralization (freedom).

Variety reported on 2/28/24:

Last Friday, Spotify announced a multiyear deal renewal with Rogan that is worth as much as $250 million. Under the new pact, “The Joe Rogan Experience” will be widely distributed to third-party platforms including Apple Podcasts, YouTube and Amazon Music.

The Truth Matters

March 18: DC Rally To Restore Free Speech! explains  how central the First Amendment rights are. Had more Americans known in early 2020 that CDC stats showed COVID was little threat, there would have been no panic. Had doctors and scientists not been silenced, the lockdowns, masks, social distancing, school closures, PCR tests, and COVID shots would not have been used.

People would have known to take vitamin D3 and get lots of sunshine. If they got COVID, they would have taken HCQ/zinc, vitamin C, Ivermectin, or budesonide. Suppression of the truth destroyed our economy, educational system, and cost the lives of many Americans.

More Information

When Free Speech Dies, The Killing Begins
The Growing Revolution Against Globalists
MEGA Conference Celebrates Nationalism!
Najadi: Evict/Arrest Globalists In Switzerland!
WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Enslave Humanity!
Speakers Challenge World Economic Forum’s Globalist Agenda

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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