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Which Way White Man?, by Pierre Simon

22-5-2024 < UNZ 67 2811 words

If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.

Mark Twain


Winston Churchill’s Jewish handler, Professor Frederick Lindemann (1886-1957), who hated Germans and Whites with a passion, envisioned a unified world behind a single global government. He claimed that a small elite would one day rule the world and that “a society governed by supermen and served by helots would be more stable.” He also believed that science would eventually produce a race of men with the “mental characteristics of worker bees.”

“In Lindemann’s Jewish supremacist worldview,” notes author M. S. King, “the ‘worker bees’ would be mixed-race and the ‘supermen’ would no doubt be the Jewish Globalist elite. Naturally, before this New World Order could emerge, the ‘White Man’ would have to first ‘abdicate’ his leading position in Europe and America.” Here is a brief excerpt from The Prof one of the many books on doomsday prophet F. Lindemann, who hated Whites intensely:

Professor Frederick Lindemann, the Chief Advisor to Winston Churchill and the inspiration and architect of the air crucifixion of Germany was in a reflective mood after the war. Towards the end of his life, Lindemann made a remark on more than one occasion with such an air of seriousness that he seemed to regard it as his testament of wisdom, and I accordingly feel it incumbent upon me to record it here, although not in perfect sympathy with it.

“Do you know,” he asked, “what the future historians will regard as the most important event of this age?”

“Well, what is it?”

“It will not be Hitler and the Second World War; it will not be the release of nuclear energy; it will not be the menace of Communism.”

These negatives seemed very comprehensive. He put on an expression of extreme severity and turned down the corners of his lips: “It will be the abdication of the White man.” Then he nodded his head up and down several times to drive home his proposition.

When you read through this article, keep in mind from the above Lindemann quote that although all races will eventually be targeted by Globalism and its off-shoot Zionism, the main objective for now is to get rid of Whites, who are the only ones capable of stopping the future hell the Jewish race is preparing for humanity. This is common knowledge, politicians such as Jewish vassal Joe Biden gloat about the fact that Whites will soon be a minority in their own country:

Biden’s predictions of a white-minority America are nothing new, and date back to his days in the United States Senate and the Obama Administration. As previously reported by National File, in 2014, sitting alongside Alejandro Mayorkas [the current United States Secretary of Homeland Security in charge of immigration is Jewish], Biden said that white Americans would soon be made an “absolute minority” through “non-stop” third-world immigration, and called the demise of America’s founding population a “source of our strength.”

After this brief introduction, let’s get back to our subject: “Our Future if We Do Nothing.”

Master Race

Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, the founder and President for 49 years of the Pan-European Union, the forerunner of the European Union, who was financed by Jewish billionaires Baron Louis de Rothschild and Marx Warburg, believed as did Prof. Lindemann that Jews were the best qualified to be the Master Race:

Jewry surpasses all other people in the percentage of important men… The prominent position held by Jews these days is owed to their spiritual supremacy… Modern antisemitism is one of the many reactionary phenomena of the mediocre against the superior.

The count also wanted a dumbed-down mixed race to serve as helots for the “Master Race”:

The man of the future will be mixed-race… The races and classes of today will gradually disappear… The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future… will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals… Russian Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose, where a small group of Communist spiritual aristocrats govern the country…


In 1950, the Count was awarded the first Charlemagne prize for work done in the service of European unification. Other winners of the award have included, Winston Churchill, Henry Kissinger, Edward Heath, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Angela Merkel, Jean-Claude Junker, Martin Schultz, and the “little prince of Israel,” the former French president Nicolas Sarkozy whose speech on race-mixing at the École Polytechnique on December 17, 2008, will go down in the annals of Globo-Zionist history. Here is an extract:

… What’s the objective? It’s going to make people talk, but the objective is to take up the challenge of race-mixing, the challenge of race-mixing that the 21st century presents us with. France has always known the challenge of miscegenation, and in taking up the challenge of race-mixing, France is true to its history. In fact, it’s inbreeding that has always brought about the demise of civilizations and societies. Let’s put it as it is, never race-mixing.


Simply put, multiculturalism and race-mixing are just one step towards standardization, not just of population and race, but of all the cultural, social and political infrastructures and institutions that support them. A single model, then, and the total destruction of all forms of diversity. In the Jewish New World Order, “the notion of belonging to a country, of being able to retrace one’s ancestry through the centuries in the country of one’s birth, this notion will be obsolete. In other words, no one will have any identity, other than that of consumer.”

Abolition of Borders

For unrestricted trade to take place in the proposed Jewish hell advocated by F. Lindemann and Count Coudenhove-Kalergi and friends, borders will have to disappear. The “worker bees” will be moved unhindered wherever they are needed. Trade and all other transactions will be greatly facilitated by the elimination of all barriers, not only physical but psychological, and social. This step is now being taken on both sides of the Atlantic.


To achieve this future Jewish hell that awaits us if we do nothing, true representative democracy will have to be destroyed. Unelected technocrats will rule the world according to the model of the European Union. There will be three levels of governance, a planetary level, probably located in Jerusalem, the future capital of the world, a regional level, and a local level at the neighborhood level.


This project has an essentially Malthusian aspect. According to the German reference in climatology, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, the planet’s carrying capacity is estimated at one billion; but “we can do much better,” enthused Mr. Schellnhuber in 2009 during the Copenhagen Conference organized by him and Prince Charles.

This Malthusian objective, “highly philanthropic in nature,” according to Luc Ferry’s ironic word, is the goal of the most renowned radical ecologists like James Lovelock, William Aiken, Arne Ness, and Hans Jonas. In a collective work published under the direction of the late Tom Regan, William Aiken, for example, wonders whether massive human mortality would be a good thing: “Is it the duty of our species towards our environment to eliminate 90% of our numbers?” The answer is obviously yes. Aiken thought that the ideal population of the planet would be 100 million.

How they are going to go about “doing much better” is not very clear at the moment. The “conspiracists” talk about chemical sterilization, generalized contraception, systematic abortion, radical feminism, homosexuality, transgenderism, importation of hostile third-world immigrants, multiculturalism, forced race mixing by deceitful propaganda, and even genetically manipulated death through compulsory vaccination.

Concentration Camps of the Future

The countryside will be emptied of its population and the inhabitants will be crammed into so-called intelligent 15 minutes cities where it will be easy to monitor and manipulate them. Domestic surveillance and control are key elements of the 2030 Agenda and the Great Reset that’s in the books.

The combination of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and sensors, as well as wearable technology, will allow for the monitoring of the helots’ every move.

As former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski says:

The technocratic era implies the gradual emergence of a more controlled society. An elite free of traditional values will rule over such a society. It will soon be possible to continuously monitor almost all citizens, and to keep up-to-date files on them containing their most personal information. These files will be made available to the authorities instantly.

In the spaces reserved for “worker bees” everything will be rationed: energy, food, water, children, land use, absolutely everything. Your carbon footprint, the toxicity of all the ingredients you consume and your impact on biodiversity will be closely monitored.

Sensors implanted in your body will track every move you make. No one will be free to come and go outside the controlled areas. Good conduct reports will be issued to every citizen. You will have access to certain benefits only according to your accumulated social credits. Tattling will be encouraged in exchange for good points.

As far as food is concerned, you will not be spoiled, as Bill Gates, one of the main instigators of this ecological tyranny, wants you to eat insects and vegetables fertilized with human excrement.

Abolition of Private Property

Private property will be transferred to the state. The Jewish Master Race in power will become the owners since they will be masters of the state. They will live in beautiful houses in protected areas such as Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, which they will reserve for their personal use.

It is mainly for this reason that the Jewish financiers at the top of the pyramid have always endorsed planetary communism (socialism). It may seem contradictory that the richest people in the world, having made their fortune through financial capitalism, would want to set up a communist or socialist system, supposedly the antithesis of capitalism, but as W. D. Chalmers says in his book Conspiracy of the Truth:

Under socialism, the state owns everything, and since these people simply intend to own everything, including the state, this is the best way to take over the earth’s goods without being noticed!

It is also a way for them to make the population believe that a Garden of Eden awaits them like in John Lennon’s cult song Imagine. This would be surprising given the method used and the heartless nature of this hostile elite that has never cared about the fate of non-Jews. So, it’s a mask, a trick, a strawman to facilitate the establishment of a future totalitarian technocracy led by rich Jewish psychopaths who have only their own interests at heart.

The Oligarchy Unmasked

The General Councillor of the Grand East, president of the Patriots and former member of the European Union Florian Philippot has summarized the situation well in his book COVID-19: L’Oligarchie démasquée (COVID-19: The Oligarchy Unmasked) (2020):

If the multi-billionaires such as Soros or Gates support the Davos program, it is in the framework of an international alliance with the socialists and the welfare states they control to guarantee their mutual survival. The result should be a complete collectivization of the economy, which will be possible through the digitization of money and the establishment of a global totalitarian state monitoring each individual in real time. The billionaires will economically control the system thanks to technological giga monopolies granted by the neo-communist states, while the workers under surveillance will be dependent on social programs such as the Universal Income, called in France, “socle citoyen.”

This is the Sparta model. Contrary to popular belief, Sparta was a proto-communist society where money did not exist. It was ruled by a small elite reigning over a vast mass of peasant slaves who were not allowed to leave their plot of land. These peasants had to cultivate the land for free for the ruling caste. The population was the property of the state and the Spartans, as masters of the state, had the usufruct of this property, i.e., the use of slaves.

The USSR did not function differently, and if Agenda 2030 is implemented in the West, we will become helots, as in Sparta, or slaves of kolkhozes, as in the USSR. There will be no more private property, except for the nomenklatura. Everything will be “free” except for one detail: the standard of living will be divided by at least two.

Many people have not understood what is going on and continue to argue about the common cold 19 [and the climate, the two are correlated]. It is high time to understand that this imaginary pandemic [as well as this imaginary climate crisis] is only the trigger for a radical reorganization of society by the globalists. What they call, as you know, the Great Reset.

As Abbot Olivier Rioult says, it’s clearly a matter of enslaving the whole of humanity, “… by means of a globalist, materialistic, and totalitarian project which temporally benefits a very small minority of Jewish and non-Jewish Mammonites […].”


M. S. King, The Evil Professor Frederick Lindemann, The Truth Seeker.



Frankie Stockes, “Biden: America Will ‘Very Shortly’ be ‘Minority White.’ Joe Biden is vowing to make America’s founding population a minority in their own country,” National File, October 2, 2023.

In Coudehove-Kalergi’s autobiography it is stated that at the beginning of 1924, he was supported by Baron Louis de Rothschild and Marx Warburg who offered to finance his pan-European Union movement for the next three years, giving him 60,000 gold marks.

Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, Practical Idealism, Paneuropa Publishing, 1925.

Charlemagne Prize, Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia.

Paul-Éric Blanrue, Sarkozy, Israël et les Juifs, Marco Pietteur, 2009, p. 196.


Gearóid Ó Colmáin, “Rothschild’s ‘Slaughter Ships.’ Coercive Engineered Migration: Zionism’s War on Europe (Part 4 of 11),” Dissident Voice, 2016. Cited by Scott Howard, The Open Society Playbook, Antelope Hill Publishing, p. 223.

Austin Ruse, Fake Science: Exposing the Left’s Skewed Statistics, Fuzzy Facts, and Doggy Data, Regnery Publishing, 2017, p. 171.

Jacques Attali, “Jerusalem Capital of the New World Order,” YouTube.

“The Great Reset (3),” Faits & Documents, no 489, 2020.

Luc Ferry, The New Ecological Order: The Tree, the Animal, and Man, Grasset, 1992, p. 128.

Guy Boulianne, La Société fabienne: Les Maîtres de la subversion démasqués, Éditions Dédicaces, 2019, pp. 401-491.

Zbigniew K. Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, The Viking Press, 1970.

Rosa Koire, “UN Agenda 21,” From Rome, 2020 (video).

Guy Boulianne, work cited.

Nicolas Bonnal, “Bill Gates wants to make us eat shit,” L’Échelle de Jacob, 2020.

Rosa Koire, video cited.

Quoted by Ivor Benson in The Zionist Factor: A Study of the Jewish Presence in the 20th Century History, Veritas Publishing Company, 1986, p. 48.

Abbot Olivier Rioult, De la question juive : Synthèse, Éditions Saint Agobard, 2018, p. 45.
