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Historic Turning Point in Geneva at UN June 1

3-6-2024 < Activist Post 20 1145 words

By Neenah Payne

Watch “The Road To Geneva” Live June 1 showed that “The Road To Geneva: Global Call For Freedom” was a worldwide gathering in Geneva May 31-June 1 to protest the WHO Pandemic Treaty. The rally was organized by British journalist Dan Astin-Gregory, Founder and CEO at Unstoppable Media Limited.

Rally In Geneva June 1 To Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty  shows that The Highwire  broadcast live coverage of The We Are The Change rally starting at 6:30 AM CST on Saturday, June 1. This was an historic moment when humanity stood up to the globalists! Speakers came from all over Europe, the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Philippines, etc. Speeches were in English, French, German, and Italian. Humanity stood together  to demand freedom and to protect national sovereignty from the globalist takeover! Near the end before the march through Geneva at 5PM Del Bigtree, host of The Highwire, gave an inspiring address reminding the corporate media that it is their job to speak truth to power and to hold governments accountable. You can see the 3.5-hour event below. The crowd was humongous!


People from across the world gather in front of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland protesting against The WHO Pandemic Treaty and to declare their independence from global elites.

Globalist Takeover Collapsing


The rally began with a call to free Australian journalist Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, who has been in a maximum-security prison in England for five years although he has not been charged with any crimes! See Julian Assange Extradition Decision Delayed Until March and RFK Jr.’s Petition To Free Assange Now!

Grand jury probes Blackrock, Gates, & Anthony Fauci – Part I

Dr. Robert Malone gave the following speech.

We are in Geneva, the international capital of Globalism. We all sense an impending battle. But do we know who is friend and who is foe? Do we understand our allies as well as our opponents? Simple stereotypes will not lead to victory. Both sides think that they represent the future. Both sides think they are battling evil to save the world. All passionately believe that they fight for the common good.

On one side, with a sense of noblesse oblige, a transnational elite works to advance a unified, globalized, centralized political and economic world order based on a command economy rooted in massive databases and predictive artificial intelligence-driven decision making. Fulfilling this objective is believed to require universal surveillance, propaganda powered by modern psychology, algorithmic censorship, cultural homogenization, and centralized automated economic controls and resource allocation.

Our side believes in the pragmatic benefits of the principal of subsidiarity; Decision making at the most local competent representative structure. We believe in decentralization, nationalism, unique cultural identities, individual and national sovereignty, and the power of human innovation.

Centralized planning and control destroys the ability of individuals, cultures, and nations to innovate. Globalized, centralized planning and control will kill the motivation and ability of the human race to adapt to changing conditions. Elevating a new global centralized nobility will not lead to prosperity, innovation, and effective adaptation.

I believe in the power of diversified independent thought, cultural heritage, and freedom, dammit! In this battle, I do not know which vision will prevail. What I do know is that old imperialistic models are outdated, and old empires and old ways of thinking about geopolitics face imminent collapse. But they will not go quietly into the night. And what I am absolutely sure of is that censorship will not save this version of imperialism currently hiding behind the weaponized propaganda term “Democracy”. And that the weaponization of fear of infectious disease to control human behavior is ethically evil, and that those who deploy these unethical practices to advance their objectives of political power, profit, and control should be shamed and condemned. The use of psychological bioterrorism is wrong, and it must stop.

Hour-Long March Through Geneva

An hour-long march through Geneva began at 5PM (video).

WHO Adopted IHR Amendments

However, the WHO approved the Amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Noor Bin Ladin reported on June 3:

All eyes were on Geneva this past week, as the World Health Organization held its 77th World Health Assembly. As planned, their annual meeting came to a close on June 1, 2024, albeit late in the evening due to last minute deliberations. And as expected, the victory cries by some people on “our side” were indeed unwarranted.

At the eleventh hour, the amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations were adopted.

The full, revised version of the IHR can be found here. It isn’t good news. As for the “pandemic treaty”, negotiations were extended until the next WHA at the latest, with an objective of reaching an agreement by the end of 2024. The next round of meetings is scheduled to take place in July, as per this official announcement. It may be delayed, but it’s still on.

This evening, about 24 hours later, James Roguski and I jumped on a call to do a debrief on the WHA’s outcome, focusing on the IHR amendments in particular.

More importantly, James highlighted the faulty premise upon which these regulations –– and the WHO itself –– stand. “Pharmakia” is the enemy, and the different “stakeholders” including our own governments, have been working hand in hand to extend Big Pharma’s nefarious reach since the very inception of the WHO, and even longer. These latest developments are no different, in that they serve to further their goal: our decreased health and their increased wealth.

The fight is far from over –– it continues, and we are blessed to have James in our corner. In this latest episode, he cuts through all the noise of the past year (+ ), and gives us an overview as to where we stand today following the WHA.

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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