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America First Legal — or Is It Israel First?

1-5-2024 < Counter Currents 45 1528 words

1,383 words

The first and fiercest punishment ought to fall first on the traitor, second on the enemy. — Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

I was cautiously optimistic about America First Legal (AFL). Their mission statement proudly proclaims in part: “We believe that all Americans deserve a government that puts their needs, their interests, and their country FIRST.” It was founded in 2021 by Stephen Miller, who had a strong track record on immigration from his time in the Trump administration. Miller touts AFL as “the long-awaited answer to the ACLU.” To AFL’s credit, they have done a lot of good work.

On April 26, however, AFL posted on X that they had “. . . sued Biden’s Department of Education for illegally hiding records regarding the pro-Hamas college rallies with foreign extremists happening across the country. Many of these students are here on F-1 student visas. Hamas sympathizers should be deported!”

Sadly, America First Legal has become illustrative of the fact that we cannot work with Zionists. In an alliance with Zionists, we will always be the junior partner in the relationship — even though white Americans should be the senior partner because this is our country. When Jews run white societies and organizations, white resources will be diverted to serving Jewish interests. And whenever our interests collide, Jewish interests will take precedence every single time.

AFL’s latest lawsuit may seem good at first glance. A lot of Muslim students are Leftist troublemakers who might as well wear rainbow burkas, and they take the seats of white students in the zero-sum game of college admissions. Deporting them would further trigger the Left, causing more conflict and chaos, which would be to our advantage.

This is all a trap. Stephen Miller is Jewish, and he is pursuing Israeli interests at the expense of our interests.

First, he is smearing the optics of the broader Right by associating them with genocide in Gaza and snipers on college rooftops, and during an election year at that. It is likely that the Democrats will manage to damage their own optics even more, but this is not an assumption a serious Republican should make.

Second, he is undermining the First Amendment. As much as I do not believe that free speech should encompass foreigners coming to America to mouth off at white people and subvert our country, that’s obviously not what this is about. I doubt Miller ever seriously pushed for deporting foreign students who were anti-white during Black Lives Matters’ ascendancy, just as Governor Abbott of Texas has sent more troops to college campuses to protect the feelings of entitled Jewish students and professors — many of whom revel in anti-white hate — than to protect our southern border. The AFL’s lawsuit is part of a broader trend of Zionist Republicans (pardon the redundancy) trying to carve out a novel exception for anti-Semitism within the First Amendment contrary to its black-letter meaning, common sense, our history and traditions, and mountains of caselaw. In politics, the who is more important than the what or the how, and the who here is the Jews — not whites, and not even generic Americans. Free speech is the bedrock of freedom, but Miller is happy to throw it out the moment it becomes inconvenient for Jews.

You can buy Jonathan Bowden’s collection The Cultured Thug here.

The First Amendment issue flows into the third issue. This will solidify tactics to suppress dissent which were originally and almost exclusively used against whites, and which will probably be used against us again. At the very least, the threat of their use will continue to dampen our freedom of speech and assembly.

Charlottesville was a trap in which Leftists conspired with the police to cause chaos so that they could then complain about it and file lawsuits. Key to this was disingenuously attacking everyone involved in the event as a Hollywood villain ready to fire up the gas chambers simply because they opposed the destruction of historical monuments. It helped that a suspicious person brought a suspicious flag with suspiciously fresh creases, and there was a dead body to performatively mourn. This allowed the Left to isolate their target for lawfare and cancel culture.

January 6 was another trap in which the regime had dozens of agents present to stir things up, and the police antagonized and lured the crowd into the “sacred temple of Our Democracy™.” The media then comically exaggerated their actions and slurred them as insurrectionists with operatic levels of choreography.

I don’t need my tarot cards to predict that the campus protests will see a repeat of these same tactics of police brutality, entrapment, false flags, and agent provocateurs. They’re already using “Hamas supporter” as a slur to isolate their targets, just as they have previously done with “neo-nazi” and “insurrectionist” — and with the same connotations of violence and extremism.

This is going to end with blood and mass incarcerations — for real, not like the catch-and-release of the BLM era. These tactics will probably enjoy wild success, because while the nationalists and MAGA crowd have already gone through painful experiences with the powers-that-be, the Left has no experience at all, because thus far they have fought in tandem with regime interests — or at least could be co-opted for regime interests. I almost pity them.

This does not mean that we should support the protestors. Both sides are anti-white, and thus our objective enemy. We might want to encourage them from the sidelines, because in a fight between various anti-white factions, whites win. But we should not allow either side to dragoon our scarce resources into a conflict that is no more in our interests than the Iraq War.

In the wake of October 7, some have suggested that we ally with Leftists and Muslims due to their imminent legal persecution. I would welcome this in theory, but in practice I am opposed, because they could never drop their anti-white hate, as it is the cornerstone of their ideology. Cooperating with the protestors would just get us a knife — or a scimitar — in our backs.

Cooperating with the Zionists is untenable for the same reasons. They might be more polished and sophisticated, but their actions show that they see us merely as a resource to exploit. The tactics of state oppression that they are using against the campus protestors today were being used against us yesterday, and will be used against us tomorrow as well. Some of us cheered when the PATRIOT Act was first employed against Muslims, but we are wiser now. If history is any indication, the anti-Semitism exception to the First Amendment will be expanded to target white advocacy, just as the PATRIOT Act was.

It is lamentable and unethical that the AFL and Miller are using donor money to propagate cancel culture when many of those same donors undoubtedly contributed in order to fight cancel culture. The AFL’s website even brags about fighting cancel culture and promoting freedom of speech. This brings an important point into focus: the Left is anti-white, and the mainstream Right is pro-Israel. Neither side is pro-white.

Only those who are explicitly pro-white can be trusted to use white resources wisely, especially money. This is why I would like to ask you to consider donating to Counter-Currents, the Homeland Institute, or another pro-white institution rather than mainstream political institutions, even if they appear to be doing good work. They have plenty of other donors, many of whom are Jewish and will insist on putting Jewish issues first. You should do the same for your own people.

Further, if friends and family with more mainstream views donate to such political causes, I would humbly ask that you consider suggesting that they donate to pro-white causes — or if that isn’t feasible, at least direct them toward the better mainstream causes. You might also point out the natural implications of the stark disparity in the establishment’s treatment of the violent BLM riots of 2020 and the (thus far) peaceful campus protests of 2024.

Israel already mooches enough off of our people through tax money. We shouldn’t voluntarily give them even a single additional cent out of charity.
