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Watch “The Road To Geneva” Live June 1

31-5-2024 < Activist Post 32 1175 words

By Neenah Payne

WHO Fails To Get Agreement On The Text Of The Pandemic Treaty But It Is Not Over Yet explained on May 26 that the World Health Organization failed to get agreement on its Pandemic Treaty which  would have surrendered our national sovereignty and freedoms. NYT: Countries Fail to Agree on Treaty to Prepare the World for the Next Pandemic 5/24/24.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director General is an Ethiopian communist who would have gained total control over lockdown law in America and around the world. Tedros would have been our unelected dictator. He is the first WHO Director General who is not a medical doctor. Tedros was a Board Member of GAVI, a Bill Gates organization.

Watch Rally In Geneva June 1

The Road To Geneva: Global Call For Freedom” is a worldwide gathering in Geneva May 31-June 1 to protest the WHO Pandemic Treaty. The rally was organized by British journalist Dan Astin-Gregory, Founder and CEO at Unstoppable Media Limited. Speakers include Dr. Robert Malone, Belgian psychiatrist Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Mikki Willis, filmmaker of the Plandemic series and Dr. Brett Weinstein.

Rally In Geneva June 1 To Oppose WHO Pandemic Treaty shows that The Highwire will broadcast live coverage of The Road To Geneva rally starting at 6:30 AM CST on Saturday, June 1. This is an historic moment when humanity is standing up to the globalists!

The Road To Geneva Begins The Long Road To Freedom

Join the Road to Geneva Convoy #stopthewho

In the video below, Dan explains that he will be holding a rally at the United Nations  in New York in September when the UN has its Summit of The Future. See HOW THE UN’S SUMMIT OF THE FUTURE COULD BE A TURNING POINT FOR GLOBAL DIPLOMACY.  Dan says the focus is not just to say “No” to the globalists but to focus on creating solutions for a better future for humanity now. Dan says, “It’s a turning point. This is just the beginning. This is the Road to Geneva on the long road to freedom!”.

The Road to Geneva – the people’s convoy 5/28/24

It has never more been important to make a stand for freedom. I am joined by Dan Astin-Gregory to talk about the planned road trip to Geneva to state categorically the non-consent to the WHO’s pandemic treaty and removal of independent countries’ national sovereignty.

We Are The Change Rally In Geneva


It’s Not Over Yet


By James Roguski

Today the attendees of the World Health Assembly (WHA) discussed the fate of the pandemic treaty and the proposed changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR). No decisions yet, but there was near-unanimous consensus to keep on trucking. The question right now is how fast.

Some urged quick agreements to show the world that the World Health Organization (WHO) can work together successfully, while others called for more time on both documents. Notably, smaller or poorer countries want more time. Without expansive resources like large, wealthy countries have, they cannot participate fully in all discussions, therefore losing their voice.

The U.S., specifically, has its sights on the IHR. Our delegates urged rapid adoption of IHR amendments this week, despite the document not being finished, and called for up to two years more of negotiation on the treaty. This is in line with what the U.S. global health strategy has been all along. Remember, it was the U.S. that proposed the IHR amendments at the same time the treaty negotiations started. Why would they do that? The IHR doesn’t require advice and consent of the Senate to go into force, but the treaty clearly would.

One of our tasks moving forward is to make sure our Congress has its eye on the IHR the same way the White House does. We also call on our lawmakers to reclaim their constitutional right and duty to approve of significant international agreements, whether globalists call them a treaty or not.

In short, everyone was in general agreement that the treaty needs more time, whether that means the rest of this year, another year, or two more years. Opinion was split on whether the IHR amendments should be finalized this week or given more time. The outcome of today’s session was to create a new drafting group to “consider” the treaty and the IHR, “including further work,” the details of which we will learn tomorrow.

What we do know for sure is that this is not over by a long shot. Globalists in the U.S. are playing a long game, where the treaty is just one part of the global health architecture being built. When it was clear last week that there would be no treaty document ready for the WHA, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus declared that the WHO will “try everything” to make the treaty happen.

But U.S. states are fighting back. At the same time the WHA was planning the global health architecture, Louisiana’s governor, Jeff Landry, was signing a law prohibiting WHO and other international agency jurisdiction in the state! SHF’s own Jill Hines was on site for the special occasion. Louisiana has been on the front lines of states’ rights in the face of a global health power grab since the word COVID became common vocabulary. Thank you to everyone who is fighting there to keep our liberties and protect our Constitution.

The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.

For More Information

Bill Gates’ Growing Global Tyranny
Global Coup By WHO and Bill Gates?
Who Pulled Off The COVID Plandemic?
The Growing Revolution Against Globalists
Najadi: Evict/Arrest Globalists In Switzerland!
WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Enslave Humanity!
Say NO to the WHO! Join the Road to Geneva with Dan Astin-Gregory
U.N. Planetary Emergency COMING! – Derrick Broze on Redacted News

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Image: The Counter Signal

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