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Was There a Dutch Shift to the Right in the European Elections?

18-6-2024 < Counter Currents 27 1692 words

The leaders of the Labor Party (PvdA) of the Netherlands.

1,347 words

While there is no end to the international mass media’s hysteria surrounding the gaining of even a single seat gain for any moderately conservative party in the European Parliament, the Netherlands seems to be inching closer to this point at glacial speed. While many of you are not familiar with European Florida and its political landscape, I’ll give a quick refresher of the parties designated by these abbreviations (from left to right):
GLPVDA — Labour (PES / EGP) is the result of a recent merger between two of the most insufferable parties. The labor side is closest to its British equivalent of the same name, or for Americans, it is like a Democrat from Washington state. They are currently falling out with each other because its Jewish members are fighting with its Muslim members over Palestine.

PVV — Party for Freedom (IDP — Identity and Democracy Party) is led by the only Dutch politician Americans will know by name and hairstyle: Geert (G-ay-rt) Wilders. His is the closest any Dutch party comes to the Republicans, including staunch support for Israel. He is a confirmed Mossad asset (I wish I was joking), and during the formation of his cabinet, one of his picks, Gidi Markuszower, was barred from serving due to his being an actual Israeli spy as well as a representative of Israel’s Likud party in the Netherlands.

VVD — Liberal Capitalist party (ALDE — Alliance of Liberals and Democrats) espouses the Reaganite views of “create lots of minimum-wage jobs with no oversight for the workers, and tax the middle class, not the rich.” Over the years they have gone further left socially and are even being threatened with being kicked out of their Liberal European coalition over associating with the PVV in the current government. Historically, this was our “Right-wing” party, in a country that had only shades of the Left. It is currently led by a Kurdish immigrant because its former House of Cards psychopath-in-charge became the Big Cheese Secretary at NATO (God help us).

D66 — Democrats 66(6) (ALDE — Alliance of Liberals and Democrats) is akin to the “old school” Democratic Party of the United States and loves globalism, foreign entanglements, and a large nanny state that compensates for everyone’s personal failings at the cost of harming functional individuals. They are constantly involved in legalizing all drugs as well as various sexual excesses that I dare not mention in a reputable publication.

Jan Peter Balkenende, Chairwizard (Image source: Wikimedia Commons)

CDA — Christian Democrats (EPPEuropean People’s Party) is the former home of the farmers and was the ruling party in ages past under the wise leadership of Harry Potter. This party is as centrist as they come and its leadership doesn’t really believe in anything beyond the Current Thing. The NSC is an offshoot of this party, and does things exactly the same way — but different. I was hard-pressed to find some gaffe the party had committed, but they literally don’t do anything for anyone. It is currently led by somebody who is a forgettable muggle

BBB — Farmer Citizens Movement (EPPEuropean People’s Party) is the new CDA, but with an ever greater specialized niche. Their broad appeal quickly faded away as many Dutch people figured out that they were not actually agrarians. They are very new and have yet to make any major gaffes or win any victories. In typical CDA fashion, they are fine with immigration for agricultural workers, as well as with screwing farmers on emissions in order to appeal to the climate nerds.

I will not go into detail on the remaining parties, as this will surely be confusing. Just take a look below at this disaster of niche interests. In the last election cycle we had the most parties ever running for parliament.

(Parties from left to right, candidates per party from top to bottom. Yes, you can even vote for somebody who isn’t the guy at the top if you are so inclined!

But this isn’t just about the Netherlands. It’s also about the European Union. I previously listed the factions these parties are in, or in the case of BBB and NSC, the faction they desire to be in. The following graph will have you checking notes like you’re trying to recruit an army in the Dominions or plan the seating chart at a Christmas dinner.

Source: Wikipedia.

I know what you’re thinking: “Maybe there is some based party, like a racist Justice League, where all the anti-immigration people are teaming up to fight the forces of darkness?” Well, guess again, because even I had to check my notes for this. The AfD, for instance, has been booted out of every European parliamentary alliance thus far and is currently independent. The PVV is in the Identity and Democracy (ID) bloc along with France’s National Rally as well as Estonia’s EKRE, among others, but Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia, Spain’s VOX, Sweden’s Sweden Democrats, and Poland’s Law and Justice are all in the European Conservatives and Reformists Party (ECR). Not that any of the ECR’s members have done much to halt immigration. Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz was in the European People’s Party (EPP), the home of bought-and-paid-for centrist liberal influence-peddlers such as Angela Merkel, who started destroying Europe in 2014, although even Orbán’s moderate anti-immigration rhetoric proved to be too much for them. Fidesz finally left the EPP in March 2021 after the latter made it clear that the former was going to be suspended, and is currently non-aligned.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

The EPP’s website cynically refers to the party as “the family of the political centre-right, whose roots run deep in the history and civilisation of the European continent, and [which] has pioneered the European project from its inception.” With a name and a statement like that, you might believe that fascism is about to return. But don’t be fooled: They don’t believe in anything.

Now that things are gearing up in the Netherlands, where there is at least a somewhat Right-wing coalition, only time will tell if a solution to our problems is offered at the national level before the situation escalates to the point that a continent-wide solution is needed. Who knows what will happen if the VVD gets kicked out of their liberal coalition in a spiral of disavowal? Will they become based? Will ID and ECR grow worse? Will you still remember the million abbreviations moments after finishing this article? (Don’t worry, Europeans also forget about them.)

The European Union is widely known throughout the continent as the place you go to embezzle money for pet projects and collect a modest salary for sleeping through every vote that has already been decided by the lobby firms next door. Strasbourg is also the home of the new Tower of Babel  (aka IPE 4), which will cost 114 million euros a year, and which has been named after (((Louise Weiss)))) to satisfy the French for some reason.

This essay is not deliberately convoluted; it is simply a description of a byzantine web of high-school debate clubs who are playing at transnational leadership. It is Washington, DC on steroids. Other political analysts have kept artificial intelligences running all night to find out if anything exciting might happen in the European Parliament, but I am of the opinion that this newly-elected one will simply be more of the same. Even if a landslide change tips the scales, we will still have to contend with the EU’s laws and courts as well as, God forbid, whatever passes for the EU constitution. I think democracies of the kind we have today will lose their ability to renew themselves, and thus grow unable to serve our people in navigating future challenges.

No matter what the media outlets might say, as I outlined in the “Dutch Farmer apocalypse revolution,” the election results will most likely be overhyped for clicks rather than becoming something actually substantial. While voting important (and you should always turn out to vote), it is of greater value when you organize for our peoples’ separation and independence whenever possible (see St. George, Buckhead, and Orania).
