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Fill Out the Counter-Currents Movement Poll Now!

6-5-2024 < Counter Currents 42 822 words

723 words

Dear Counter-Currents readers,

I am very pleased that almost 350 of you have taken our poll. I wish to thank you for taking the time to help us build a better movement together.

I am not so pleased, however, that this number was out of almost 5,000 people who were invited to take the poll. That’s quite a bit less than 10%. If I sound like a perturbed non-commissioned officer, it’s because I used to be a Staff Sergeant in the United States Air Force. To some extent I still am, although I have the pleasure of actually serving our people now instead of that flying circus.

Yes, this will require some time and effort on your behalf. How much? Most respondents have finished the poll in slightly more than 30 minutes. If you work slower and have to take some of the personality tests, it might take 45 minutes. It certainly should not take more than an hour.

Time is precious because it is our scarcest resource, so let’s put this into perspective.

A game of Forntite is on average 20 minutes long, so I am asking you to sacrifice the equivalent of three Fortnite matches. Playing 18 holes of golf takes four hours on average, so I am asking you to sacrifice one-quarter of a golf game.

This is not insignificant given that most people lead busy lives with work, school, homework, commuting, grocery shopping, housekeeping, etc. But this time investment shrinks to nothing compared to the sacrifices of our political prisoners. For example, at the time of writing Rob Rundo is being unconstitutionally denied bail by judicial fiat and has already spent months in prison for the supposed crime of defending veterans and MAGA grannies from antifa savages. My friend Christian Secor was sentenced to three and a half years in prison for having peacefully sat in Mike Pence’s magic chair of Our Democracy on January 6 — and over twice the “agreed upon” sentencing guidelines due to a suspicious loophole in a coercive plea deal at that. Sam Melia in the United Kingdom was sentenced to two years for putting up stickers that did not contain anything illegal. Sam missed the birth of his child because of it.

These heroes have sacrificed months or even years of their lives for the cause. I am only asking you for an hour, and probably less.

Furthermore, like a good NCO I am not asking you to do anything that I am not prepared to do and have not already done myself. I am a Counter-Currents reader, so yes, I took my own poll. More importantly, though, I was an energetic activist in Identity Evropa, which was the premier white pro-white activist organization of its time. During my first year of law school, I would wake up early on the weekends to put up propaganda advocating for our people. It would have been easier to sleep in and play video games, but I had a culture war to fight. I was not going to let the First Amendment — which I had erroneously thought I was defending while I was in the Air Force — be trampled upon without a fight, the risks of doxing be damned.

Some people find it difficult to donate because of Bidenomics. Other can’t do activism or attend conferences for a variety of other reasons, some of which are perfectly valid (and which I want you to tell us about in the poll!). But I am nevertheless confident that everyone who has been invited can spare an hour over the course of several weeks to complete the poll. This is a great way to contribute to the struggle, even if it is difficult for you to do so in other ways.

If this wasn’t important, I wouldn’t be asking like an NCO. But we are in the midst of a culture war, and so we need to think and act as effectively as possible. While it may seem like a small thing, your contribution will provide us with critical intelligence data that we need to draw up our strategy for moving forward.

It is said in military intelligence that negative intelligence is also intelligence. I certainly hope that one of our findings isn’t that fewer than 10% of Counter-Currents readers have the dedication to take a poll. But I believe in you, so I am confident that won’t happen.
