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8-5-2024 < Blacklisted News 36 3207 words

by Paul Cudenec

A lot of people in France are unhappy about the prospect of this summer’s Olympic (and then Paralympic) Games.

Part of this, I suppose, stems from a widespread dislike of anything associated with authoritarian plutocratic president Emmanuel Macron, the diminuitive former Rothschild [1] banker with an ego the size of the Eiffel Tower.

But there is also unease about the way the country, its capital in particular, is effectively being rented out, prostituted if you like, to The Global Community.

This impression was confirmed by an official poster for Paris 2024, depicting the city as an amusement park constructed for the passing pleasure of the international leisured classes.

Ordinary Parisians are being asked to pay the price in a variety of ways.

While a lot of talk has been of the removal of the famous book stalls from the banks of the Seine, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Workplace rights are coming under serious attack, with government threats to ban strikes during the Games and even to prevent certain employees, such as shopworkers, from having their usual weekly day off or from going on holiday during that part of the summer. [2]

Meanwhile, it is planned to dislodge 2,000 students from their accommodation at Crous to make way for staff required for the Olympics.

The youngsters have been resisting the move, which they say shows nothing but contempt for their well-being and their education. [3]

Another concern is the proposed social cleansing of all those who don’t fit the bright-and-shiny corporate image of Paris.

This is very much part of the Olympic spirit everywhere. The Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions has estimated that the Olympics displaced more than two million people over two decades, often disproportionately affecting disadvantaged groups. [4]

This time around, some 7,000 homeless people, including asylum seekers, are to be forcibly removed from Paris and dumped in provincial locations. [5]

And in Vitry sur Seine, authorities have announced they will be evicting one of the biggest squats in France, in which 450 people have housed themselves in a disused office building. [6]

All this is so that Paris and its environs can present a “postcard” image for the Olympic tourists rolling in this summer.

The “cleaned-up” city will also be coming under what looks like military occupation, even ahead of the opening ceremony.

35,000 police will “saturate the space”, in the words of Paris’s police chief, backed up by 25,000 private security personnel. [7]

These will be joined by more than 2,000 foreign soldiers from countries including Poland and Germany. [8]

A particularly alarming element is the use of drones, which has been authorised to continue well after the end of the summer sports – until March 31 2025!

Observers fear that this is in fact a means of trying out and normalising a fixture that will become permanent.

Artwork by Bruno Blum

A recent article by journalist Hermine Le Quellec points out that this would not be the first time and that the 2012 London Olympics were also used to introduce massive levels of surveillance.

She describes how QR codes on a mobile phone app will be required to access key areas, with airport-style body scanning also deployed.

“Residents who have not fled their neighbourhood, turned open-air prison, will only be able to drive to their homes on condition of filling in a certificate of residence on the same app”. [9]

The opening ceremony will involve the use of 900 surveillance cameras, including some carried by drones, covering every square inch of the site, with AI algorithms analysing the images in real time and biometrics in use.

While facial recognition is not officially supposed to be part of this, Le Quellec reveals that for the last nine years police forces across France have been using the Israeli Briefcam system in which this can be activated in just a few clicks.

She warns that the Olympics, along with other big sporting events, are being used to push through increased levels of surveillance and control, leading us ever closer to a future of smart-city incarceration.

When you combine this with French trade unionists’ complaints that the Games are being used to turn people into “slaves of capitalism”, [10] a disturbing picture emerges.

While all of this cannot be blamed on the Olympic movement – the collaboration of the domestic authorities is obviously required – it is certainly playing an enabling role.

The modern Olympic Games must have seemed like a positive idea when they were launched at the end of the 19th century.

The original charter described the idea of Olympism as being “a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind”.

It added: “Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.” [11]

It only took a few years, though, for a rather different Olympic spirit to reveal itself.

In 1928 Coca-Cola sponsored the Olympic Games in Amsterdam and, as the International Olympic Committee (IOC) points out, has sponsored “every Olympic Games since”. [12]

This included, naturally, the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, which Adolf Hitler used as a showcase for his public-private Nazi regime.

What is the real nature and purpose of a global institution that can embrace and combine the American “capitalism” of Coca-Cola with German “national socialism” as well as, at subsequent events, Russian [13] and Chinese “communism”?

We can see what the Switzerland-based Olympic entity is really all about via its own website.

The IOC talks a lot about “development”, that sly term that really describes the extraction of all possible wealth from people and nature and its transfer into the pockets of the “developers” themselves.

One of the stated objectives of what the IOC calls “Olympic Solidarity” is “urging governments and international organisations to include sport in Official Development Assistance”. [14]

This latter term is a technical category used by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – based at a former Rothschild property, Chateau de la Muette, in Paris [15] – to measure foreign aid, which can take the form of strings-attached grants or of loans.

This detailed interest in financial affairs seems rather strange for an Olympic movement founded on a love of physical exercise and “ethical principles”...

I wrote a couple of years ago about the network of grooming projects, all with similar names, set up by the global mafia to churn out obedient proxies to front the management of their corrupt empire. [16]

I explained that the most notorious of these was the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders project, but there was also “le programme Young Leaders” and “Les Young Leaders franco-britanniques” in France, the Queen’s Young Leaders project in the UK and Commonwealth, the Commonwealth Future Leaders, the London-based Future Leaders Network Ltd, a Future Leaders project in New Zealand, an Italian Young Leaders project, the Asia 21 Young Leaders scheme, the Johannesburg-based Africa Leadership Initiative Young Leaders… You get the picture.

Brace yourself for a shock, because the International Olympic Committee also has a Young Leaders Programme! [17]

This boasts that 94 chosen individuals have “impacted” more than 30,000 lives in 66 countries, addressing no fewer than 10 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the process.

“Knowledge of the UN Sustainable Development Goals” is even listed as a key attribute for applicants. [18]

The website explains: “The IOC Young Leaders programme is delivered over four years to give participants sufficient time to go through the phases of developing a social business/project that provides a localised sport-based solution to a pressing challenge in their respective communities.

“Each year of the programme is designed around the development of the young leader and their sport-based social business/project.

“Overall, the learning journey encompasses a wide range of subjects and experts, in areas such as human centred-design, prototyping, ecosystem mapping, leadership skills, customer segmentation, public relations, fundraising, impact measurement, user research, user testing, digital communications and finance”. [19]

“Impact measurement” of course refers to impact “investment”, a digital slave-system closely tied in to the UNSDGs and the smart city project of the Fourth Industrial Revolution aka The Great Reset – see the special Winter Oak page for more information. [20]

By a further extraordinary coincidence, the IOC also boasts its own date-linked “Agenda” programme on the lines of the globalist “Agenda 2030”.

The latest version is called “Olympic Agenda 2020+ 5” [21] and right from the start its language echoes that of the WEF’s Klaus Schwab in his notorious 2020 book Covid-19: The Great Reset. [22]

Under the heading ‘The Olympic Movement: turning challenges into opportunities’, it declares: “As we launch Olympic Agenda 2020+ 5, the slogan ‘change or be changed’ that inspired Olympic Agenda 2020 remains more compelling than ever.

“Recent times have seen the emergence of some near-universal trends, many of them accelerated by the COVID-19 health pandemic. The world will never be again like it was before the crisis.

“As challenging as the circumstances may appear right now, if we draw the right lessons, we can seize the opportunities they offer. In this way we contribute to shaping the post-coronavirus world by strengthening the Olympic Values”.

The IOC is virtually paraphrasing Schwab when it continues: “COVID-19 has accelerated the digitalisation of society. The physical and digital worlds are progressively merging. This gives us the opportunity to further embrace digital technology as a powerful tool to address people more directly and promote the Olympic values, while keeping in mind that currently about half of the world’s population remains digitally underserved”.

Among its Agenda’s recommendations are to “consider the addition of physical virtual sports in the Olympic Programme” and to “encourage the development of virtual sports and further engage with video gaming communities”.

So this is what is meant today by the Olympic ideal of “combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind”?

The echoes of Davos are again evident when the IOC declares: “Throughout the impacts of COVID-19, the gaming industry has continued to grow, highlighted by a 30% growth in gamers, 75% growth in gaming usage and the industry being worth an estimated USD 159 billion in 2020.

“Video games are bringing communities together with people gathering around their passion”.

Video games are bringing communities together. Yes, of course, just like war is peace and slavery is freedom.

Needless to say, so-called “sustainable development” also gets a mention in the Agenda: “Competition for limited resources is increasingly leading to conflict, climate action is at a tipping point, and the interdependency between healthy people and a healthy planet is unmistakable. Amidst this evidence, sport has been recognised as an important enabler of sustainable development. We have the opportunity to make a real difference through our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals”.

Behind all the “healthy” rhetoric lurks a distinctly unhealthy obsession with finance and here the IOC’s recommendation is to “create partnerships with Development Banks or other development organisations to increase investment in sport infrastructure and scale the impact of sport for sustainable development”.

Its concluding recommendation is to “innovate revenue generation models” via “mutually beneficial purpose-led partnerships” and to “diversify Olympic revenue sources (such as global e-commerce, commercialisation of social media and Olympic-related gaming)”.

The most enlightening statement from the IOC can be found on the “Peace and Development” section of its website.

It tells us: “The IOC cooperates with partners, including numerous United Nations agencies, as well as international governmental and nongovernmental institutions, on projects which use sport as a tool for development and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. [23]

There we have it, in plain sight at last: “use sport as a tool for development”!

It is quite clear from all this that the “Olympics” entity is just another tacky tentacle of the usual criminocratic octopus.

While its spectacular staged events are not of the same kind as world wars, fake pandemics, phoney revolutions, false-flag terrorism or other Great Reset devices, they do serve the same masters and the same purposes.

As we have seen, they propagandise and glorify global criminocratic power, whether this is presenting itself as Nazism, Communism or Sustainable Development.

We have also seen how they are used as excuses for social cleansing, for the removal of people’s rights, for gentrification of urban spaces – their confiscation by the rich.

The Olympics are also used to tighten the totalitarian noose around our necks, to restrict our movements, ramp up the surveillance and control, to promote technocracy, digitalisation and impact slavery, nudging us ever closer to the nightmare concentration-camp future our rulers have lined up for us.

But most of all, they are about making money. Great heaps of money. The biggest haul of gold does not go to the winning team of athletes but to the ever-victorious team of profit-seeking parasites.

Communities which host the events do not, overall, economically benefit from the exercise.

Economics professor Andrew Zimbalist says that merely bidding on the Olympics makes cities a victim of the International Olympic Committee and explains: “They cost between $10 billion and $20 billion and generate in the range of $4 billion to $5 billion”. [24]

As a “tool for development”, the Olympic Games open up money-making possibilities for those whose agenda they advance.

They are a racket in the proud Fascist tradition of public-private partnerships – everything from the bidding process to the building of venues, accommodation and new transport infrastructures represents an Olympian opportunity for those on the inside to make a financial killing.

Corruption is endemic, essential even, to the whole bandwagon. Bribes, exploitation, money-laundering – every conceivable form of profiteering is offered by this infernal mafia roadshow.

This is not mere speculation on my part. Last summer, French investigators searched the Paris Olympic organisers’ headquarters as part of corruption investigations into contracts linked to the Games.

And, as Associated Press’s report pointed out: “Corruption allegations have hung over the world’s biggest sporting event many times”. [25]

The Olympic Games are corrupt because the global empire of which they are part is made of corruption.

Attempts by various opponents of that entity to disrupt or even halt the Paris Olympics are likely to be numerous, despite all the security and repression.

Even if the putrid globalist jamboree does manage to go ahead in 2024, let’s hope that it is for the very last time.

[Audio version]

“We don’t want your shitty Olympics”

[1] See Paul Cudenec, ‘Enemies of the People: The Rothschilds and their corrupt global empire’.–1.pdf
[3] La Tribune des Travailleurs, mercredi 10 avril 2024.

[5] La Tribune des Travailleurs.
[7] Nexus, no 151, mars-avril 2024.
[8] La Tribune des Travailleurs.
[9] Nexus.
[13] See Paul Cudenec, ‘The False Red Flag’.–1.pdf
[15] Paul Cudenec, ‘A developing evil: the malign historical force behind the Great Reset’.
[16] Paul Cudenec, ‘Puppets of Power’,
[22] See Paul Cudenec, ‘Klaus Schwab and his Great Fascist Reset’,
