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My Political Evolution While Searching for Truth in the Empire of Lies, by A.J. Smuskiewicz

6-6-2024 < UNZ 33 1804 words

I had my first essay published on The Unz Review in February 2023 and my most recent previous one this past April. In total, with this current writing, I’ve had 15 essays published on this site so far. It has been an interesting and educational experience for me. I have tried to share some of my insights regarding national and international events, while at the same time gathering new insights from reader comments. In particular, I have been educated quite a bit by readers regarding the corrupt and evil Zionist influence in America and the world. I am grateful to the readers for that education, which has helped me develop and mature my political perspectives.

Before I began posting essays on The Unz Review, I wrote political material for Intellectual Conservative, beginning in 2020. But I’ve actually been working as an educational writer and editor since 1993, covering science, technology, medicine, world/current events, politics, history, music, art, sexuality, cultural issues, and a wide range of other subject matter. Prior to making my living as a writer, I worked as a laboratory and field biologist, a naturalist, and a wildlife keeper.

My new book of essays

For the past couple months, I’ve been busy compiling more than 90 of my essays from the past 10 years on political, scientific, societal, cultural, and other issues into a 450-page book that I have titled Searching for Truth in the Empire of Lies: An Evolution of Political and Societal Perspectives During the Decline of America and its Empire. I thought that some readers of The Unz Review might be interested; hence this essay.

The book has just been published by BookLocker, which has excerpts and a video about the book on its website. It’s available in print and ebook formats and can be purchased from the publisher, as well as from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, Kobo, Overdrive, Google Play/Google Books, BooksAMillion, Chapters/Indigo, Walmart, Target, and elsewhere. You could order it from your local bookstore if you prefer.

I’m scheduled to be on Kevin Barrett’s Truth Jihad Radio podcast on June 21 to discuss the book with him.

Just to give you an idea of the diverse subject matter—not all politics—covered in the book, here is a sampling of several of the essay titles:

  • The Corruption of Climate Science by Leftist Politics

  • Bruce Jenner’s Transgender “Coming Out”: He’s Not Alone, But Is It In the Genes?

  • Horror and Sex in Movies, Circa 1960

  • The 1920s–Birth of the Sexual Revolution and Modern Era

  • Your Practical, Satirical Guide to the Safest and Silliest Face Masks

  • A Defense of the Rebel Flag

  • Signs of the Resistance to Authoritarianism, Even in Illinois

  • Happy Music and Memories of Freer Times from the 1960s and 1970s


  • 1776, 1861, 2021: Time for a Third American Revolution of Independence?

  • The Killing of Free Speech in Maoist America

  • How an “Outlaw” Named Waylon Influenced My Life

  • The Powerful Mysterious Allure of Female Sexuality

  • With Ukraine, “Conservatives” are Suddenly Champions of Leftist Globalism


  • America, the Great Warmonger and War Criminal

  • 50 Lies that Almost All Americans Believe

  • An Old Non-Woke Outcast American Dissident Looks to Russia for Hope

  • Why Are Conservatives So Stupid?

  • The U.S. Government is Killing My Mother

  • My Eyes Are Open: Iran Was Right About That “Great Satan” Thing

  • A Dark Fantasy: So-Long to America in Song

  • Truth Jihad Radio Discussion with Kevin Barrett, April 5, 2024

  • Imagine No War: With the World on the Brink of WWIII, Perhaps It’s Time to Realize We Are All Brothers

Evolution of perspectives

I owe readers and other essayists of The Unz Review, especially thought leaders like Ron Unz and Kevin Barrett, credit for helping me develop my political perspectives in a more enlightened direction over the past couple years. As indicated by my book’s subtitle, the essays in the book reflect the evolution of my political and societal perspectives since 2014.

During that time, I’ve evolved from a generally conservative, mind-my-own-business type of guy who was mainly concerned about his freelance writing work to an outspoken political dissident advocating for revolutionary societal and governmental change in America. Overall, I believe that the essays provide a rather unique mix of Right and Left ideas and of conservative, libertarian, and revolutionary radical views. They reveal the thoughts and feelings of one independent-minded, honest individual searching and probing for meaning and truth during the confusing, chaotic times of the early 21st century— a period, as we all know, that has been increasingly drenched in government-corporate propaganda and growing dark clouds of authoritarianism.

It’s all hitting the fan

The tumultuous 10-year period covered in the book, from 2014 to 2024, has been a crazy, historic time indeed—a time of astonishing, unprecedented political, geopolitical, societal, and cultural changes. BLM, Antifa, out-of-control violence and lawlessness, transgender rights, gay marriage, diversity equity inclusion, Trump derangement syndrome, rigged and fraudulent elections, an “insurrection,” political persecutions and prosecutions, COVID shutdowns and crackdowns, vaccine mandates, assaults on free speech, social media censorship, blatant mainstream media propaganda, the tightening merger of state and corporate power, the worsening struggles of daily living, reckless involvement in foreign wars that threaten to launch World War III . . . All of this bullshit, which has seemingly hit the fan simultaneously or in rapid succession, raises serious doubts about the sanity of the U.S. and Western elites who are driving the changes.

I came to gradually realize that almost everything I had been taught and thought I knew about America amounted to lies. I observed the U.S. government revealing its true authoritarian, fascistic nature in its corrupt partnership and merger with giant corporations. And I observed the American people revealing themselves to be weak, easily manipulated, compliant zombie sheep, even as more and more of their freedoms are stripped away. And I observed the combination of these factors fueling the empire’s reckless, insane warmongering around the globe.

It eventually became clear to me that a corrupted America and its waning global empire are in the midst of a dramatic suicidal decline and fall. The “Empire of Lies,” as Russian President Vladimir Putin has called the United States and the West, is finally being exposed for the whole world to see. I borrowed the title of my book from Putin, who apparently borrowed the phrase himself from George Orwell or Ron Paul. I have tried to use my writings to show my rejection of these lies and my search for some kind of truth.

I have only recently learned that an author named Edward Curtin wrote a book a few years ago titled Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies. Just to be clear—I was unaware of this fact at the time I titled my book, and my book has no connection at all to Curtin’s book. As I’ve noted, I got my title from Putin.

Unite against the elite bastards

One of the key revelations that recent events have shown me is this: It’s not about Right versus Left or conservative versus liberal anymore. Those are outdated concepts that the elites use to try to divide us. The real truth is that it is about top versus bottom today. The elite government/corporate/globalist authoritarian bastards at the top who want to take our freedoms away (yes, many of them are Zionists) versus the vast numbers of all the rest of us regular people at the bottom. Regular folks on the Right and Left and in the middle need to come together to resist and fight against all the elitist lies.

I have become very cynical about the United States of America, but I get a tiny bit encouraged by the occasional promising development. The January 6, 2021 protest against the fraudulent election, staged by people on the “Right,” was encouraging. The recent student protests against U.S. support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza, staged mostly by people on the “Left,” have been encouraging. Such actions indicate that some Americans still possess enough life, vigor, awareness, intelligence, courage, ethics, integrity, and strength to stand up to the lies and evil.

Is there any real hope left for America? Perhaps, at some point in the future, regular people on the “Left” and the “Right” will put aside their differences and combine their forces to fight against their mutual enemies in the corrupt and evil government- corporate cabal. Then maybe the United States might have a chance to be reborn as a new, decent, fair, and peaceful place. But if that ever happens, it will not be because of any politicians. It will be because of the regular people who decided to make it happen.

My main hope

I compiled the collection of essays in Searching for Truth in the Empire of Lies as America was in the midst of another wild and weird election season—with one candidate facing possible imprisonment, a second candidate apparently struggling with dementia, and a third candidate posing a possible threat to both. Where could America and the world be headed? Who knows? My hope is that the essays in my book will help give some readers a little background knowledge and a frame of reference to help them understand and deal with whatever the hell is going to happen.

However, my main hope is that the book will inspire some readers to think more boldly for themselves and to speak out themselves against the evil scheming bullshitting warmongering bastards that are running the Empire of Lies.

Readers of The Unz Review may already know much of—or even more than—what I have to offer in my book (though you may still find the diverse subject matter and the evolution of my views interesting to read about). Perhaps my book could help spread greater knowledge and courage to some of the lesser informed members of the American population. That would be cool. And it would make my efforts worthwhile.

Meanwhile, it’s good to know that the essayists and commenters on The Unz Review will continue to speak truth to the world.
