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Newly-Unveiled Portrait Of King Charles III Swimming In A ‘Sea Of Blood Red’ Shows The Image Of Baphomet When Placed Side By Side In Reverse

16-5-2024 < SGT Report 83 379 words

by Geoffrey Grinder, Now The End Begins:

The brand-new and official royal portrait of King Charles III ‘swimming in a sea of red’ officially confirms conspiracy theories about him being the Antichrist

Even though I still see Emmanuel Macron as the leading candidate for the biblical ‘man of sin’, what King Charles III did yesterday when he unveiled his brand-new official portrait of himself was a total rock star move. You might even say it was, as the English might remark, ‘just a tad shocking’. If King Charles III was looking to keep his name alive amongst end times students of prophecy, he nailed it yesterday. A direct descendant of Vlad the Impaler who waits 70 years to become king of England, and his official portrait has him swimming in a sea of blood red. Well done, old chap, and cheerio. But wait, there’s something else you should know.


Not only is his portrait swimming in a sea of blood red, it is also a huge portrait, approaching Genesis 6 giants size. As if the red was not shocking enough it has to be physically intimidating as well. Now let’s talk about that butterfly. King Charles III attends a church that at one time was a Christian church, the Church of England, but in our day is a functional Roman Catholic institution. Charles is well-versed and steeped in New Age spirituality, so the butterfly in his portrait would signal his ‘rebirth’ as a king, a ‘new beginning’, as well as perhaps a ‘message from the spirit world’. Whatever you think of him and his portrait, people across the board are duly shocked by what they saw, and they should be. It is a shocking piece of art, and just maybe, a message of what’s to come. One last thing. In the main photo for this article, I took the liberty of showing you his portrait two times, with the one photo given a horizontal 180-degree flip. If you look in the middle of this hand-painted and intentional portrait, you see the head of Baphomet. But I’m sure that’s just another one of those crazy ‘coincidences’, right?

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