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PSYOP-WW3 Rising: The US Air Force Directed ATACMS Missile Strike On Russian Civilians Today

24-6-2024 < Blacklisted News 27 303 words

PSYOP-WW3 RISING: America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds

The following is a stark warning from a former Democrat Congressman about the upcoming democide escalation by the wholly captured and illegitimate Federal government that is waging a full spectrum soft war against We the People, and is setting up to escalate its illegal wars adventurism around the globe; all of these Uniparty death ploys are deliberatel…

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…the illegitimate “Biden” administration has been ordered to ramp up the global thermonuclear saber rattling con:

This is yet another wholly illegal act of war precisely because the captured and corrupt Congress never voted for this latest military action a la Obama’s nonstop criminal drone strikes on civilian innocents and “enemies” alike.

Because maybe, just maybe, PSYOP-DISEASE-X will not induce sufficient mass fear psychosis this next time around, and the election may just be too difficult to steal twice in a row; in which case the Uniparty working on behalf of the Intelligence Industrial Complex (the 4th and only branch of government that actually controls America) will destroy the nation and the rest of the planet rather than ever ceding even a scintilla of their control.

They want you dead.

Do NOT comply.
