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Rebel Yell

28-5-2024 < Counter Currents 83 2253 words

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The hit song for summer 2024 is here, and who could have guessed that it would come not from the contemporary assortment of scantily-clad bimbos and dress-wearing soyboys whom the music industry promotes as the ‘‘artists’’ of our time, but from a goofy Italian DJ circa 1999? The future really is the past.

25 years ago, Luigini Celestino di Agostino, known by his stage name Gigi D’Agostino, recorded a track called “L’Amour Toujours.” You might have heard it at some point. Over the years, the song has been a mainstay amongst the top tunes in nightclubs, at raves, and at music festivals all over the world. Now, new wind has filled the sails of “L’Amour Toujours” in the most unusual manner imaginable, for Gigi D’Agostino’s dopey dance beat has become the most downloaded song in Germany and is sweeping across Europe once again . . . but this time with a twist. Now, instead of the lyrics such as I’ll fly with you and Every day and every night, I always dream that you are by my side, there is but one simple refrain set to the song’s melody: Ausländer raus, Deutschland den Deustchen, Ausländer raus! That’s German for “Foreigner out, Germany for Germans, foreigner out!”

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From what I gathered doing a bit of Internet sleuthing, edgy German lads first added this bit of nationalist flair to “L’Amour Toujours” in late 2023. Local media was of course scandalized that some people would be laughingly singing Ausländer raus in a bar, and immediately leapt to declare it a “Nazi ruckus.” Their pearl-clutching did not avail them.

The original meaning of the word “meme” is “a unit of cultural information spread by imitation; an idea, behavior, or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person within a culture.” In a perfect manifestation of that definition, this new rendition of “L’Amour Toujours” spread across Germany. More and more short video clips of revellers at diskotheks — almost always youngsters and twenty-somethings — cheekily belting out Ausländer raus! appeared on the Internet. Then, over the weekend, what was just a German provincial zeitgeist exploded into an international phenomenon.

On the island of Sylt, known as a premier destination for German tourists and partygoers who would rather stay in their own country than invade Ibiza, a group of posh people were enjoying a bit of champagne and beer when suddenly the catchy melody of “L’Amour Toujours” blared over the loudspeakers. Of course, someone recorded the obligatory video of the holidaymakers singing the new lyrics.

"Ausländer raus!" – rassistische Gesänge in Sylter Club"Ausländer raus!" – rassistische Gesänge in Sylter Club

Ausländer raus!
Ausländer raus!
Deustchland den Deutschen
Ausländer raus!

The video is less that 15 seconds long. At the start, a cute blonde girl is in the foreground giggling — perhaps slightly tipsy — as the words stumble out of her charming smile. The camera pans right — far right, you might say — to capture a tall man with a sweater tied around his neck (very posh) making a Hitler moustache with two fingers pressed against his lips while several other white Germans (not that there is any other kind) dance and laugh around him. These 14 seconds were sufficient to send the entire German mainstream media and the political establishment, all the way up to the Chancellor himself, into a feeding frenzy.

It is arguable that the people singing this on the island of Sylt, as well as the people singing it in bars and nightclubs, are simply having a bit of fun. The song is not just a meme in the original sense of the word as given to us by Richard Dawkins so many years ago. It is also a meme in the contemporary sense of the word: that is, it is an amusing bit of concise humor. It’s entirely possible that the Germans chanting Ausländer raus have no problem with foreigners and simply enjoy the thrill of poking fun at a taboo, of being a bit irreverent toward the new state religion of “diversity and inclusion.” It’s possible they were all just a bit drunk and thought nothing of acting silly amongst friends. Let he who has not made a Hitler moustache with his fingers throw the first stone. It’s even possible that some of the people laughing while singing these lyrics find the whole thing to be a send-up of German chauvinism.

You can buy Greg Johnson’s Toward a New Nationalism here.

The German media did not take any of these possibilities into account. For some reason, this was the last straw for them. Enough was enough. Party’s over. The media machine launched into sixth gear, put pedal to the metal, and went after the people caught in that 14-second video. German liberals — and I will call them liberals despite the fact that “liberal” can have a meaning on continental Europe that is curiously and wildly different from its Anglosphere meaning — went on social media to dox the Sylt partiers.

The beaming, giggling girl who appeared at the start of the clip was fired from her job. Interestingly, her job was working for that most odious of modern creatures: the Instagram influencer. Said influencer is a fashion blogger named Milena Karl. Milena Karl is a woman with Asiatic features, dark hair and eyes, and Russian origins. In other words, an ausländer. The cute girl singing ausländer raus was working for a “foreigner” at the time of her singing, thereby confirming the possibility that, for her at least, this song is just a bit of harmless fun. Indeed, the poor little rich girl posted an apology online, but of course it did nothing to satiate the media and liberal caste who sensed blood in the water. Under pressure from literally thousands of comments on her Instagram page, Milena Karl released the usual statement about wanting love and inclusion, not tolerating “hate,” bla bla bla, and confirmed that the young woman in the video would no longer be a part of her social media team. German liberals celebrated in their typically greasy way.

Olaf Scholz, Chancellor of Germany, declared the chant and those chanting “disgusting” and “unacceptable.” Yes, the same Olaf Scholz who rushed to the defense of German Jews in the wake of Hamas’ attack in Israel on October 7 of last year, the same Olaf Scholz who said that “the [German] state will do everything to protect Jewish life” and that “those who attack Jews, who insult or hurt them, attack us all,” and the same Olaf Scholz whose Interior Minister demanded that “Hamas supporters” be deported from Germany.

Let us be clear: If it had been a group of German Jews singing “Palestinians Out” at one of the many shindigs that Jews seem to throw all the time, not only would it not be a controversy but the German state would have given them its blessing. After October 7, Jews and their shabbos friends throughout Europe suddenly turned into the most hardcore nationalists — Israeli nationalists, that is — and supporters of deportations. Jews merely felt unsafe and the whole world had to sympathize with them. Columns were written about how Europe had failed its Jews and how urgent action was needed to protect the poor Jews in Britain, France, and Germany, too. Yet, when some Germans at a party sing a little meme song poking fun at taboos and expressing the same sentiments that Jews are allowed and encouraged to express, now the state targets them. Now columns are written about how urgent action is needed to stop Germany’s “Nazi” chant. This, despite the fact that it is German men, women, and children who have borne the brunt of living with the Ausländern the most. Why do Jewish feelings matter more than European lives?

Again, let us be clear: The Ausländer whom Germans want raus is not, as some pundits and fools have tried to suggest, the American tourist or the exchange student from Spain. It is the millions of third-world migrants who have been swarming into Germany for decades, especially since the so-called “refugee crisis” of 2015, who have reduced Germans to a minority in parts of the country, and who have repaid German kindness by raping and murdering Germans and their fellow Europeans at a shocking rate.

What is truly “disgusting” and “unacceptable” is the hypocrisy of the German political, media, and liberal classes. President of the Bundestag Bärbel Bas called for the maximum penalty to be imposed on the young people partying on Sylt island, meaning that she wants them to go to prison for up to five years, presumably for violating some hate-speech law.

When over 1,000 German women are sexually assaulted in Cologne by foreigners pretending to be refugees, where are the German liberals and establishment politicians? When German girls are raped and murdered by migrants, where are the German liberals and establishment politicians? When young boys’ lives are cut short by African or Afghan invaders, where are the German liberals and establishment politicians? When Muslims from Turkey and Algeria march in their thousands through the streets of German cities, waving Turkish and Algerian flags and demanding a caliphate, where are the German liberals and establishment politicians? They are silent — or worse, they are busy celebrating the fact that Germans are becoming a minority in cities such as Frankfurt, or tripping over themselves to defend the diverse “migrant community.” These are the most wicked people who have ever lived. Yes, even more wicked that the Jews who worked to bring all these invaders into Europe, and even more wicked than the invaders who have spilt so much European blood. Because these people are traitors, and they relish in their treachery.

The Cry of the Unheard

Ultimately, the actions of the German state and media have backfired. In a great example of the Streisand Effect playing out right before our eyes, Ausländer raus! has become the cry of the unheard. All over Germany — and thanks to social media, all over the world — full-throated and joyous chants of Ausländer raus! are the response to decades of oppression, persecution, and lies. It is years of frustration finally unleashed. If for some it was just a bit of fun to sing “foreigners out,” for many, many more it is now a genuine rallying cry. Wir Schaffen Das, meet Ausländer Raus. Action, meet reaction. Did they really think they could ethnically cleanse entire nations of Europeans, subject them to the horrors of rape gangs and terror attacks, reduce them to hated minorities in their own cities, and there wouldn’t be a backlash?

Some might argue that it’s just a song. Some might say it’s not serious. I would counter that nothing is more powerful than a song, or a film, or a painting. Five simple words in German have had more effect than all the Substack articles and podcasts put together. Since 1919, there hasn’t been a race of people more persecuted, tortured, maligned, and psychologically abused than the Germans. To see them smiling as they shake off centuries of ethnomasochism is nothing short of miraculous. To see them throw decorum to the wind and shout out what almost everyone in Europe wants, apart from a few immigration extremists and powerful liberal zealots, is the most heartening event in years.

“Our revenge will be the laughter of our children,” said Irish freedom fighter Bobby Sands. In 2024, our revenge will be the laughter, singing, and silly dancing of our children. And our adults.

It’s only getting started, and there is nothing they can do to stop it. Video has surfaced of Ausländer Raus! set to D’Agostino’s beat being blasted at migrants in the town of Nagold. Meme-makers have stuffed social media with edit after edit of the refrain. The European Cup, held in Germany this year, is kicking off in a matter of weeks. Throngs of football fans have already started singing Ausländer Raus! at matches. Only a total police-state crackdown will prevent the chant from ringing around or outside stadiums during Euro2024, and such mask-off behavior from Europe’s leading “liberal democracy” will only smash more holes in the sinking ship of its legitimacy.

Bild reports that L’Amour Toujours will be banned at this year’s Oktoberfest. Pathetic. They can ban the music, but they can’t do anything to stop any one of the beer-sodden festival-goers from bursting into an a cappella rendition. And therein lies the beauty, the majesty, of Ausländer Raus! It is the outlawed tune on outlawed pipes that will unite the clans against the tyrannical, traitorous regime.
