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GOP Bill Aims to Designate Student Protesters As 'Terrorists' And Put Them On The No Fly List

10-5-2024 < Blacklisted News 63 566 words

AIPAC-funded senators Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Roger Marshall (R-KS) have put forward a bill seeking to designate student protesters as "terrorists" and put them on the No Fly List for protesting Israel.

"Very simply stated ... if you're spewing hatreds towards Jews or anybody then we want you to go on the No Fly List," Sen. Marshall told Fox Business earlier this week while touting the bill.

Though Marshall said it would apply to "Jews or anybody" having "hatreds" spewed at them, the text of the bill actually incredibly says it's only for Jews.

The whole bill is only three pages but Marshall clearly didn't bother to read it despite slapping his name on it. Some AIPAC lobbyist must have handed him the bill and he just immediately signed onto it without a care in the world.

From Fox News, "Hamas sympathizers could be added to list that includes terrorist suspects if GOP bill becomes law":

Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., is introducing the No Flights for Terrorists Act, which would put individuals on the Transportation Security Administration’s no-fly list if they have encouraged violence against Jews, pledged support for terrorist groups, or have been disciplined by higher education institutions for such conduct.

Terrorist organizations are designated as such by the secretary of state, and include Hamas, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, Palestine Islamic Jihad and the Palestine Liberation Front. Currently, the no-fly list is a small subset of the terror watchlist that contains the information of known or suspected terrorists.

[...] The legislation will be filed as an amendment to the Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization currently moving through the Senate.

This bill specifically empowers the FBI to put anyone -- student or professor -- who says they "support" Hamas or any of the other "designated terrorist groups" on the No Fly List.

Right now, that's perfectly legal speech protected under the First Amendment but Republicans and Democrats are working tirelessly with bill after bill to outlaw criticism of Jews and Israel as "hate speech."

The fact that Blackburn and Marshall's bill says explicitly it's only to protect Jewish people is simply remarkable as it's a blatant violation of the Equal Protections Clause but that's where our sold out Congress is now at.

[Header image by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 DEED]

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