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Radical Centrist Platform to Resolve the Gender Wars, by Robert Stark

18-5-2024 < UNZ 53 1068 words

Incel ideology is radical centrism in that it is biological determinism yet obsessed with equality and talks about sex in Marxist dialectics. However, radfems especially the more racist ones, are also radically centrist. This is because they want generous social safety nets and greater social empowerment for women but austerity and mass incarceration for low-status men, while often using racist rhetoric toward men of color.

Radical Centrism is not a coherent political movement but describes anyone who takes extreme positions from both the left and right. Both incels and radfems are low status and politically successful movements need to appeal to people with status. However, a hypothetical radical centrist political program would have to make concessions to groups that are at odds with each other, including seeking to reconcile the gender wars.

Radfem Hitler’s Radical Centrist Proposal

While women with talents in specific fields like science or art should be supported and promoted, I am opposed to broader female economic empowerment and affirmative action programs for women. However, the Right also needs to be realistic to the reality that most women have to work and that one-income households are a luxury, at least until automation replaces most jobs.

I support UBI, which is a compromise on gender issues, as it would benefit both poor single moms and male NEETs. I am moderately pro-choice but in favor of some sane limitations and restrictions. Long-term, artificial wombs could resolve the abortion issue. I am not entirely opposed to no-fault divorce, under the condition that alimony law is reformed to be fairer to men.

Since men commit most crime, especially violent crimes, law and order is one issue where feminism overlaps with the Right, despite soft on crime Lib Fems. I support a balanced approach to crime, supporting moderate and practical law and order issues but oppose carceral feminism or criminal justice based on hyper moralism. Radfems want more draconian stalking and domestic violence laws, which have the potential to erode civil liberties and get into “he said she said” situations. My standard for law and order is that one should feel safe walking around a major city at night.

Tough on crime policies were a bourgeoise racist middle class reaction to the excesses of social liberalism and integration, but also a nobles oblige policy toward the lower classes with an element of white knightery. Basically, protect women and families of the proletariat by penalizing anti-social underclass males. Rich women already have high security and economic segregation, so they can get by supporting woke causes like defunding the police. There is also an argument that mass incarceration is eugenic because it separates thugs from society in their prime reproductive years. Radfems also seem to want to put incels in forced labor prison camps.

Natalist tax breaks, generous paid maternity leave, IVF, and in the future artificial wombs are examples of policies that are eugenic but also in line with feminism. For instance, feminist Scandinavia has healthier fertility than more traditional societies in Southern and Eastern Europe. While monogamy is the ideal, I am not necessarily opposed to sperm banks. Encouraging and even subsidizing eugenic sperm banks for r-selected women might make more sense than either trying to coerce monogamy or subsidizing dysgenic choices. Radfem Hitler seems to want White women to become like the Black proletariat but combined with eugenics, which she points out is already common in parts of Europe.

source: @dialgatime321 on X

Modern society is eugenic for males but dysgenic for females. When Alt-Right types say they want eugenics, they’re implying that eugenics should be extended to women as well. The big irony is that hypergamy, as well as having more offspring becoming a status symbol for the wealthy, is somewhat offsetting dysgenics. The current situation is good-looking Chads as well as thugs breeding, while nerds are getting bred out, except for religious nerds.

The future may not be Ideocracy but rather a caste-based society where the rich practice eugenics with automation making the incel issue worse, as well as crashing fertility among the middle class and poor. Porn has done a good job placating incels and AI GFs and sexbots could very well further quelle incel rage in the future.

Both women and men should be encouraged to be pickier about their mating choices, though this is tough to impose on the r-selected. We should allow the r-selected to be degenerate under the condition that their behavior is framed as low status and k-selected people are encouraged to self-segregate from the r-selected.

While incels should get help in self-improvement to become attractive to women, sex therapy should be subsidized and encouraged, sex work should be legal but highly regulated, and there should be monetary-like setups, that could be secular, new age, or part of a traditional religion. While I totally get wanting to ban dating apps like Tinder, going against technological progress is futile and bound to fail. A tongue and cheek proposal is to have it a custom for high status attractive women to let incels go down on them as an act of nobles oblige. It becomes a fad or novelty for rich women and a way for elites to sublimate disgruntled young men while giving them access to intimacy.

High status men are invested in the status quo, average beta males signal against incels due to their own insecurity, and low status women resent their status-matched men. Thus any limitations on the sexual options of high-status men will have to come from high-status women who want to secure a Chad who does not cheat on them.
