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The Only Reason White Women Shouldn’t Hate Themselves

2-5-2024 < Counter Currents 35 1412 words

1,264 words / 9:15

Since growing up cocooned in economic wealth is far likelier to shield a person from life’s harsher realities than merely growing up white, writer Nellie Bowles is spoiled to the point where she stinks. She’s descended from Henry Miller, but not the softcore porno novelist — the Evil White Male who helped bankroll Bowles’ charmed and risk-free life was the “Cattle King of California” who “was at one point one of the largest landowners in the United States.” Bowles inherited everything except a pretty face. It takes a rare sort of cluelessly rich cunt to brag about being awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to Swaziland, and you have to be sheltered to a nearly psychedelic degree to think Jordan Peterson is some sort of scary misogynist.

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But at some point Bowles apparently decided she wasn’t sufficiently annoying by dint of being a trust-fund shiksa who barks endlessly about white patriarchal privilege, so she converted to Judaism to appease her lesbian wife Bari Weiss, whose name is German for “Barry White.” Weiss, a former writer for the Wall Street Journal and New York Times, is the author of a 2019 book called How to Fight Anti-Semitism, which I imagine is as exhausting to read as it is to constantly pretend you have to fight anti-Semitism. As Glenn Greenwald has documented, despite Weiss’ public posturing as an anti-“woke” free-speech warrior, she has left a long slime trail of trying to silence anti-Zionist Arab scholars.

Bowles and Weiss were able to produce a daughter together in 2022, but don’t ask me how the pair of lesbo power-yentas was able to magically pull that little rabbit out of a hat without the assistance of some Evil White Male sperm.

On Tuesday, The Atlantic published an article by Bowles called “Are White Women Better Now?” Not only does the meandering screed never get around to answering the question, I’m not even sure what question it’s posing: Are white women better now than when? And “better” in what sense?

The article contains so many passages that make me want to grind my teeth until my gums bleed, but I’ll mercifully only roll out a few:

There I was, one of about 30 people attending a four-day-long Zoom seminar called “The Toxic Trends of Whiteness,” hosted by the group Education for Racial Equity.

Sounds like a blast.

The course began with easy questions (names, what we do, what we love), and an icebreaker: What are you struggling with or grappling with related to your whiteness? We were told that our answers should be “as close to the bone as possible, as naked, as emotionally revealing.” We needed to feel uncomfortable.

I’m starting to feel uncomfortable, too.

People said they felt exhausted by constantly trying to fight their white supremacy. A woman with a biracial child said she was scared that her whiteness could harm her child. Some expressed frustration. It was hard, one participant said, that after fighting the patriarchy for so long, white women were now “sort of being told to step aside.” She wanted to know how to do that without feeling resentment. . . .

A woman from San Francisco had started crying before she even began speaking. “I’m here because I’m a racist. I’m here because my body has a trauma response to my own whiteness and other people’s whiteness.” A woman who loved her cats was struggling with “how to understand all the atrocities of being a white body.” Knowing that her very existence perpetuated whiteness made her feel like a drag on society. “The darkest place I go is thinking it would be better if I weren’t here. It would at least be one less person perpetuating these things.”

Stop it. I’m starting to get horny.

And then, just when you think the article can’t epitomize white-female virtue-signaling self-flagellation any better, Bowles trots out the intensely brittle and easily shattered Robin DiAngelo of White Fragility infamy as her surprise ringer:

The seminar would culminate with a talk from Robin DiAngelo, the most prominent anti-racist educator working in America. . . . Seminars like hers exploded as anti-racism was shifted from a project of changing laws and fighting systems into a more psychological movement: something you did within yourself. It was therapeutic. It wasn’t about elevating others so much as about deconstructing yourself in hopes of eventually deconstructing the systems around you. . . . She introduced some challenges. First was white people’s “lack of humility”: “If you are white and you have not devoted years, years — not that you read some books last summer — to sustained study, struggle, and work and practice and mistake making and relationship building, your opinions while you have them are necessarily uninformed and superficial.”

It’s rich to behold rich white women such as Bowles and DiAngelo proudly bludgeoning themselves in narcissistic, navel-gazing public struggle sessions about “humility” over their “unearned privilege,” when in reality they’re both wallowing in ritualistic public struggle sessions about unearned guilt. Notice how they never apologize for being women, or rich, or especially for being Jewish, whether by blood or by conversion — only for being white.

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It leads me to wonder whether one day, this small cadre of wealthy, mentally disturbed ethnomasochists will realize that despite all of their empty gesturing, it won’t ever absolve them of the Great White Stain. Will they be forced to learn the hard way that not only is “whiteness” the original sin, it’s also the unforgivable sin? Although European ancestry is a verifiable biological reality, “whiteness” as people such as DiAngelo frame it is purely a social construct, but one constructed as a death sentence. Trying to apologize your way out of whiteness is like trying to apologize your way out of AIDS.

Is it possible that the only way for modern white women to redeem themselves is not through renouncing their whiteness, but by cuddling up to it and giving it a big, sloppy kiss?

Lest anyone accuse me of trying to make excuses for white women, I feel compelled to declare as indisputable fact that no one reading this has been more physically or verbally abusive to white women than me. Just as I’ve come to believe that “anti-Semitism” is mostly caused by Semites, I also think that women are the culprits behind nearly all “misogyny.” They are a breed largely without honor. There are exceptions, but on the whole they are weak and cowardly and traitorous and infantile. Often they don’t even practice good personal hygiene.

So I understand there’s a lot of entirely justified bitterness out there toward white women. For far too long, many white women have leveraged their status as a protected gender as a Pussy Pass to pile on white men.

If white women insist on these creepy performative acts of self-immolation, there are countless good reasons they can hate themselves. Hate themselves for being women. Hate themselves for being all too human. And if they want to hate themselves for being the undeserving recipients of predatory capitalistic intergenerational wealth, I’ll let them know where they can send me the reparations check.

But if you truly believe that white people have been marked for extinction, you’ll have to concede that until cyberneticists develop some 3D-printer version of a white womb, we’ll at least need to humor white gals and charm them into breeding with us if we hope to stave off our demographic death spiral.

White women, I hereby grant you my permission to hate yourselves for everything except being white.

Jim Goad
