VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow writes: We’re once again cross-posting Occidental Dissent’s Hunter Wallace, this time his powerful speech to the 20th Anniversary Celebration for James Edwards’ The Political Cesspool radio show. Wallace very kindly gives me, the great Pat Buchanan and several other VDARE.com writers credit for inspiring and informing him politically over the last almost 25 years (!)
He also celebrates the fact that, in spite of a corrupt GOP Establishment, numerous self-appointed gatekeepers, the ongoing communist coup, Deep State plotting, and, in VDARE.com’s case, New York Attorney General Letitia James’s unscrupulous lawfare, our ideas are winning with the Republican base (a.k.a. America).
We’ve added many links to Wallace’s speech—delivering it out loud, obviously he didn’t need them—and that includes links to the round dozen of polls he cites that show Americans are starting to see what’s going on.
https://t.co/o1UWOKxEKW pic.twitter.com/41wuC9I6l5
— Hunter Wallace (@LutherEnjoyer) April 24, 2024
Hunter Wallace: I delivered the following speech at The Political Cesspool 20 Year Anniversary Conference this morning.
Mitt Romney: "We are connected to the rest of the world. Our economy is connected to the rest of the world…I laugh at the phrase 'America First…'" pic.twitter.com/6wS2Yljp8R
— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) May 16, 2024
Young Tucker Carlson perfectly describing new Tucker Carlson, nearly twenty years ago.
— Han Shawnity