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China Is Buying US Food Supply Chain

1-5-2024 < Activist Post 35 1205 words

By Neenah Payne

Most Americans are not aware of the multiple threats China is posing in America now. China is waging a different kind of war as shown in Unrestricted Warfare: China’s Master Plan to Destroy America. Fortunately, a growing number of Americans are waking up and sounding the alarm!

Kristi Noem is the Governor of South Dakota. She is a rancher, farmer, small business owner, married, mother of three children, and New York Times bestselling author of Not My First Rodeo: Lessons Learned From the Heartland. In 2010, after serving in the South Dakota House of Representatives from 2007-2011, Noem was elected as South Dakota’s lone member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 2011-2018. In 2018, she was elected as South Dakota’s first female Governor. In 2022, Governor Noem was re-elected with the largest vote total in the history of South Dakota.

Governor Kristi Noem Sends Ominous Warning To America

‘WAKE UP’: Kristi Noem sends ominous warning to Americans 3/24/24

House Hearing: The Danger China Poses To American Agriculture

Gov. Noem’s book No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward will be available on Amazon on May 7 and can be pre-ordered now.

Governor Noem discusses the dangers that China poses to American agriculture.
She explains that the Chinese government has been taking over our food supply chain including our:

  1. Fertilizer companies, controlling our ability to access fertilizer

  2. Chemical companies

  3. Processing facilities

Governor Noem warns,

Now they are coming for our land which will complete their control of our food supply. Between 2010 and 2020, the Chinese Communist Party’s holding of American agricultural land increased by 5,300%. China now owns about 384,000 acres of American farmland valued at over $2 billion When America can’t feed itself, it becomes a national security issue…. Recent media reports show that the largest Chinese holder of American farmland is shipping food and medical supplies to China to be stockpiled by the Chinese military.

Governor Noem points out that China claimed the land it bought in South Dakota was for a corn processing plant, but there wasn’t enough corn in that area to supply the plant. However, the plant is just miles from a military installation. Governor Noem explains that America cannot buy land in China and there’s no reason Americans should allow China to buy land here.

Kristi Noem Warns Of China Threat To U.S. At House Agriculture Committee Hearing 3/24/24

Trump Would Ban Chinese Investments in US Farmland and Industries

Trump vows to ban Chinese investment in US farmland, industries if he retakes WH

Former President Donald Trump says that if he retakes the White House, he will ban Chinese nationals from buying US farmland or owning telecommunications, energy, technology and medical supplies companies. “China is buying up our technology. They’re buying up food supplies. They’re buying up our farmland. They’re buying up our minerals and natural resources. They’re buying up our ports and shipping terminals. And with the help of corrupt influence-peddlers like the Biden crime family, China is even trying to buy up the pillars of the US energy industry,” the 45th president says.

“While some are focused on China’s purchases near power plants and military bases, the fact is we should be very concerned about all Chinese Communist activity in the United States. As I’ve long said, economic security is national security,” Trump continues. “China does not allow American companies to take over their critical infrastructure and America should not allow China to take over our critical infrastructure … To protect our country, we need to enact aggressive new restrictions on Chinese ownership of any vital infrastructure in the United States, including energy, technology, telecommunications, farmland, natural resources, medical supplies and other strategic national assets.

“We should stop all future Chinese purchases in these essential industries. And we should begin the process of forcing the Chinese to sell any current holdings that put our national security at risk,” the former president goes on. “If we don’t do this, the United States will be owned by China.”

Limits on foreign ownership of U.S. farmland gain support in Congress, despite skepticism 3/17/23

Bipartisan momentum is building in Congress to restrict China and other foreign adversaries from purchasing U.S. farmland, a reflection of a similar push by some states as well as apprehension over Chinese spy balloons, rising land prices and growing international competition.

“Foreign ownership of agricultural land threatens small family farms and the overall health of the agricultural supply chain,” wrote a bipartisan group of House lawmakers in a Feb. 27 letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, condemning the department’s insufficient foreign transaction reporting from 2015 to 2018.

“I don’t think we should be allowing countries who don’t give a damn whether we exist or not to own land, whether it’s farmland or agribusiness, in this country,” said Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana in a Feb. 28 Senate committee hearing. “I believe that one acre of American farmland owned by the Chinese Communist Party is one acre too many,” said Republican Alabama Sen. Katie Britt in the same February hearing. And while policy and legal experts outside Congress believe a national restriction on foreign ownership could get passed this session, they also believe there could be challenges in its rollout, as well as unintended consequences for the agricultural community. John Schwarz, a row crop farmer and lawyer in Cass County, Indiana, questioned if any national bill would be enforceable due to the sheer scope of farmland in the country. He suggested it may be better left to counties and localities to handle.

More Information

The Fall of Critical Thinking
Documentary: No Farmers No Food!
Explosive Documentary: The War on Children
China’s Two Border Threats To America Now!
Woke: Chinese Communist Attack on America
Documentary: Deception At Our Southern Border
FBI Warns China Is Poised To Hit US Infrastructure!
Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Breaching Military Base
Documentary: China’s 100-Year Plot To Defeat America

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image: China Uncensored/YouTube

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