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Why Terrence Howard Is Wrong: 1×1=1

13-5-2024 < Activist Post 56 1075 words

By Neenah Payne

Terrence Howard is an American actor who had his first major roles in the 1995 films Dead Presidents and Mr. Holland’s Opus. Howard broke into the mainstream with a succession of television and cinema roles between 2004 and 2006. He was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in Hustle & Flow. Howard had prominent roles in Winnie, Ray, Lackawanna Blues, Crash, Four Brothers, Get Rich or Die Tryin’, Idlewild, August Rush, The Brave One ,and Prisoners. He played James Rhodes in the first Iron Man. He currently stars as the lead character Lucious Lyon in the television series Empire.

Howard has also been getting lots of attention for his mathematical theories which he presents in his book, videos, and at universities. In the 5/7/24 video below, Joe Rogan says, “The guy who interviewed me for Rolling Stone said Howard as a legitimate genius”. So, it is worth taking a closer look at Howard’s ideas now – especially since his core thesis (1×1=2) is wrong.

Is Joe Rogan Confirming Terrence Howard’s Theories? “He Is A Legitimate Genius”

Why 1 x 1=1

In his  free 162-page online book One Times One Equals Two, Howard explains that the “x” used in multiplication means “to multiply” – and thus to increase in value. So, he concluded that the 1×1=1 in the multiplication table is wrong because there is no increase in value. So, he believes  the multiplication table should begin with “1×1=2”.

The 9/14/15 Rolling Stone article Terrence Howard’s Dangerous Mind points out:

He had a theory…a long time ago he’d gotten hold of this notion that one times one doesn’t equal one, but two. He began writing down his logic, in a language of his own devising that he calls Terryology….

He just seems so convinced that he’s right. And that he is about to change the world. “This is the last century that our children will ever have been taught that one times one is one,” he says. “They won’t have to grow up in ignorance. Twenty years from now, they’ll know that one times one equals two. We’re about to show a new truth. The true universal math….

After high school, he attended Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, studying chemical engineering, until he got into an argument with a professor about what one times one equals. “How can it equal one?” he said. “If one times one equals one that means that two is of no value because one times itself has no effect. One times one equals two because the square root of four is two, so what’s the square root of two? Should be one, but we’re told it’s two, and that cannot be.” This did not go over well, he says, and he soon left school. “I mean, you can’t conform when you know innately that something is wrong.”

“Times” Means Instances (Not Increase)

While Howard’s other insights discussed further below may be valid, this article explains why Howard is wrong in his statement that 1×1=2. Howard’s understandable mistake is in thinking that the “x” (read as “times”) used in multiplication means to increase when it simply means to count the number of times or instances, as explained below.

So, for example “3 x 6 = 18” can be read as “3 times 6 equals 18” or “3 multiplied by 6 equals 18”. However, what it really means is “3 instances of 6 add up to 18”. In other words, it means that when 3 occurs on 6 occasions, the result is 18. So, it could be read “3 on 6 occasions” or “3, 6 times equals 18”.

With that understanding “1×1 =1” is correct because it means “one instance of one equals one”. It shows that 1 is occurring 1 time just as “1×2-2” shows that 1 instance of 2 equals 2.

Howard starts discussing his belief that 1×1=2 at 24 minutes in the video below.

“What’s 1×1?” Terrence Howard Interview 12/8/23

The Flower of Life

Few Americans or Europeans have heard of Sacred Geometry since it is not taught in school or mentioned in the corporate media. Why Sacred Geometry Matters So Much! explains that Sacred Geometry is represented by the Flower of Life, the template for all creation.

Amazon says about The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek:

Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern — the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness, we fell into darkness and forgot who we were. For thousands of years, the secret was held in ancient artifacts and carvings around the world and encoded in the cells of all life. Now we are rising up from that sleep, shaking old, stale beliefs from our minds and glimpsing the golden light of this new dawn streaming through the windows of perception. This book is one of those windows.

Howard delves very deeply into hidden meanings of the Flower of Life in his book and videos – including the one below. He believes he has discovered insights that Pythagoras, DaVinci, and Newton were searching for but never found!

Terrence Howard Talks About a 6000-Year-Old Secret (OMG!!!)

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

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