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Editor’s Update

17-5-2024 < Counter Currents 48 654 words

516 words

Dear Friends of Counter-Currents,

There’s a lot going on at Counter-Currents, so I thought I would combine several announcements into a single post.

The 2024 Fundraiser

We started the 2024 Fundraiser at the end of March. Our goal is $300,000. We got off to a good start, raising $11,236.48. I want to thank everyone who helped out.

But after just three weeks, disaster hit: we were debanked due to political persecution. Debanking let to the shutdown of our echeck service, which is the principal way we receive donations and Paywall  subscriptions.

The good news is: We now have a bank account, and the echeck service is working again.

The bad news is: Donations and sales were dead for more than three weeks. That’s almost a month, and there are only 12 of those in a year.

We desperately need to get the fundraiser back on track. We have bills to pay, projects to launch, a world to change. So if you were thinking of making a donation to Counter-Currents sometime this year, I’d like to ask you to do it now. It would be a huge help.

You can visit our Donate page here.

The Counter-Currents Reader Survey

On Wednesday, we closed out the Counter-Currents reader survey.

  • 5,053 invitations were sent.

  • 540 people completed the poll. More than 10% of the invitees.

  • 146 people started but did not finish. We will have to look into why, to improve the poll for the next round. Still the completion rate is 78%.

The $500 prize was awarded. All the data was downloaded from the website. Then, to give hackers nothing to find, we deleted all the data from the site.

Now we are analyzing the data. Then the hard part begins: putting our findings into practice. By understanding you better, we hope to improve both our inreach and our outreach, to convert new people.

Since knowledge is power, most of the data will not be published. But David Zsutty shared some interesting preliminary findings, which we will now update based on the final numbers.

Sex Ratio

  • 91.6% of our respondents are male, 8.4% female.


  • The average age of our readers is 46.4.


  • The average IQ of respondents is 130.

Myers-Briggs Types

  • 46.3% of respondents are INTJ (Architect), compared to only 2.1% of the general population.

  • 18.5% of respondents are INTP (Logician), compared to 3.3% of the general population.

  • 10.7% of respondents are ENTJ (Commander), compared to 1.8% of the general population.

  • 6.7% of respondents are ENTP (Debater), compared to 3.2% of the general population.


  • 36.2% have bachelor’s degrees.

  • 19.3% have master’s degrees.

  • 6.7% have PhDs.

  • 6.1% completed law school.

  • 1.3% completed medical school.

To put this into perspective, 23.5% of Americans aged 25 and up had obtained a bachelor’s degree and 14.4% had completed an advanced degree such as a master’s degree, professional degree or doctoral degree as of 2021.

This Saturday’s Livestream

On this Saturday’s Counter-Currents Radio livestream, I will be joined by David Zsutty of the Homeland Institute to discuss another poll, the Homeland Institute’s recent poll on attitudes toward natalism and proposed pro-natal policies.

Join us at noon PST/3 PM EST/9 PM CET on:



Send questions & donations to Entropy:

Thanks for your loyal readership and support!

Greg Johnson
