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The Abstract episode 30 “8 States BANNING CHEMTRAILS”

12-5-2024 < Activist Post 37 2054 words

By Peter A. Kirby

It appears that the issue of chemtrails and geoengineering is finally starting to go mainstream. This is largely due to the fact that Tennessee has recently signed a bill into law which effectively bans weather modification activities and there are 7 other states with similar bills in the works. For a thorough understanding of chemtrails and geoengineering, please buy and read the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.


On April 11, 2024 Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed SB 2691 (formerly HB 2063) into law. The new law goes into effect on July 1. SB 2691 was introduced by Representative Monty Fritts (R) and had 14 co-sponsors.

The law is very brief. It amends an already existing law. It simply states that, “The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.” Violators face charges of a class C misdemeanor with fines of up to $10K per day, per violation.

Representative Fritts notes that SB 2691 has been promoted in response to a 2023 Biden White House report which asserts the need for spraying the Earth with tens of thousands of megatons of toxic chemicals.


The legal movement resulting in Tennessee’s successful bill started in Illinois over a year ago. In January of 2023 Illinois Senator Neil Anderson (R) introduced SB 0134. This bill was definitely a trial run. It’s very bare bones. It simply outlaws ‘cloud seeding,’ but is not specific and provides no investigatory process or penalties for violators. The bill was shuffled around in committees and never received a vote. It is now stalled.

New Hampshire

Late last year, New Hampshire Representative Jason Gerhard (R) introduced HB 1700-FN also known as The Clean Atmosphere Preservation Act. The bill prohibits the intentional release of pollutants associated with weather and climate modification. It also bans excessive electromagnetic energy (EM) pollution and provides penalties for violators.

The bill explicitly asserts states’ rights under the 10th amendment to the Constitution ‘where federal programs and restrictions have become oppressive or destructive.’ The bill specifically outlaws federally approved and/or funded activities that violate the provisions of HB 1700. HB 1700 also stipulates that foreign state-sponsored programs and programs sponsored by international bodies that violate the provisions of this bill can be banned in perpetuity from engaging or applying to engage in activities that violate the law.

Reports of violations are to be made to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. Enforcement is performed by county sheriffs and the N.H. Department of Environmental Services, Air Resources Division of Compliance. Under this proposed law the state of N.H. is required to actively solicit for evidence of violations from the general public.

Violators of HB 1700-FN will have committed a felony and shall pay at least $500K or be imprisoned for at least 2 years or both. Every day that offending conduct is carried out is treated as a separate offense. Perpetrators are also subject to other applicable New Hampshire environmental laws.

HB 1700-FN is to take effect upon passage. Now is this what we have been waiting for or what? As we will see, subsequent proposed legislation in other states has apparently been modeled on HB 1700-FN.

South Dakota

On January 31 of this year, South Dakota Senator Tom Pischke (R) introduced SB 215. SB 215 has 3 co-sponsors and it has already passed the Senate Agriculture and Natural Resources committee 7-0. Like the New Hampshire bill, SB 215 outlaws both polluting emissions and excessive EM in the course of weather/climate modification activities. SB 215 appears to have been modeled on New Hampshire’s bill. Like New Hampshire’s bill, SB 215 says that federally and/or internationally authorized weather/climate modifying activities violating SB 215 are not legal in South Dakota under the 10th amendment.

SB 215 mandates that the state of South Dakota encourages the general public to collect and report information pertaining to potential violations. Such evidence is to be reported to county sheriffs and the Governor. Anti-geoengineering activists been collecting evidence like this for many years: rainwater samples, video evidence, etc.

The parameters for polluting EM violations are very specific. Reports of violations are to be made to the local county sheriff’s office. The bill provides that local sheriffs are to be assisted by scientific experts at state colleges and universities when necessary. If the sheriff corroborates any violations, the violations are to be reported to the Governor’s office. Local sheriffs as well as the Governor can issue cease-and-desist orders with the weight of a court order.

The Governor can call upon the adjutant general of the South Dakota National Guard in order to notify any aircraft of their violations and command them to ground the aircraft at the nearest available airport so that they may be further investigated. The Governor can also call upon State agencies such as the State police and the Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources to assist in the investigation. Owners and operators of offending facilities are required to produce operational records pertinent to the investigation. If warranted, entire facilities can be completely shut down. Further legal penalties for violations of SB 215 are not yet specified, but sheriffs finding violations are required to report those violations to the state’s attorney for prosecution.


On February 9 of this year Kentucky Representative Steve Rawlings (R) introduced HB 506. The bill has 5 co-sponsors so far, but has not had any committee votes yet. In many ways it is similar to the N.H. and S.D. bills.

Kentucky HB 506 bans the intentional release of all polluting emissions used in weather and climate modification. The bill gets a little more esoteric than others though. There are mentions of masers and artificial intelligence.

HB 506 provides for citizen input pertaining to possible violations. This input is to be solicited through notices in media publications as well as on the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection (DEP) website. The bill requires all local and state officials to report any evidence of violations within 24 hours. Investigations of possible violations are to be made by the commissioner of the Kentucky DEP and HB 506 imbues the DEP with power to stop any offending activities and level penalties against those found to be in violation of the law. HB 506 challenges the federal government’s authority in these matters by saying that the DEP will issue notice to the feds if they authorize spraying activities over Kentucky. The DEP is also authorized to put other countries on notice.

Violators of the anti-geoengineering provisions of HB 506 (there are some things in the bill that do not pertain to geoengineering) face a minimum of a $500K fine as well as the penalties of a class D felony. Each day a violation is committed, it is treated as a separate offense.

Rhode Island

On March 1 of this year Rhode Island Senator Elaine Morgan (R) introduced SB 2540, also known as “The Rhode Island Clean Air Preservation Act.” There are no co-sponsors of the bill yet and it has not yet been put to a committee vote.

SB 2540 bans all types of atmospheric pollutants associated with climate and weather modification activities and provides penalties for violators. Like other proposed legislation, SB 2540 asserts states’ rights under the 10th amendment. It notes that violative activities authorized by the feds are not legal in R.I.

SB 2540 differs from the others in that it notes that the ‘combustable agents’ in weather engineering aerosols combined with EM radiation, “causes the desiccation of all biological life and contributes to draught and the hazard of catastrophic forest fires.” Like the Kentucky bill, SB 2540 mentions that AI might be responsible for running climate and/or weather modification activities.

Under SB 2540 the R.I. government is to encourage the public to monitor for and report violations. What constitutes evidence that the state can use is outlined in detail. This type of evidence collection is stuff that our anti-geoengineering community has been doing for many years. The bill stipulates that local universities and colleges are to assist the state police in investigating EM violations.

Potential violations of SB 2540 are to be reported to the R.I. state police. The R.I. state police may then report violations to the Air National Guard. The state police are concurrently empowered to issue a cease-and-desist order with the weight of a court order to violators. They are also empowered to seize violators’ records.

Violation of SB 2540 would result in a felony charge and at least a $500K fine or imprisonment for at least 5 years, or both a fine and imprisonment. Each day of violation is treated as a separate offense. There may be further penalties from associated laws.


On March 7 of this year Minnesota Representatives Jeff Dotseth (R), Eric Lucero (R) and Justin Eichorn (R) introduced HB 4687. HB 4687 bans the dispersion of all climate and/or weather modifying substances as well as the ‘excessive’ use of EM. There have been no committee votes yet.

County Sheriffs are required to encourage people to report potential violations. County sheriffs are also responsible for investigating reported violations and are required to report violations to the Minnesota attorney general. In the discovery of evidence, the cooperation of state universities and colleges is required. In investigations, the bill also allows for the assistance of the Minnesota National Guard. HB 4687 allows for sheriffs and county commissioners to immediately shut down offending activities, then refer perpetrators to the attorney general for prosecution. Violators are subject to being charged with a felony and a fine of $500K.

Like other proposed laws, the bill challenges the authority of the feds, foreign nations and international bodies that may have authorized or otherwise supported violations of HB 4687.


Lastly, Pennsylvania’s anti-geoengineering bill is in the formative stages. The prominent senator Doug Mastriano, who ran for Pennsylvania governor on the Republican ticket in 2022, has stated his intention to introduce the legislation. Mastriano has made repeated references to the chemtrail phenomenon on social media.

The passage of the law in Tennessee and associated activity has suddenly spurred the mainstream media into life. After years of near total silence, there’s been a flurry of activity lately the likes of which I’ve never seen. There’s suddenly 30-40 new slavestream media articles published online on the subject of ‘chemtrails.’ Of course they’re all hit pieces, but there’s no such thing as bad press. It couldn’t get much worse.

My take is that these bills are game changers. By the way the mainstream media is reacting, this looks like the tipping point in the chemtrail information war. Not only that, but almost all of these bills have teeth. Almost all of these bills set the stage for a real confrontation between the people and the chemtrail sprayers and, given a fair fight, the people will never lose.

These bills are straightforward and elegant in their simplicity. The votes taken thus far indicate overwhelming support and momentum. Everything I’m seeing here indicates a successful effort. It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. I intend to keep covering this story. Please stay tuned. I’m already figuring on my next report.

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Peter A. Kirby is a San Rafael, CA researcher, author, and activist. Please buy his books Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project and The Fall of San Francisco available now exclusively at Amazon. Also please join his email list at his website

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