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Remembering John Magufuli — the late Tanzanian president who exposed the coronavirus farce

11-5-2024 < Activist Post 48 1392 words

By Dr. Mathew Maavak

The Magufuli government revealed how samples drawn from a papaya, a quail, a goat and engine oil, among others, can generate a positive test result for Covid-19!

On May 3, 2020, when the global coronavirus hysteria reached a crescendo, Tanzanian President John Magufuli announced that his agents had secretly sent samples from animals, fruits and even engine oil to the National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) for testing.

Many of these samples, which were secretly labelled as specimens taken from humans — with fake names and biodata included — had unsurprisingly tested positive for Covid-19. You can watch the damning televised disclosure below.

This shocking revelation should have sent ripples throughout the international community. Instead, the eye-popping revelations were clinically cauterised and buried by the mainstream media.  In fact, when I first heard of this incident, I found it next to impossible to find a verifiable original clip of Magufuli’s televised announcement. This went on for nearly two or three years. The incriminating clips were either taken down as soon as they appeared online or they were shadowbanned beyond the reach of the casual inquirer.

As a result of these shocking false positive test results, which involved specific samples taken from a papaya, a quail and a goat no less, Magufuli not only questioned the credibility of NPHL’s scientists and laboratory equipment, he was effectively questioning the legitimacy of the global coronavirus agitprop as well. (Years earlier, Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis had warned of possibly dodgy test results based on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique he had developed).

Magufuli’s revelations led to the sacking of the NPHL’s top honcho, Dr. Nyambura Moremi, and the lab’s quality assurance manager, Jacob Lusekelo, the very next day (May 4 2020),. Up till then, around 480 Tanzanian residents had allegedly tested positive for Covid-19.  Perhaps as part of a damage-limitation exercise, Tanzanian Health Minister Ummy Mwalimu commissioned a “10-man special committee headed by Prof Eligius Lyamuya to investigate the collection of Covid-19 samples at the laboratory”.

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The committee, “which comprised six university dons and three laboratory experts, was supposed to present its findings within 10 days. The committee’s members also included  Prof Said Aboud, Prof Gabriel Shirima, Prof Stephen Mshana, Prof Rudovick Kazwala, Dr Thomas Marandu, Dr Mabula Kasubi, Dr Danstan Hipolite, Viola Msangi and Jaffer Sufi.”

The findings of the committee were never released. After Magufuli’s disclosure, Tanzania promptly abandoned efforts to mimic pandemic response measures enforced worldwide. The Tanzanian approach to Covid-19 thereafter paralleled that of Sweden, where there were no mask or vaccine mandates as well as restrictions on mass gatherings. Yet, we didn’t hear of mass Covid-19 casualties from Tanzania.

Tanzania’s sensational revelations, while censored in the global mainstream media, were however seeding doubts among the minds of Africans. Much of the continent consequentially registered single-digit vaccination rates till mid-2022 — the last time Google published national vaccinations stats around the world. (I should have just screenshot them but alas).

In fact, for two and a half years after the onset of the global “pandemic”, I couldn’t find a single video clip showing mass hospitalisations anywhere in Africa. You would think that a continent mired in extreme poverty, lack of sanitation and healthcare facilities would be decimated by an allegedly deadly contagion. But it never happened — even as we were subjected to reports of overcrowded hospitals, overburdened healthcare systems and fables of heroic doctors elsewhere. Remember the famous Wuhan flops? (It later transpired that many of these reports and video clips were outright faked).

Magufuli subsequently died in office on March 17 2021 and his demise was attributed to a supposedly long-running heart condition. Some media sources predictably insinuated that Magufuli had contracted and died from COVID-19. The coronasceptics, on the other hand, believe he was murdered.

In lieu of direct proof, I sought anecdotal evidence over foul play. Did the death of Magufuli coincide with a surge in foreign aid to Tanzania? The last verifiable data in this regard was somewhat muddied from mid-2021 onwards but I am betting that hundreds of millions of dollars may have been distributed between mid-2021 and mid-2024 through multilateral agencies which shill for the globalist agenda.


According to the World Investment Report of 2022 published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), foreign direct investment (FDI) into Tanzania rose by 35% to US$922 million in 2021 from $695 million in 2020. In 2023, the World Bank announced funding worth $1.1 billion to “support climate resilience, urban services, and inclusive growth” in the country while the IMF approved $150.5 million in budgetary support for Dar es Salaam.

Any largesse distributed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or its affiliates, post-2021, would have been viewed with extreme suspicion. Padding up Tanzania’s budget so that local resources could be redirected towards mass vaccinations would have been the ideal globalist strategy. And the outcome was predictable. In partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), Tanzania emerged as “the best performing among 34 African countries for concerted support by the COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership. From a poor coverage of 2.8% of the total population by mid-January 2022, Tanzania recorded an exponential increase to 51% as at April 2023.” The US government was heavily invested in this mass vaccination initiative.

The WHO web release dated April 20 2023 further states the following:

Because of the dramatic achievement, Tanzania has become the best performer among 34 countries that were below 10 percent of target population by January 2022.  WHO, UNICEF and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance launched the COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (CoVDP) in January 2022 to advocate for the urgency in turning vaccine doses into vaccinated, protected communities that had low performance. The CoVDP, supported the countries overcome (sic) bottlenecks to vaccination… As of the February 2023 (sic), a total of 32,093,549 people have been fully vaccinated in the United Republic of Tanzania which translates to about 45% of the total population and 87% of the target population above 18 years.

No mention on how many unvaccinated Tanzanians had died from mid-2021 to February 2023. Besides, one of those “bottlenecks” must have been President John Magufuli himself. Now that Magufuli and a handful of other sceptics have either been removed or silenced, expect a surge in “sudden and unexpected” deaths throughout Africa. For the past two years, we have indeed become accustomed to “sudden and unexpected” deaths among young, healthy African athletes.

The top scientist at the NPHL was also quietly reinstated to her former position in 2024. According to The Citizen, it was “probable that the (previous) investigations never found anything against the researcher. If that was the case, why wasn’t she exonerated earlier after the Tanzanian commission had concluded their 10-day study in 2020? Why did her reinstatement take four full years? The globalist overlords probably needed time to sort out how much was needed to “incentivise” whom in the Tanzanian calculus. The euphemism for this multi-pronged strategy would be couched in terms of “continuous political buy-in, cross-sectoral collaboration and involvement of implementing partners” — which is exactly how the WHO described it.

Magufuli was not the only national leader to cast doubts on the global Covid-19 hysteria.

To read more, please click on this link.

Dr Mathew Maavak specialises in systems science, global risks, strategic foresight, geopolitics and governance. He has published numerous Op-Eds on a variety of eclectic subjects for over 20 years – by ‘connecting the dots’ in a disjointed world. Subscribe to his Substack

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